Two weeks and 15 minutes into my quit. Got back from holiday yesterday. Really pleased to have got this far but have had a very difficult last two days, particularly yesterday when we were travelling back home as a family. Everyone was tired and ratty - especially me- lots of squabbling, flight delayed and I was very grumpy. Everything just seemed to be overwhelming me and I just wanted to be on my own. Today (after a few apologies for being so grumpy) has been a lot better. I am off to bed now as I still feel exhausted. I know tomorrow and being back at work will be another big challenge but I really do have to see this through
2 weeks and back home: Two weeks and 1... - No Smoking Day
2 weeks and back home

Welcome home Fordy and great you are now 2 weeks into your quit. If you were a non smoker you would have experienced the blues of the holiday ending, that just every day living....hopefully you will get a good nights sleep and be refreshed back at work tomorrow, if not, don't worry as it is to be expected after your holiday - just take one day at a time, drink lots of water and be proud of not smoking, you overcame a huge hurdle not smoking on holiday so early on in your quit, I really think you have this nailed, keep going!

In my opinion Fordy, you have done one of the hardest parts first and you should pat yourself on the back for that. It's no mean feat. I'm certain I couldn't have gone on a smoke free holiday in the first few weeks. If you can do that you can go all the way!
Identify the trigger points at work and put a plan in place to deal with them. Once you get over them you'll be well on your way.
Best wishes, let us know how you get on.

Well done for getting this far. And, as you have got this far, you will find the strength to get through the challenge of work tomorrow. You can do it. You are 2 weeks and 15 mins into your quit and that is a huge achievement which proves you have the resolve to see it through. Good luck tomorrow. Stick with it.

Way to go

How brave you were to go on holiday so soon into your quit, you are on track and I am sure you will be strong enough to face your workday too. Keep fighting it's worth it