Biopsy was not so bad. Not soul squeezing, "worse than 2 c section births and gall bladd surgery" complaint of one woman i had read on internet before going to appointment! In a word, dont.
Was supposed to take it easy after. ...and i would have had my heater not cut off and i found it freezing when i got home.
Bro in law and nephew did the crawl space crawl to check pilot light. ..(per my dr directions i couldnt do anything of ALL days)
I tried to yell thru the floor without raising my voice 😏Also had to lift the cold air return grate while not bending over or exerting any pressure... "Things that make you go 'hmmm?' " Was that or no heat. I like heat when its 8 degrees out.
While waiting for next sounds from underground i read a nasty critical 'you dont measure up to my standards of who/what you should be letter from an aging parental unit that arrived today. This i guess just in case any good feelings might try and sneak in.
Funny thing is heater got fixed relatively easy and I did NOT CRAVE even once today!
Only got one side biopsied, but he did say that's standard so thats that. Results should be done in 3days. Lets hope dr remembers to call me this time.
Feel tired and ok excellent if you add the no craves. My joints locked due to being in flare and then being in bery cold house. Painful as they are and scary as cancer sounds i feel incredibly happy bc i had no cravings.
Jist 2 days ago i was on edge of smoking bc of comtinuous 2 say craves! Was replaying the parking lot trash scene of many cig butts there and in ashtrays at stores! Nasty nicodemon head talk.
Amazing the differemce a day makes.