Day 8 smoke free. Feeling proud but also ve... - No Smoking Day

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Day 8 smoke free. Feeling proud but also very sorry for myself

Sarah_star profile image
Sarah_star6 Months Smoke Free
โ€ข16 Replies

Hi everyone

Anyone else on day 8? I have tried to quit smoking a few times over the years but this time it feels very different and i think i have finally cracked it ๐Ÿ˜ had to be strong this past week and have had ups and downs feeling so excited and happy ive quit one minute to feeling quite down in the dumps and grumpy the next... i know this is from the withdrawal but its like a constant battle in my head which is exhausting. I think im having a bad day today... i hope tomorrow my mood picks up a bit. Im already noticing the difference... my lungs feel great and my skin and hair look fresher so i know it can only get better. I have smoked for 17 years various amounts. Good luck everyone lets keep motivating each other ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Sarah_star profile image
6 Months Smoke Free
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16 Replies
KathieO profile image
KathieO100 Days Smoke Free

I think what you are experiencing is withdrawal symptoms and itโ€™s so hard not to go insane ๐Ÿคช. Good job for sticking it out itโ€™s like any other addiction. One day at a time. I take vitamin B complex with vitamin B6 every day. It helps me with cravings and moods after 10 months I still have the thoughts but donโ€™t act on it because things are better for me since I quit and I donโ€™t want to go back. Stay in touch. This site is great

Sarah_star profile image
Sarah_star6 Months Smoke Free in reply to KathieO

Thanks kathie... still goin strong today ๐Ÿ˜Š feel like i have a bit of a cold... generally feeling groggy but im trying to keep busy and stay positive. I really hope to be where you are 10 months!!! Wow you must be so happy... its awful an i wish i never started but as you said one day at a time. My doctor recommended vit B so i think il look into getting some ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

KathieO profile image
KathieO100 Days Smoke Free in reply to Sarah_star

I still struggle but I know itโ€™s not where I want to go. Too many years being enslaved and too much money spent. This a strong drug. Donโ€™t let it talk you into going back. Always go forward. :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Sarah_star - congratulations on almost 1 day smoke free. I am heading towards my 3 years mark in September and been one of the hardest but best achievements of my life so far. It is a roller coaster of a journey but worth it to be the happiest I have been and enjoying life so much better smoke free!

That list of positives you mentioned will grow and grow, I promise :) The exhausting feeling is perfectly normal and your body and mind is working very hard to rewire, repair and recover. Drink loads and loads of water, lots of fresh fruit and veg and a bit of a walk every day to clear the head. Below is a link to a pinned post of common withdrawal symptoms worth a read if not already done so:

We look forward to reading your progress :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

PS The following members are in and around the same time as yourself if you want to follow them:

Vicky68 Nix77 Ariadne72 Happy75 hannlon crazydick Anitamary Desperatelytrying2 birdseatbugs

Sarah_star profile image
Sarah_star6 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hi roisin thank you for your messages. I will definetely have a read on the link you sent. Im actually on day 8 today. yay!! I thought it would be good to come on here to chat with others in the same situation as im feeling what i can only discribe as vulnerable. I want to quit more than anything though so positive thoughts positive thoughts!! ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜Š

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sarah_star

Apologies Sarah_star - amended your badge to 1 week smoke free :) I found this community a godsend as stopping can be very lonely and as you said, its great to have others going through the same experiences and struggles. Keep up the positive attitude, you are doing great :)

birdseatbugs profile image
birdseatbugs6 Months Smoke Free

your doing great!

yes i have the super ups and downs since I quit- my neighbor called me manic yesterday haha. he quit same time as me, but name calling made me want one. Went from happy yapping away, so demon eyes in a second. all of this they say will pass. lets hope! chin up!

Sarah_star profile image
Sarah_star6 Months Smoke Free in reply to birdseatbugs

Haha thats quite funny i totally get why he would refer manic as thats how i feel ๐Ÿ˜‚ not feeling so bad today... woke up still aching and a sore throat but as the days gone on it seems to have cleared up. Infact im feeling really positive about it all today and if smoking does pop in my head i just think no im not a smoker anymore and feel happy ๐Ÿ˜ im sure this will change though at some point. Well done on your 2 weeks birdseatbugs ๐Ÿ˜ how are you finding it?

birdseatbugs profile image
birdseatbugs6 Months Smoke Free in reply to Sarah_star

Soon as I wake up the very first thought is..someone gimme a ciggarette!, i down a hot cup of coffee and it passes but mornings are still the real worst for me.. today is two weeks!! Breathing slowly helps the rest of the here and there urges throughout the day. I have few triggers that still get me good..morning waking, coffee, stress, boredom, after eating anything. In two weeks I have yet to be near anyone who actually smokes (im a hermit of sorts haha) but I do believe i will try and tear their arm off for that ciggie if I am near someone..kidding, ill keep it cool hahaha.

Glad you are having an "up" day, hope it stays up..fine here as well, need to go out back and water the garden ive neglected past few days bit later, finally cooler here -mid 70's- after 3 days of well over 90 degrees (just wrote 900 by mistake an had to edit- could have been 900 for all my airhead lately knew outside lol)

okies toodles for now xx

Meganon profile image
Meganon6 Months Smoke Free

I am now 7 months smoke free other than gaining weight I feel so much better. Keep on saying to yourself I donโ€™t smoke it stinks that helped me fight it. I used the Nicotine Patch system it worked great our Health Unit supplied everything I needed at no charge itโ€™s been awesome.

Sarah_star profile image
Sarah_star6 Months Smoke Free in reply to Meganon

Well done Meganon its really supportive to hear when people have quit as long as you. Ive picked up a copy of the allan carr stop smoking which im finding very interesting to read today. It really is crazy how something can take such a hold on us. I really believe quitting is nothing but character building and i keep telling myself this. It does also stink... i have been making extra effort to pamper myself and spray my purfume throughout the day because its so nice to smell good.. i hope its not too over powering haha! The one thing im worried about is the drinks at the pub after a training day at work next week.. they all smoke and a few have made comments that i will smoke again... i dont think they realise how serious i am. Im going to drive in and not drink.... i can still go and socialise but i know drinking for me is a huge trigger so i need to avoid this for a while ๐Ÿ˜” wish me luck!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sarah_star

Excellent mindset Sarah_star with avoiding drinking alcohol until you are stronger, you are doing great :)

Sarah_star profile image
Sarah_star6 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks roisin. Day 11 today... feeling happy and confident but i just feel physically awful really fuzzy head sickness and freezing... im at work for 12 hours today an i just want to curl up in bed and sleep. i think i have a cold. Still not smoking though ๐Ÿ˜Š

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sarah_star

These cold/flu like symptoms will linger for a while longer. Definitely try and get some vitamins/herbal supplements to build yourself up as your body is working so hard to rewire, repair and recover. Be kind to yourself, lots of pampering, baths with nice scented candles, early nights etc... when you can

Below is another pinned post with average withdrawal timescales, will vary from person to person:

I'm on day 7 and know exactly how you feel but I ain't giving up, giving up.When I was a smoker I looked at non smokers with envy.For a week I've joined their ranks and I intend to stay.!

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