Better sleep last night but that’s probably taking the 0.5 tablet in the morning- tomorrow is 2 x 0.5 tablets- only had 8 cigarettes yesterday and have smoked 20/30 a day for nearly 40 years so that’s good right???—- just gotta keep positive
Day 3 Champix : Better sleep last night but... - No Smoking Day
Day 3 Champix

Thats great , I am a new user here I have yet to post but wanted to reply to you . I Smoked for 4 weeks while on champix , without any effort i was smoking far less , i should have stopped sooner but I was afraid to make the leap . The first 2 weeks on champix i felt sick , headaches etc , it settles out.
They truly are a miracle, i finally made the leap and am now on day two , delighted with myself. Keep at it . I was borderline chainsmoking over a pack a day , so champix are a godsend !
Welcome Reginaf8 - how long have you stopped (can you let me know your stop date for your milestone badges).
Perhaps create an introductory post on how you are getting on if you wish (no pressure to post )

Hey.well done to you for making this decision. I stopped 4 months ago using champix. Can’t pretend that it’s a pleasant tablet to take, but it worked and I the most hopeless of hopeless cases(most of us think this) stopped after 45 years, 4 months ago. Not plain sailing, but it feels so worth it from where I am now.
Thanks for the support- only smoked 9 yesterday and haven’t decided on quit date - probably 14 days I think?—- any advice on that day decision?
I stopped on day 9 but as it approached I felt I wasn’t ready, but the smoking counsellor who okd the prescription said it was drift, it wasn’t, but I stopped on day 9 and actually it was fine. I don’t know if you are like this but I rationed my last pack of cigarettes so I had just 1 left for day 9 And smoked it after breakfast ceremonially. So I suppose actually it was day 10... haha so sucks to you smoking cessation counsellor who never smoked a cigarette in your life!

Well done David. It took me about 5 weeks to stop completely whilst on Champix. After a week or so, I wasn't smoking as much, but to be down to 8 from 20/30 a day after 40 years is a great achievement.
I kept putting my quit date off and as Mummy Monster mentioned in her previous post about not feeling ready.....I never felt ready. It was only the spur of my daughters 4th birthday which gave me the kick in the pants I needed to do it.
Reading the posts regarding Champix side effects, I have come to the conclusion that the side effects differ from person to person. I have not suffered from sickness, my sleep patterns have been fine and I have always had the most vivid of dreams anyway, so that was not an issue. What troubled me was a terribly dry moth. I would wake up a couple of times during the night needing a drink. It got so bad that the roof of my mouth (palate) ulcerated. The other was more of an acutely embarrassing side effect and that was flatulence. It was terrible and I even considered going to the doctors about it. It wasn't occasional, it was constant and my poor wife suffered most. She spent more than a couple of nights in the spare room!
However, I am happy to say that these symptoms have now passed and I am just getting by day to day. Champix has definitely enabled me to get this far and I do not kid myself that I could have gone this far on will power alone. I also occasionally read/listen to Allen Carr's book "How to Stop Smoking - The Easy Way". This also gives me a lift if I feel I may need it.
After 41 years as a smoker, I am not out of the woods yet, but I am nearly there.
I am looking forward to the day that I proclaim to the world that I am a non smoker and truly utterly believe it myself.
Thanks - my three are sleep deprivation ( about 2/3 hours a night ) , vivid dreams and just a general “fog” over my brain - difficulty concentrating and a little down if I’m honest

Well done David. I’m on day 5 now and still smoking but down from 25-30 to about 15-20. I don’t feel sick smoking yet but maybe the dose has to build up. Good luck to you