Am quitting chantix a month early. Smoked 35 years and have quit many times, but never more than 5 days until now.
I'm new here. Quit 48 days ago w Chantix & ... - No Smoking Day
I'm new here. Quit 48 days ago w Chantix & now getting off meds and a bit scared. Any tips to keep my quit if cravings come back?

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Exsmo..Welcome, you really did well...To answer both your posts..Champix (Chantix) is a wonderfull aid to help you quit....It is not a magic pill and does not make you stop...You must want to stop....Chantix mimmics nicotene and the receptors in your brain except this as nicotine althoug it is not...It is an intersting chemical prosess...!! and will effect you in different ways...!
After 35 years smoking your brain is wired to only be happy and relaxed when there is nicotine and to get that altered or returned to normal is a long prosess..That is why Chantix is perscribed for 12 weeks.
I would reccomend to complete the whole perscription...
I was a hardcore 60 a day smoker for 38 years and could stop with the aid of Champix and never looked back.....I am lucky to be able to do some extra excercise and surely a great advantage because your body and brain will need something else than nicotine to work on...
If possible just go for long walks and enjoy nature to get the mind completely off smoking...
Stay strong!!!
Thanks for your advice Hercu. Am on half dose since Tuesday due to side effects increasing beyond what i can tolerate.
I have a genetic disorder, FMF, and have been in the longest flare ive ever had. Am unsure if it's the meds, or just the quit, but have barely been out of bed for last 4 weeks & can't keep fom falling asleep. My eyes have dried so I can't read long and that is what's freaking me out most. Did any of this happen to you?
I go to a recovery group 1x a week and i walk by the ones who are not trying to quit smoking. (Its a group for people recovering from overeating to drug addicts) We dont have quit smoking only groups. This week was the first week it didn't smell good to me. I thank G-d for that!! I haven't really smelled or tasted anything better either, kind of metallic tasting actually, but i read that could be part of lungs cleaning themsleves or gums healing. What a process and reminder of damage smoking causes! If I hadn't already quit, the article stating we smoked our gums like people smoke meat in a smokehouse! Ugh
May i ask how long did it take til you felt normal again? Congrats on 2 years! That's awesome and i hope to be where you are in quit 2years from now.
Exmo...I am sorry that Champix hits you hard because it works so well if the side effects is bearable.
I was one of the lucky ones, that firstly wanted to quit and secondly had very little side effects except for the nausia on the morning tablet.
I still wonder how long will it take to be "normal" but my life started to change back the way it should be from 3 months and up to date there is continious improvement
What I am trying to say that there is not a day /night change to the better but rather a winter to summer change in perspective...
It really gets better !!
Hi again, I would strongly recommend that you visit your GP and do some bloods. The mettalic taste you described is a well known symptom of anemia , which also comes with extreme tiredness. I am not a doctor but because I have a severe deficiency in b12 those symptoms and migraines are red flags for me. Instead of blaming the quit or the champix, I would suggest a trip to the gp...hopefully I am wrong
Mmaya, thanks so much! Am not sure what to blame it on. I keep reading many chantix blamed symptoms are actually nicotine withdrawal. I also have familial Mediterranean fever a rare periodic fever disorder that U.S.A. dr.s don't understand well. I will ask gp for tests for anemia. Really appreciate you letting me know that! Am feeling very confused/foggy still so am glad for all advice. Since halfing my dose i have had more thoughts of cigs, but i never want to smoke one ever. Will do my best to stay on full 3 months.
I already have enormous problems sleeping anyways, when I stopped smoking it got worse because of the withdrawal symptoms and the champix really made that worse. I used to have terribly nasty dreams. So I just stopped the night pill and I carried on, if the cravings were a bit too much in the evening, I would just go to sleep.
A lot of water is vital, I know it sounds not important but it actually makes all difference because again...the biggest symptom of dehydration is that foggy/ confusion / tiredness feeling.
Just to eliminate that of the equation, have 2 ltr of water per day just for 2 or 3 days and see what difference it makes.
I hope you feel better soon.
I also wanted to ask if you had cravings when you went off Chantix?

I'm on Champix too, lots of people have told me to make sure I stay on them for the whole 12 weeks, so I'm going to, in fact I may ask for more if I still feel a bit wobbly, they are my life saver!!
It's up to you but I would stay on them until the end of the course.
Good luck 🤞
Thanks Hev123 and don't let my reply be discouraging. Today is 7 weeks for me and am very happy i can say that. I've only gone 5 days at most many times.
I aim to try and stay on half doses if side effects decrease. The genetic disorder may be part of my problem. Before quitting i merely walked around the block and passed out and had an ambulence called, so that was one reason, amoung many, to quit.
Again congrats on 1 week! That is an accomplishment.

Huge welcome to our community Exsmo - 48/49 days is great, well done!
I stopped smoking over 2 years ago cold turkey and here to tell the tale, but many members here have successfully stopped using Champix/Chantix.
Hercu and Hev offered excellent advice to you - continue to read up on posts and the pinned posts across this page (I have attached link to some helpful posts if not already read).
Above all stay close to us, we are here to help in whatever way we can
Roisin 01 thank you, i can hardly believe it's 7weeks today. Congrats on 2years, wow! Id be very proud of that. I will look up the info. Thank you, i need all i can get. Very nervous about not being on Chantix, but side effects are increasing disrupting eyesight and that's more frightening than going off Chantix. Really appreciate the info.
Hey thanks for the badge. Kinda cool to see it written.
Your next one will be tomorrow at 50 days, big milestone to achieve
Forget to mention too Exsmo - perhaps take a trip to your health food shop and explain you are coming off chantix in a few weeks and looking for herbal supplements to deal with the anxiety and other feelings, it is all the mental battle now and is so achievable, stay close to us and we will get you through it, also, have a look at Hercu's journey on champix that I pinned (link below)
This is great! I will check out the health supplements. Agree Hercu should write a book. This is more realistic than the wonderful feelings & energy ive been told i would experience. I so appreciate his honesty. Can relate to the being put in the wash cycle while i love the worm to butterfly reference. Beautifully worded! Thanks for pinning this RoisonO1 and thank you Hercu for writing it. You have a gift!
Having tests run at hospital so kinda stressful bc of restrictions and having to eat radioactive pills. Felt cravings, but not sure if it were for cigs or food lol. Kind of been out of touch w how I actually feel. Foggy. Tests are done (I hope) now so am grateful for that. Thanks for asking & I haven't smoked. Maybe was just a trigger being at hospital w/out cigs so am very happy to say am Still smoke free! How are you?
Sorry to hear about of your health issues. Well done for not giving in. You are doing fantastic given all you are dealing with. You deserve a treat, what will it be ?
I'm grand, not a bother thanks Exsmo - sorry to read of your health tests, hopefully all will be ok. Well done on overcoming a tough situation (that was a major trigger for me last year when my hubby underwent minor surgery and leaving him as he went down to theatre but still here to tell the tale!!)