Hi everyone i was wondering if anybody else suffered with cold sores since they quit smoking?i do normaly get the odd one every couple of years when im run down.but since i quit ive had them three times.ive been vaping and using patches to help me quit.last week i stopped using patches i was working away from home and went to buy some patches,the price was nearly double what i pay for them in superdrug!it made me so angry and i thought im not using them anymore out of principle id rather suffer lol.well i havent suffered one bit and i feel im another step closer to beating my nicotine addiction.anyway hope everyone has a good weekend and stays smoke free😆
Day 39 Cold sores and giving up the smokes? - No Smoking Day
Day 39 Cold sores and giving up the smokes?

hi joe
yes I have had cold sores.
I was put on sick for a week due to being infectious.they were on my nose.not a pretty sight ha.
but now 8-9 weeks later everything is a lot better.
I'm just getting headache a lot.not sure if it stopping smoking or what ❓
things will pick up
take care
keep kicking 😎

Yes I,m not dissimilar to you, in the fact I get sores occasionally, how ever I've had three in the last six weeks, never linked it to quitting those nasty mr Nico sticks.
Will be interesting to know if any one else has suffered.
May I add doing fantastic, coming off the patches, is truly amazing, well done you

Hey Joe, good for you giving up the patches, that is great!
I have no experience with cold sores, luckily never had one in my life but think I read recently on here that vaping can cause cold sores, something to do with the vapor drying out, not sure, Nozmo or Hidden might be able to help.
PS Can't believe you are almost at Day 40, that is massive and deserves a celebration tomorrow!

There are a few ecig forums on which people report getting cold sores after vaping Joe. I don't think the vapour or e-liquid itself is to blame as cold sores are caused by a virus...maybe it's a hygiene thing? I'm not saying you're unclean or anything (!), but the end of the vaper must pick up a few germs after we have been using it for a while.
I've never had one in my life, and I hope I don't!!
39 days!!!
It's because of the heat of the tip drying out your lips . I do get these revolting things seldomly . Yet I've found stress is the #1 reason why. And if burn, scratch. Puncture the skin in my lip . It's within hours . I hope you all are still smoke free . That's good to here yet I'm on year six and I dont see these nxt cigs ever leaving my side . GOD BLESS TO YOU ALL

Actually just been reading a bit more about bacteria on the e-cig. It's all rather disgusting.
I'm off to sanitise my tip!!

Joe, when I vaped I had cold sores constantly. Vaping seemed to dry my mouth more than smoking ever did, and I think that was part of the problem. But part of it is the body's reaction to quitting smoking. Our mouths have a balance of good & bad bacteria. It changes in reaction to tobacco use, and we need to adjust to the disuse. I stopped vaping and my sores stopped, though I can't remember what came first.
I dont think im ready to giving up vaping just yet cocoa im only really adjusting to giving up smoking and life as a non smoker.once this cold sore has gone and i get another one im going to the doctors.apart from the sores i feel great i dont feel run down or ill actually its the best ive felt in years💪😆