this is my first time on the site and I need to figure out when the dizziness will stop. I quit on new years and the past 2 weeks have been awful the first week I couldn't even get out of bed the spells were so bad. This week I can function but the dizziness is still here. I thought Id start working out but when my heart rate goes up the spells are strong even to put me on my butt. I am just sooo worried.
GOOD MORNING !! I need advice on the dizzin... - No Smoking Day
GOOD MORNING !! I need advice on the dizziness that I have. I quit cold turkey on newyears

Huge welcome to our community Mendez138 and congratulations on Day 23 smoke free!
Dizziness is a common withdrawal from nicotine as our blood circulation and pressure adjusts to no longer getting nicotine. I too stopped cold turkey over 2 years ago and had the dizziness for the first week on and off. It is very important that you do not get dehydrated, ensure you are drinking plenty of water and fruit juice to keep your blood sugar stable. your post states, this dizziness appears to be quite severe and you are worried so I would suggest going to the doctor as soon as you can, just for piece of mind......
Below is a link to some pinned posts worth a read if not already done so:
Keep us posted on how you are getting on......
Hi, I too got the dizzy spells and what I call the jitter vision. I am on week 4 and could say it's stopped. They say its your brain adjusting to the added oxygen.
Huge congrats on 2 weeks. That is a big achievement. I am hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). When i first quit i had to make sure i was keeping blodd sugar up by eating every couple of hours. When we smoke nicotine is a stimulant and can pull sugar out of our blood somehow so we can go a loong time without eating- which is not healthy. It takes a few weeks for our bodies to adjust our sugar levels ( especially if you have any blood sugaf problems). Good news is you're getting closer to being there.
Also make sure you Are drinking 8 8oz or more glasses of water. We can dehydrate before we know it and it may make more craves. Not sure, but i know drinking ice cold water helped my craves so much. When i forgot it was harder on me.
I was in bed a lot during that time. I did have some health problems that smoking had masked. Going to a dr may be a good idea just to get checked out.
Its a roller coaster ride hun and youre doing a remarkable thing. Your body just needs time to adjust. Fruit juices will help. Roison's advice is very good. She's a big reason ive made it.

I want to thank everyone for their support and advice, this is am amazing site to be a part of.
Your very welcome Mendez138 - how is the dizziness now?