and the battle seems to be starting, last night/yesterday evening was out doing some gardening, had a few beers and couldn't sit for a minute as the cravings were that strong - hopefully this will get easier as we have a week of glorious weather.....
Day 5 on my cold turkey journey.... - No Smoking Day
Day 5 on my cold turkey journey....

Well done Exfirecracker - you are doing great!

The good weather is a killer Exfirecracker , it always gets to me too. I've been quit 17 months and I still get the old urges at the first sign of good weather. You're not alone. Keep busy!!
It does get easier though. Get through this weekend and be reassured that we'll be back to tepid temperatures, grey skies and rain before too long!
Ah cheers Nozmo - is your profile name after the cartoonist, my niece is mad into his stuff, or are you the actual cartoonist??!!
Yeah, suppose I am lucky to be encountering these so early into my quit and have them over and done with!

Yeah, the summer season is a killer, I was the same last year, couldn't sit down outside at all, used to sit out on a fine summers evening, chain smoking, few beers or wine - this year though, I am fine, once you get over the first few times, it is easier, painting the fence and shed at the moment, not right in the head as it is 24 degrees, the ice cold beer is keeping me cool though

Well done on getting to day 5!! Good to read the struggles as well as the celebration... you really do have such a great attitude!! Keep going ☺️

The battle is real Exfirecracker . Never let your guard down. I spent most of last summer indoors away from everyone... it was so hard. Much better this year but there are still moments... stay strong, stay close... your doing great 👍

Congrats on quitting! It gets better and better I stayed busy as my body pretty much made me during my first few days nicotine free. Tomorrow makes one month for me and I am getting to where I don't even recall being a smoker. Don't give up and stay strong. It is totally worth it!

Exfirecracker..Good going...It does get better....Hang on, it is a bumpy ride in the beginning but much smoother as time passes...!!

Hi exfirecracker how are you making out. These last couple nights I've been having some bad cravings the good thing is they do not last long. Do not give in stay strong and good luck.