4 months smoke free on April 12, 2019. I smoked for 43 years. I think about it every day but know that If I smoked now, I would be so disappointed in myself. I will stay strong!!!
New but strong: 4 months smoke free on April... - No Smoking Day
New but strong

Stay strong Barndog, 4 months is really good. Like me a lot of years with the fags and it seems to be an ongoing commitment that we have to battle to stay off them. I haven't gained the new unbridled health we are told we will get!!!! But I am sure it will come eventually!! I just got up off my knees from weeding and sat on a log and thought I would have probably sat there and smoked 3 or cigarettes over time! I reckon since I stopped I would have not smoked probably over 7500 cigarettes. Hard to get my head around that I would have jammed that many in me!!!!! So it must make a huge difference hey. Stay strong and let the dog out of the barn sometimes!!!!
Hi ! Im nearing my 66th day and like you I will stay strong. For myself, my 2 children and all the others that are behind me in this process. One day at a time it is happening

It's a horrible habit and costs a lot. You will stay strong. And I bet there will come a day where you don't think about it every day.

Welcome Barndog , congratulations on over 3 months smoke free, well done!
They say it takes to the 6 to 12 months mark to be comfortable in your new found smoke free lifestyle, keep that guard up and ready to attack at times

Thank you for the support!!! Everything here reminds me that I'm not the only one in this fight and am in a place that understands the daily battle!!