Hi everybody, with the winter and colds and flu coming, I wonder whether anybody can advise on vitamin supplements. I take a mega Vit C every day in the winter, but are there other supplements that can help the immune system? I'm on HCQ for RA. I'd appreciate any advice anybody has on this. Thanks xx
Vitamin supplements: Hi everybody, with the winter and... - NRAS
Vitamin supplements

Generally you don't want to take anything that boosts the immune system, as the problem with RA is an over active immune system. To my mind, a healthy diet, normal standards of hygiene, and trying to avoid people who sneeze at you is about as good as you can get.
Thanks - I understand the dilemma between suppressing the immune system with the dmards and trying to ensure that it fights colds etc., and I thought there might be some middle ground between the two. Some of the websites suggest boosting your Vitamin D, calcium and Vitamin B12, along with things like glucosamine sulphate and fish oils. I wonder whether anybody finds this useful.
There's a difference between 'boosting' the immune system so avoid things like echinea, and just making sure that your body has the right substances to function...ie vitamins and minerals and food generally. Personally I spend my money on a good diet, but I have been tested for Vit D and calcium as these are important, and so have VIt D supplements prescribed (my calcium is fine).
I think the research shows that of all the things, glucosamine and fish oils are the most likely to have a positive effect. But I eat loads of oily fish, so don't bother with these either.
So I think it's very individual as to what suits you best...anchovies on toast or fish oil supplements?
Love anchovies, and whitebait, both excellent source of vitamins Babs x
Thanks yes, I do love mackerel (although the tinned variety - my partner is vegetarian and doesn't like the smell of fish very much, so it's difficult to cook it from fresh at home. He's a pain!) Anyway, I try to eat fish whenever I go out to eat; anchovies and whitebait - yum!!
Thanks that's very useful info. I try to eat mackerel whenever possible but my diet is mainly vegetarian due to living with my vegetarian partner. The fish oil capsules are like horse pills to take they're so big. It's interesting that you've been tested for vitamin deficiency. Is this something the doctor could do?
Thanks for that - I'll mention this to my GP at my next appointment.
Hi...I was diagnosed about 2 years ago and on HCQ only for the past year. I was told by my Rheumatologist to take Vit D 2000IU daily.
I take milled chia for the Omega 3 as it's a milled powder and so no fishy smell or large tablets/capsules to swallow. The powder can be incorporated in daily meals/baking.
Dear Ksee,
Thanks for that - that's very useful. Yes, I saw the recommendation for the Vit D amount on the Arthritis Research website; it also helps to absorb calcium supplements. I like the idea of the milled chia - I'll have a look for it today in the health shop. Thanks again
There was an article in the British Medical Journal last week concluding that taking extra dietary supplements is unnecessary on a good mixed diet and may be harmful in excess. They found that there were no good quality studies showing any benefit and that the emphasis on this comes mainly from manufacturers and sellers.
I do think that you need to be careful that you don't do yourself any harm and that includes spending money on supplements which could be better used to pay for time at the local leisure centre!
Hi, thanks for your advice. I know that you have to be very careful with certain supplements, eg Vit A, but I have looked on the Arthritis Research website and there's a couple of vitamin supplements they recommend, eg Vit D and Vit B12. However, I may ask the advice of the pharmacist at the health shop today about all this. As for the leisure centre, I go to the gym three times a week to stay supple and fit, so money well spent there! Thanks again.
As mentioned above, having your doctor do blood work to check your vitamin D level is really important. From what I understand, many people with autoimmune disease can be vitamin D deficient. Once it was discovered that I was and they put me on a vit D supplement, it made quite a difference in how often I became ill with colds and flu. All the best to you.
Many thanks. I've just been into the health shop in town and have purchased some Vitamin D, plus some B12 and glucosomine sulphate so fingers crossed I'm now prepared for the winter (plus mega Vitamin C of course). Thanks again
I saw a naturopath who suggested that I take vitamin C and Echinacea to boost my immune system. She felt that it would help me from getting colds but wouldn't impact my RA. BIG MISTAKE! Within a week I started flaring. Upon quitting it, the flares went away. I would be VERY CAUTIOUS about taking anything that boosts the immune system. The reason you have Rheumatoid Arthritis is that your immune system is OVER active. If your pain and inflammation is because your immune system is working TOO hard, then you certainly don't want to BOOST it! You're allowed to experiment, but do be cautious. And read the ingredients in any cough suppressants, etc, as many of them (especially the "natural" ones) include those immune-boosting herbs and vitamins.
I've actually been less sick or prone to colds since taking all these drugs to suppress my immune system. Don't know what to make of that, but I find it interesting.
PS Sorry for my overuse of caps. I really wish we could italicize or underline! I like to be EMPHATIC!
Dear Karen, thanks very much for your reply. I agree that we need to be cautious about boosting the immune system; I've researched some vitamins and I think that the ones I'm taking (Vit C, D, B12 and calcium) are more to do with ensuring a healthy body than actually counter-acting the immune-suppressant drugs (if that makes sense). Anyway, I took them all over last winter and barely had a cold. I also had a flu injection recently. It's a fine line I know, but hopefully I'm doing the right thing. I've never had echinacea and am generally a bit sceptical about herbal remedies anyway. Fingers crossed x
Sounds like you are taking a good approach! I think the best thing to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands frequently, try not to get sneezed on as Helix Helix said (haha), and get a good night's sleep every night!
I take magnesium, vitamin D and Omega 3 (fish oil) as well as a probiotic (when I remember). With all the drug medication I *have* to take, I try not to add too many more pills. Good luck to you! Here's hoping for a healthy winter!