Hi all, just found this forum & wanted to introduce myself. I quit cold turkey 9 days ago, doing ok but having terrible nightmares and keep snacking!! Will stick at it as I'm feeling so much better in myself 😃
Day 9 Cold Turkey: Hi all, just found this... - No Smoking Day
Day 9 Cold Turkey

I too quit cold turkey just over 2 years ago, was a roller coaster of a journey but so glad I have done it and wish I done it years ago! This forum is a great help for support and advice, have a read of the pinned posts on the home page which are invaluable and keep in touch especially if having bad days.

Welcome Kfroberts87 and congratulations on over 1 week smoke free! I too quit cold turkey almost 2 years ago, the sleep disruption and snacking is perfectly normal at this early stage of your quit but should improve and ease shortly.
Below is a link to some helpful pinned posts if not already read:
We look forward to reading your progress

Congratulations on your decision to quit, the nightmares and eating are both normal symptoms but they will go away and it gets so much better. Good Luck and stay strong.

Hi Robert I quit 7 years ago and I still remember the dreams, I found they were beyond surreal, I would wake up heart pounding and think it was real especially the ones were I was smoking, I would actually wake up crying sometimes thinking I had broken my quit they were that real, eventually they stopped and never came back thankfully, I think around the 3 week mark but we are all traveling down the same road just with different scenery.
Your doing OK make sure your well hydrated as being dehydrated with nicotine withdrawal can cause some strange experiences as well, just to add to the bodies coping strategize as well.

Keep going Kfroberts87... you have drawn a line, crossed it and are no longer a smoker. Follow these two rules my late brother created for me. If you follow them failure is impossible. I listened to them eleven and a half years ago and they have NEVER let me down.
1. Do not ever purchase tobacco or vaping products EVER again.
2. Never put a cigarette or tobacco product in your mouth EVER again.
There can be no negotiation, no "just the one...", no haggling. Your decision has been made. The little smokey pangs soon go. Your life has immediately become healthier and wealthier. Tobacco was never your friend and Multinational Tobacco Companies (just the top four companies combined net worth in 2016 was half a Trillion dollars) really don't give a sh*t whether you live or die... as long as the numbers queueing up for cigarettes and Cancery Death pretty much stay where they are. Never go back to that queue. Live longer and be richer.
Get on with the rest of your Life.

How are you getting on Kfroberts87 ?