Hi everyone, Today I am 1 year without a smoke. My wife gave me 4 packets of vegetable seeds to celebrate!!!! hahaha Looks like I need to get the address for that Penthouse so I can really let loose, That pool better be full for this whale to do some breaching!!!!! Need to buy a circus tent first as I have no clothes that fit me anymore!!!! It has been an interesting journey filled with grief, depression, fatigue, despair and just downright miserableness!! hahaha I have replaced my smoking with obesity so the journey will be never ending!!!! Having an ever expanding belly has actually pulled the skin down and given me a facelift, no more wrinkles, in fact my ears have shrunk and almost too small to hook my glasses on!!!! hahaha Not sure what I will try and swap my obesity for!!! I am certainly glad that I have quit after 46 years of smoking. I was pleased recently when no tobacco day came along as it was the first one I had ever experienced. Actually it didn't feel any different than the day either side as a non smoker, A bit over rated!!!! Well finally somebody told me the only way I was going to get out of the bloody hole was to stop digging so stop I have!!!! For everyone here starting their journey just read all the posts and have patience waiting for the good times to arrive. Stay strong everyone and embrace the ride. Thank you all for the support.
After 1 year no more digging!!: Hi everyone... - No Smoking Day
After 1 year no more digging!!

Whahey! Huge congratulations on 1 year smoke free dugahole , you dug around quietly in the background!🌱🥔🥕🌽 I'm really delighted for you.
They say it takes a couple of years for our metabolism to settle down and you are strong enough to tackle any weight gain now. Thank you for sharing such an honest and witty post and well done again 🥇💪
Congratulations and enjoy the food .it does taste better doesn’t? .. 💪👍🎉🦋🙏

huge CONGRATS on your 1 year anniversary, I share your pain re weight....when I see photos of myself,I look like Chappie Chipmunk...and that's just the face...LOL but if we can stop smoking, we can tackle the weight, sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and forget to pat ourselves on the back for getting through one of the hardest journeys of our lives, Roisin01 is right in her post below, it takes time for the weight to come off "Pole, Pole" as we say in Africa,"slowly, slowly"

Congratulations 👏🎉 I’m now 2 years smoke free and have also piled on the Pork 🐷but now I’m finally over nasty nick I’ve joined SlimmingWorld and slowly the Pork is been carved away. If we can give up smoking we can do anything 👍
That's true Debrini, Well done on 2 yrs, Yes I think I am getting ready to start with the Liposuction!!!
Welcome Debrini - congratulations on 2 years smoke free, well done! Excellent reply!
Thank you Roisin01 and for all your help. If it wasn’t for this group I wouldn’t of made it through! Although this is the first time I’ve commented I have been lurking in the background since the beginning of my smoke free adventure. Knowing there was people feeling or had felt the same as me at each stage and knowing they’d survived it and were celebrating and telling the tale really spurred me on. It was a extremely rough ride and I hit some major bumps along the way but you lot unknowingly kept me going. So thank you and thanks to everyone who’s ever wrote a post. I’ll try not to hide in the back ground any more and hopefully help others like you wonderful lot helped me 👍
Well done, dugahole! I've got one month to go to get to the 1 year point!
Fighting the weight has definitely been an issue. I've been exercising at an extreme level (at least compared to any time since my twenties!), and am seeing some very gradual improvement in that area - but eating is just too enjoyable, I can't do the diet thing really seriously (I try sporadically). Gained 10kg within a couple of months of quitting - and I wasn't underweight then😢! Since then I've managed to whittle away about half of that. Couple more years and I might have fixed that problem too.
Cheers, congrats, and thanks for the entertaining encouragement. Yep - still need it sometimes.
Thanks Crackling , and well done on your achievement as well. Exercising hmm at an extreme level hmm hmm !!!! Wow I am sad to say that obviously that is what I am going to have to face up to as well!!! Oh well maybe onto the mammoths anonymous site next!!!