Has anyone had issues with someone close to you that is an active smoker who seems to know how to correctly quit, has all the answers, opinions and facts yet has never quit attempted to quit their own addiction?
Well, I have a parent who is this way. My step dad is quitting smoking and she told him in front of me (well yelled at him) to not tell everybody he is quitting, to shut up about it and just do it. I chimed in and said, "Well, I am going to tell everybody I quit in the hopes that those that still smoke will have enough respect not to smoke by me."
She changed her tone then and said that she doesn't think it's smart to tell people you quit in case you fall off the wagon. I told my step dad I'm proud to tell people I quit and like watching smokers smoke because it makes me feel good for not looking sick smoking them things anymore.
I mean come on, I'm 12 days smoke free today and my moodiness is not in the mood (lol) to hear all that foolery from someone who still smokes. This person smokes just as much as my step dad yet talks down to him for smoking so much. I think she is jealous or is afraid that if he quits that she will have to too, but either way, it's really ridiculous how opinionated people can be about something they have yet to do for themselves. I apologize for the rant.