Hi. I'm new here. I'm not even sure how to start but I'll make it short so I don't bore anyone 😁
So, in highschool I was a heavy smoker for 2 years. Decided finally enough was enough, so I quit using Nicorette Quickmist.
The transition had been incredibly easy and I didn't even notice how effortlessly I was qutting on the cigarettes!
But then something bad happened. I realised I wasn't free of addiction. I became addicted to the spray, Nicorette Quickmist. It was so easy to use and I so enjoyed those 'puffs' of 1mg nicotine with that sweet menthol burning sensation in my mouth. I couldn't go 15 min without it, and I couldn't imagine my life without it.
And I have been hooked on on it for about 2 and a half years. Yes, I know, it's a lot.
And... On August 2nd 2018, I quit using that, too. Cold turkey. No more NRT. I only suck on a few menthol lozenges of the normal kind, to keep the transition smooth and seemless.
This is my seventh day "quickmist free"... And I don't feel that much better. I know it's supposed to last for about 21 days, but still, I feel like i'm never going to return to the way I was before I even started smoking. I feel so sad and it's stupid cause it's just a drug. But it's completely controling my life. And I wonder for how long. I'm tired of crying and feeling this way. I'm scared I'll be this way forever... Because it doesn't seem to go away.
Please, anybody, smokers and Quickmist users, did you feel like this at some point? Did you think that it's all for nothing, that you won't be happy anymore, that you won't ever return to normal?
And if so, were you wrong? Are you happy that you quit now? Do you regret it? I just want to know if there is a 'light at the end of the tunnel', because the tunnel SUCKS.