Need urgent advice from pet owners, sorry if doesn't make sense but can't think straight, hubby brought Charlie out to a local forest park this morning, 3 hours ago and he ran after a jogger, he is lost, can't believe I am typing this, looked the length and breath of the forest park, he is chipped and have registered him as lost, will put up on facebook if anybody sees him to message me, anyone any other advice what to do, Hidden mushen - devastated
*OFF TOPIC SOS*: Need urgent advice from pet... - No Smoking Day

So sorry RoisinO1 ... the good news is that he's chipped. Sending prayers he will be home safely soon❤️
I hope you find him, please keep me posted.

Hope he's found... he's either off on an adventure, on his way home or snuggled up in a persons home! Trust me... I have dogs, grew up with dogs, they always find their way home xx

Roisen ..Strongs ..want to agree with Louise..They know where home is and where they get love.....!!
call animal shelter s
call local vets
put posters everywhere if he hasn't turned up
look in phone book for lost and found pets,does your local paper have list and found numbers to try.
look in local shop windows,lost and found
do keep going back where he ran off,he may come back to that spot,leave a dirty jumper there,smells he will know,he may stay there.
I know face book has a lost and found page,put picture on there.
don't give up 😐
my dog was lost for 3 days.(I did all above)
sorry,ive been out,,THINKING OF YOU

Excellent advice there from Hidden
There's also the "Nextdoor" neighbourhood network that you could try. You'll have to register first but after that you're connected to hundreds of people in your vicinity. (don't know if you have this in Ireland - used to be called Streetlife)
Hope you get him back....please let us know.
poor thing.
if it was in driving distance I would be there looking.
hopefully he will turn up soon

aww Roisin, so sorry to hear your news, praying that you find him soon x x x
Oh I hope he is home soon. Thin Lizzy has lots good ideas.
Facebook has definitely helped IN Scotland for lost dogs.jogger sites are often quick to help too.
Also long contact local police.
Sending hope it is such a horrible feeling.

Hope and prayers that Charlie will be home soon. Take care and hang in there.

Charlie has been found and is safe and well and should be home with us by 10:30 tonight - found shortly after he ran away, due to the powers of facebook he was found, thank you all the best wishes and prayers and advice, just over the moon ;D
Thank goodness. Only just seen your post saying he has been found.
Yayyyyy yayyyyy!!!!
Brilliant news! Glad he's back, safe and sound.
I hope you're going to give him a scolding about running after joggers? I've been chased by dogs in the past when jogging, and the resultant burst of speed caused the straps on my sports bra to snap. (remember that?)
Ah Nozmo , you never fail to deliver, thanks for another laugh out loud moments - yes, I remember the sports bra very well
Awwwww good news Roisin01 glad he's home 👌

Oh God, this is awful.
Contact the local dog warden. Post all over the local FB groups including any Lost & Found Animals. Contact all vets in the area. Post in FB local running groups as well. Contact the council, the park may have a ranger you can contact.
My heart goes out to you. 😢
soo happy for you 😁
glad he's coming home 😁
he will have no idea what he's put you through.
you have a extra big cuddle 😁
So pleased to hear you've got Charlie back safe and well.
What a day I picked to look in!
Hope you are all relaxing now after the shock you've had today. xx
Ah Linda545 delighted to hear from you, hope all is well with you?
Hello Roisin, Yes, all's well with me and I'm still smokefree.
I can imagine the day you've had though as we had a similar incident just a couple of weeks ago with our little westie.
She was out with my husband, or so I thought, until I received a phonecall. It was from someone telling me he'd found her in the middle of a busy road outside his home in Whitley Bay where we live. Thankfully we had telephone numbers and also her name on the disc attached to her collar so he was able to contact us.
He insisted on very kindly bringing her straight home to me in his car and believe me I couldn't thank him enough. Thank goodness there are still some kind and genuine people around.
Meanwhile I'd managed to phone OH on his mobile to tell him Tina had been rescued - he was frantically trying to find her (a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack once she'd vanished from sight).
She's not one to run off but a big boxer spooked her. He chased her and she kept running. He eventually came back with no sign of her. Happened in an instant!
Thankfully she was none the worse for her experience and very fortunate to have been found almost straight away by the very kind man who brought her home.
I know our experience was probably nothing compared to the frantic day you've had but I do know how you must have been feeling.
Glad it all turned out well and that you can all relax now. xx
ps He's a beautiful little dog.
Hiya Linda,
It's good to hear you're still going strong. Losing pets is awful; really stressful. We have had cats go missing for a few days and I can't stand it. My Mrs handles it much better than I do. I'm sure they do it just to wind me up.
I'm glad you got her back.
Great you are doing well Linda, happy for you!
God you summed it up so perfectly, it was hubby who lost him too (shhh, not saying that out loud ; ) ) but when we were out looking for him, it literally was like looking for a needle in a haystack as you said, when we arrived at the park, I had a visit from a robin and a white butterfly which I haven't had in almost a year when I was working and knew he would be ok but hubby was thinking the worst - he is home now and was a bit out of sorts, but back to himself now and snuggled up in his bed, it is unbelievable the bond that has been created between us in just 2 months from getting him..
Is he home 😁
Omg please let me know when you find him,also call the local dog pound, wish you so much luck.x
hi Hidden
they found him 😁
welcome to our little family 😁
you should put a post up and introduce yourself 😁
let us know how you are doing and what you are doing 😁
take care 😊