Hey all im back again. I float on & off. I've been not smoking during the week but at weekends i drink and smoke. So im thinking I'm just going to stop drinking ππ» I quit again a few days ago on 01/03/18. Just using my nicorett inhalator so fingers crossed this time. Fed up of being unfit snd unhealthy
Hi all back again. Quit attempt number..no ... - No Smoking Day
Hi all back again. Quit attempt number..no idea π©π

Welcome back Dean. I also lost track of how many times I quit, but it's only the last one that matters.
During some of my quits I also would only smoke while drinking, but that never went well for me. Our system cleans out for a week but it's a cycle of endless withdrawal. I stayed away from bars for my first month or so. Afterwards it did not bother me as much, though I used an e-cig.

That was one of my biggest hurdles too - smoking and drinking went hand in hand. Once you get over the first few nerve-wracking smoke-free visits to the pub it does get easier. I used an ecig initially, but now I can spend the whole night in the pub without even thinking about smoking. I know it seems like it isn't possible at the minute but you do get to a stage where going out for a drink without smoking is just as enjoyable as it was when you did smoke.
Great advice from CocoaXChange there by the way. I love that phrase, "a cycle of endless withdrawal"...sums it up perfectly.
You'll get there Dean, just takes time. I tried LOADS of times!

Dean..Serial quitting is not a crime nor a sin..in fact you can be proud of yourself to challenge this demon again and again...You got the motivation as said: you are tired of being unfit and unhealthy ...
Wishing you all the success with this one !!

Good to see you back on the horse Dean1981 - as long as you learn from previous attempts, you will make this one 'Thee One' - how is Day 3 going for you?
Day 3 is going ok. Im eating lots of junk food thou but I have faith!
Maybe stay off the alcohol till im comfortable with not smoking. Thanks for your replies π
All is going well day 6 so far. Its drinking alcohol that a trip me up. So no drinking for me π©
I smoked a few roll ups Friday night. Drinking over night at a mates house. I seriously need to work on my willpower! So Saturday i quit again. I will beat this habbit of smoking when drinking. I did 8 days before i smoked on Friday. Annoying thing is the 8 days without smoking was easy enough so I'll try again
You don't appear to be in the correct mindset to stop Dean1981 as you know alcohol is a major trigger from previous attempts and needs to be avoided at all costs if you want to remain smoke free....
Wishing you the strength and success to continue to try and become smoke free