You name the side effect of quitting I've had it these 5 days. All but appetite. I'm not hungry at all. The cravings can be brutal at times. My biggest problem is I can't get it off my mind. I can deal with the cough, the constipation, tired and can't sleep all at the same time, headaches etc. I've just got to figure out a way to stop thinking about it. I get distracted and then 2 seconds later, here I am thinking about it again.
On Day 5 Cold Turkey: You name the side... - No Smoking Day
On Day 5 Cold Turkey

Welcome JAYS68 , congratulations on 5 days smoke free, that is great, well done!
I too stopped cold turkey. It is a rollercoaster of a journey with ups and downs for the first few months. Your mind and body is in the thick of the gradual process of rewiring, repairing and recovering and will take a bit of time to settle down. The best thing to do at the moment is take it day by day, adjust your daily smoke free routine. Take up a new hobby, whether it be reading, gym, cycling, walking - it is vital to keep the mind as busy as possible. As each day passes, the stronger you will become and cravings will be less severe and frequent.
Keep in touch with us when you can
Thank you. I think I just needed to get it out there.
This is what is great about this community, we are all going through the same thing, struggles, good days, bad days all to achieve the same goal to remain smoke free! Post anytime
1 week today JAYS68 - hope you have a wee treat lined up for yourself, huge milestone
No treats. Daughters had hockey and a beauty pageant today. This week has been tough. I envy the people who say after day 3 it gets easier. My irritability is through the roof lately, I feel like all I do all day is say sorry for getting upset. Cravings are still really bad. I am still smoke free, but my gosh is it taking all I have not to smoke.
Thank you though. I am so greatful for this website. No one I talk to seems to get it. This has been a great outlet for me and I sincerely appreciate it and you for reaching out.
Its normal to be irritable especially around loved ones, just explain it is short term and that you doing one of the hardest achievements of your life - be kind to yourself, lots of water and a bit of a walk every day to clear the head - keep up the great work
By the way, the nicotine is out of your system after 3 days, then the mental battle well and truly begins as your body and mind begin the gradual process of rewiring, repairing and recovering - take it day by day, I promise it will get easier and the stronger you will become....
How is things now JAYS68 - nearly at your 1 month milestone?
It's getting better day by day. The one craving time I still battle with the most is after dinner, but I am still smoke free. Still have some of the side effects of quitting most aren't so bad but the excessive gas is starting to get on my nerves and at times quite embarrassing. My attitude and mood I found got a lot better (still not perfect yet) around the 3 week mark. I even made my first reply to someone on here yesterday that wasn't on my feed. Thank you again for reaching out. Fingers crossed I keep with it. Absolutely by fluke new years eve is my day 100, so I am eagerly looking forward to that day.
1 month now JAYS68 - yeah that after dinner smoke is a toughie to get over, try to maybe chop up fruit, clear off the table etc, just to change the habit, they say it only takes 21 days to break a habit!!
Your 100 days will be here in no time and what better way to celebrate it on New Years Eve
50 days smoke free now JAYS68 - how are you getting on?
Sorry it took so long too reply. 55 days smoke free. It's getting better, not easy yet, but definitely better. I still get about 3 real cravings a day, and by real I mean real hard to ignore. After dinner is still the worst, but I haven't slipped yet, and I am hoping I don't. I have my eyes set on getting passed 3 months as I hear that could be the next big hurdle in quitting.