2 weeks down: 2 weeks down... using Champix... - No Smoking Day

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2 weeks down

kezosb profile image
kezosb100 Days Smoke Free
12 Replies

2 weeks down... using Champix, and being honest I’ve only had 1 day where I struggled. I feel loads better, but I’m still not sleeping any advice? Thanks xx

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kezosb profile image
100 Days Smoke Free
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12 Replies
KathieO profile image
KathieO100 Days Smoke Free

Not sleeping is part of withdrawal so this should subside soon hopefully. Make sure you are taking vitamins and liquids as you heal 🙂 I don’t know if this is any consolation but I got hooked on cereal before bed when I couldn’t sleep and still do it today. Might be worth a try. 🙂

Quit4Money profile image
Quit4Money1 Year Smoke Free9 Months Smoke Free

Kezo if anything, smoking kept me awake. It's a stimulant so I'm pretty sure quitting would give us better sleeps. The nicotine is well out of our system after a few days so I doubt lack of sleep is from withdrawal. One of Champix known side effects is disturbed sleep so it's a personal call on whether the benefits of Champix outweigh the side effects. I'm on my 6th week of Champix and my sleep is still disturbed. I'm trying to hang in there for the full 3 months, but we'll see.

gggg123 profile image
gggg1237 Years Smoke Free

Get some magnesium it will help you sleep and one of the major bonuses is it eases cravings, they give it alcoholics when they're in rehab to ease the body and ease cravings. A topical oil or a good glycinate is a good start

Vampire14 profile image

Hi there, I'm only on day 4 of the champix. So I'm still smoking at the moment. I have to say the side effects are horrendous. Constantly tired, scared to go bed due to vivid dreams, heartburn the lot. Somehow I seem to have every common side effect possible. My problem is that I like a glass of wine at night to wind down, actually maybe 2 large glasses. Which is helping me sleep for a couple of hrs but waking up at stupid o'clock due to the dreams etc. So I can't really offer any advice at the moment. But well done for getting so far! Hopefully I can do it, I've been smoking 22 yrs and hope I can do aswell as everyone posting. X

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Vampire14

Welcome Vampire14 - the vivid dreams is a common side effect of the champix but sleep disruption is also a very common nicotine withdrawal just to be aware of when you stop smoking. I would suggest when you stop smoking, cut out the alcohol, caffeine, drink loads and loads of water, avoid sugary foods and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Head to your local health food shop for herbal and vitamin supplements to help with the side effects and withdrawals. Looking forward to reading your day 1 post very soon :)

kezosb profile image
kezosb100 Days Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I haven’t had a cigarette in 38 days now!! I have also stopped taking champix as I couldn’t deal with the side effects and I am still smoke free

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to kezosb

Huge congrats kezosb and especially turning 30 in this time, you are nailing this :)

Vampire14 profile image

That's absolutely amazing. Well done you. Im on day 7 , still smoking and side effects still as bad. Been to the chemist and explained what had been going on. They've advised to do another couple of days on champix and if still the same then start on the patches. I really don't want to give up on these now as I've had a week of hell, so would feel like it was all for nothing. But I'm nowhere near ready to quit yet 🙈. Hopefully I can attempt day 10. Thanks for reading. 😊

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Vampire14

Hey Vampire14 , wishing you strength to continue with the champix but if you can't head back to your doctor for advice on what other alternatives best to suit you.

As previously mentioned, the side effects from the champix are very similar to the withdrawals from nicotine which you are likely to experience anyway even if going cold turkey. These are short term and will get easier and less severe and frequent as each day passes smoke free. Try to read up as much as you can as knowledge is power! Our pinned posts have good advice and tips, below is worth a read on nicotine withdrawals


Vampire14 profile image
Vampire14 in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks for taking the time to advise me, I will keep on reading. I understand that the dreams are expected but I didn't think they would be so vivid and scary. I have started some vitamin b tablets to hopefully help with some energy. I think what concerns me the most is tomorrow I start the 1mg twice a day 🙈. I'm just worried that everything is going to be even worse. I just wish the tablets were actually putting me off smoking but as of yet nothing really. Maybe that's starts with the stronger tablets. Thanks again 😊

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Vampire14

No problem Vampire14 - from what other members have said, it is usually around Day 7 that they don't want to smoke but it is recommended Day 12 (everyone is different though). When you do stop smoking, the champix is NOT the magic pill, it just takes the edge of the cravings. You will be doing all the hard work yourself which is half the battle. The withdrawals will then begin as your body and mind begin the gradual process of rewiring, repairing and recovering. Try to take it one day at a time and not look ahead, even just take it hour by hour in the early days.

I can see your longing to stop, believe in yourself and embrace this new found healthier life. The withdrawals will not kill you but continuing to smoke could very well do so. I know it is easy for me to say but we all started off at Day 1 and now I am over 3 years smoke free and never looked back. I remember posting for the first time here at Day 8 as was literally pulling my hair out but I got past it, with the advice and support here and reading up on what was happening when we stop and being determined never to smoke again. We are here for you too, so stay close and post anytime :)

Vampire14 profile image
Vampire14 in reply to RoisinO1

Aww thanks very much. I'm going to try and stick with the tablets for a few weeks. I don't think I will decide on a definite day. As I don't want to fail and then give up. So I will try as you suggested and do hour by hour. Mine is more routine, like have a cigarette then hover, I will just have a cigarette then I will start the tea etc. This is what I need to change. I've bought an epen, with 0% nicotine in. To use as the habit took for a few days. I will certainly keep in touch and let you know how I get on ☺

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