I have recently been accepted for Cimizia. Healthcare at Home (HAH) agreed to deliver it to my place of work which was very convenient. I need a nurse the first couple of times to help me administer it. They've agreed to come into my workplace so that I didn't have to take time off. Can't complain about that- well done HAH ☺
Healthcare at Home- great service!: I have recently... - NRAS
Healthcare at Home- great service!

Im glad you have managed to get the treatment and the funding. I hope you can find a quiet room where you can do your jab at work, they say to alternate between thigh and stomach but i never felt comfortable doing the thigh so i alternated sides on my stomach with intention of going like a clock with my naval at the centre anf going on opposite times like 12 then 6 and 3 then 9 etc. Make sure you take out the medication from the fridge at least 20 minutes before doing your jab, the liquid is thicker at colder temperature and you definately feel it more with a cold injection. I really hope it all works well for you. Blessings. Leon
I would agree, great service!
Brilliant news. I have Cimzia delivered by HAH and so far so good. It might be worth considering asking for a small sharps box for work. The one they supply is large and would be cumbersome to take to
Sounds like a plan...may I ask: did you have any sort of reaction at first with your loading dose? I teach so need to be on top form 😆xx
Yes they deliver my Benepali been on it for 3months and no complaints so far excellent service