No smokes today. Yesterday only had 4first thing in the morning then binned the rest. Still determined. Cravings came and went
No smokes: No smokes today. Yesterday only... - No Smoking Day
No smokes

That's that spirit!
You can absolutely do this. Keep going and if things become difficult post if often.
Well done. Keep at it!! 😁😁😁
Hey and no wine too. Big test is when I'm back at work tomorrow - if anything kicks off with my clients. But I've got lime juice in the car and mints to keep mymmouth fresh
Will post later this evening, hopefully to say that all is well and I kept control of any situation.😏
Well I got through day 2 with no problems. Client was so relaxed just like old self (he has Alzheimer's, wife has dementia). Took wife to pub for tea and stuck with soda & lime. Here's to day 3 -when I used to fall down but not this time. Mind is set. Thanks guys,hercu,mushen and Matt for sticking with me

Keep it up..well done
Thanks badgio. Don't think I've ever got this far going cold turkey. Start of day 3 and no cravings. Will stay positive. coming to this forum is the best thing I've done. I've found so many friends to help.

Hey CiggieStardust - thrilled for you and delighted to read you are on Day 3, congratulations and huge well done. 17 September is a great day to quit - as I quit 2 years ago cold turkey on 17 September
The nicotine will be out of your system by the end of today and then the mental battle will begin as your body and mind begins its gradual rewiring, repair and recovery - lots and lots of water, fruit and vegetables and a bit of walk every day to clear the head. Continue to post regularly and read up on the pinned posts and other members journey as knowledge is vital in our quits and knowing what is happening and what to expect
Thanks roisin. Find I don't have much time in the day for ecxercise but when I have free time I will do something even if it's just gardening . Unfortunately probs with client today but kept it together and well ooh dear just had 2 bottles wine BUT NO CIGARETTES- Yay achievement for me!!!!!
Thanks so much Roisin. But had difficult day today. Really wanted a drink then thought ooh yes and cigarette would be very good too. Decided oh no, no cigarettes. May have some wine though. Wine won. Think if anything smoking will have to go first. Reduce wine on way through. But reduce to 1 Day per week.