Hello everyone..... I quit smoking during a scary time in my life. My first ever anxiety attack... I was a mess and a wreck, but the shortness of breathe and heart palps scared me solid, I threw my pack out and didn't look back..... Until 8 weeks ago I started again..... I started back to work and college got into it with family, the community i was apart of outsted me for posting anxiety related stuff.... I was heart broken and devastated. Them people got me thru when no one else did and I'm a big sissy right now tearing up but its true. I hate that I started again but I'm determined to quit again. Smoked my last one at 6 this evening. Threw the pack away, the morning will be hardest... I got water and tic tacs ready for my quit. Help me thru this Lord and I won't pick up again. Please. I'm ready.
Hello people.... I quit back in March 2016... - No Smoking Day
Hello people.... I quit back in March 2016 on the 28th.

Armyguy , stress is a terrible thing to overcome. 6 months smoke free is amazing! You can get back there. You need to find something to help you stay focused during those high anxiety times in your life. I'm 4.5 months quit and at first I took up emotional eating😩 Now I work out and run! My exercise regimen really helps me get through the tough moments. Find something that works for you as smoking is NOT an option. Good luck
One Minute, One hour, One day

You can do it be mind strong , and have another goal to head for rather than a fag , goodluck you'll kill it

Hey just seen your post again , armyguy , I'm ex forces army 15years , now kick your butt and kick them fags lol

Good morning Armyguy and welcome to our (brilliant) group.
I have smoked for more years than I care to remember and am currently on (wait for it), Relapse #3!! I gave up for 3 months a year ago, got suckered in over Christmas and within hours of having one puff, was back smoking full time. It was downhill from there. It took me ages before I felt ready to try again but I did and am now approaching the 3 month mark.
The point is, however bad we feel about starting again, we can't do a damn thing to change it. Don't beat yourself up. Direct your energy into quitting.
You can absolutely do this. Post as often as you need to especially if you are feeling stressed and anxious. Support is vital and I have found this group to be one of the best. Our Admin RoisinO1 has put up some brilliant pinned posts so do have a look (the SOS Post is my favourite - fantastic idea).
Go for it. Have faith in yourself. 😊😊
Morning Armyguy Like others here I have had quite a few attempts at quitting also so you are in good company.
I quit for a month cold turkey, was back on them for 2 months then decided to go to my local chemist and am currently quitting with the help of the patches which has helped me greatly. I think once you decide to quit so close after a relapse means you are more determined. The first of anything is always the most difficult. There is loads of information on here you can read to help, and always someone about if you are having a difficult time. Take it one day at a time.
Good luck with it. It's not easy but can be done and gets easier as time goes on.

Welcome to our community Armyguy , very well done on sharing your story - you are actually stronger than you think especially coming on here and letting us know you relapsed. You are back on the horse now, you know what you have to do and what made you relapse.
Read up as much as you can and stay close to us - hope you are doing ok at the moment?
You can do this!