Well day 2 and 3 have not gone over so well.... constant tightness in my chest.. constant desire for a cigarette.. feeling like I am not going to make it at all... being a warrior and sitting outside with all my work friends and also my family to show them I am strong... I am not strong inside and well they don't know that.. they don't need to my straw.. yes a straw to fit in with people is my smoke, It actually helps me just sitting between my fingers.. telling my brain okay your good.. I have not had such a challenge until this last 2 days of my life.. I am skimming over day 3 into 4.. best thing about this whole nightmare is I didn't smoke
onto another day my mother prays for me it helps .
Day 2 and 3: Well day 2 and 3 have not gone... - No Smoking Day
Day 2 and 3

Hi you have two beautiful children and I know it seems a long way off but you will also God willing have some beautiful grandchildren, this will come round quicker than you can imagine, when your young you feel slightly invinceable, its hard to believe that your smoking will cause some major health issues when your older because if you don't quit now you will do it when your in your 30s 40s 50s too late I'm afraid because every year you postpone the quit the more damage you will incur, I'm not trying to frighten you, much I'm in my 60s and I gave up in my 50s oh I so wish I had done it when like you my children were younger, I believe that the longer your children see you smoke the more it becomes the norm and one day in the not so distant future someone will offer them a ciggy and even if you have quit by then they will still see in there minds eye mummy smoking, if its OK for you, there best representative of what's right and what's wrong thought it was acceptable then they will probably try it, you know yourself how addictive it is and you now know how hard it is to walk away from Mr Nicodeman, he's a hard act to follow, so while you have the strength kick him firmly up the butt and out of your life, even go as far as sitting your children down and explaining to them your reasons for quitting, imagine how proud they will be of there Mum.
Sip fresh orange when you feel tempted and tell your family how you feel, you don't need a brave face you need support and those around you need to realise they should not try to put temptation in your way.
thank you for the kind wise words,in the picture above those are my grandchildren another reason why I am quitting not only for me but also for them
Well you obviously started young LOL I'm not very good at ages everyone looks young to me, you keep looking at that picture and I'm sure before long it will be so much a part of your life not too smoke you want even think about it, I have been quit that long now I'm starting to realise I can be round smokers and just feel sorry that they don't have the sense to quit, or get a bath LOL

Hello & welcome!
First of all, well done on getting as far as you have. This is not easy but it is a goal that is completely within your reach.
I am 46 and have smoked for so many years thst I can barely remember a time when I did not. It may not seem like it, but you can do it. The first few days are the hardest so do whatever it takes to get you through (nothing wrong with a straw!) Keep yourself occupied with anything!
Cigarettes are as addictive as heroin so you'll find lots of us avoid other smokers during the early stages of a quit, It's just too damn hard being faced with the temptation. What I am saying is, don't make this any harder than it already is. My husband still smokes and even after a year I still make sure all cigarettes are hidden from my view and I don't let him smoke around me at all.
Keep plodding on, hour by hour. There are lots of us on here, all at different stages, all having used or using different methods. If you need support, post as often as you like, there is always somebody around to help.
Good luck. Just keep going at it. This is an achievable goal and within your reach. 😁

Wow Abratforu - what beautiful adorable grandchildren (defnintely don't look old enough to be a grandma )
You are doing great - these next couple of weeks will be the hardest and I can see you ready for the battle and attack and you have those cute little faces to spur you on. mushen is right maybe try to avoid these situations with smokers for the next month or so as it will be very hard on you.
Keep up the great work and look forward to reading your updates

Abratforu......glad it is going better and surely your grandchildren are enjoing your company and the best thing of it all is that they will have their grandmom for many years .....My two grand daughters is my biggest supporters in this quit thing...Stay strong