Thanks Roisin for my badge!!!!
If any body had told me this time last year that I could give up my cigs I wouldn't have believed them. For 38 years I wasted so much time, money, and effort on smoking (and trying to hide it). And to think I only started at 16 to fit in and look cool (showing my age here, but this was back in the late 60's). And once I started I just couldn't stop. Even as smoking became more anti-social over the years I still clung to them. They were my goto fix for everything and I couldn't get through my day without them. It took a health scare in Feb for me to finally wisen up to the fact that my approaching retirement might be shortlived if I carried on puffing.
This forum has played a big part in motivating me and I'm sure I couldn't have done it without the encouragement and support, so big thanks to everyone! And Champix really helped, because it took away the cravings that had been my downfall on previous quit attempts.
Life is so much better without them. Fresh air, actually being able to smell and taste again, more energy than I've had in years, no more hacking coughs, more money, and I don't stink!!
Keep going everyone, we CAN do this!!!!