I have friends who smoke. They do not smoke in their own house or their cars. They had planned on coming for a visit for a week or so. She actually asked me does this mean we will not be able to smoke in your house. Hello why would I let someone smoke in my house when I no longer smoke in it?
I have worked my butt off washing down walls to get the stinky, sticky crap off my walls but I am suppose to let someone come in and smoke. NOT HAPPENING. I smoked for 50 years but I never expected I had any right to smoke in someones house who did not smoke.
I have a friend who smokes a lot. Since I quit she has only been to my house one time and I think it is because she know's she can't smoke in my house any more. I never let cigarettes control my life like that. I never would not go to someone's house just because I couldn't smoke. The only smoking worries I ever had was if I had to go out of town to training and could not smoke in a hotel room or around the training building.