46 days smoke free and but on 2.5 kg. I am getting worried. But can't control my eating. What everyone do? Not to put on to much
Kg rolling on: 46 days smoke free and but on... - No Smoking Day
Kg rolling on

Hi Liebedich, I also put on heaps of weight and I have seen Roison tell everyone not to worry so I presume she is going to help us fat buggers lose weight when the time comes!!!!!!

lol I like dugahole's answer ... it's all on you, Roisin! ha ha
Liebedich, I know the feeling all too well. Congrats on 46 days smoke free. I'm on day 17. This morning I stepped on the scale and knew I have to get back to low-carb. Today I ate clean and I thought I'm gonna have to think up some new vices, at this rate. Sugarless chewing gum and Fresca can only take me so far...

I nibble on chex mix, I drink two cups of coffee in morning, and 2 at night. I do eat ALOT of little chocolate bars and a banana a day..
When I quit drinking almost 3 years ago my appetite went right out the door.... you can do it, just takes time and being stubborn as a mule
🚭🔠 Jeff
Your going to gain weight but you'll be okay, it'll take a year for your body to bounce back is what I've been told just watch the bread fried foods and sugar

Hey Liebedich - EVERYONE gains some weight when they stop smoking as everything tastes soooo good now. Try not to worry about it at the moment and if needs be any weight gain can be addressed when stronger in your journey. I am over 3 years stopped now and just getting to grips with the weight gain by healthy eating, smaller portions and daily exercise - see below pinned post worth a read if not already done so (you too dugahole Quit4Money )
Your priority at this early stage in your journey is to remain smoke free and nothing else should come in the way of this
Wow Roison that certainly is a big read!!! You've got it all covered for us. Definitely a good idea to wait till all the depression and grief has gone before you take on the next step of being miserable with weight loss hey !! hahahaha

50 days smoke free now Liebedich - congrats, how is things now?
I was told to get some celery and dip and make that your snack on, it'll also help with the crave