having another bad day smoking 6 mil nic all time very aggitated short tempered dont no if this start of after effects quitting smoking
sos : having another bad day smoking 6 mil... - No Smoking Day

hi treacle1965
Take a breath.calm yourselth.
you are normal and the feeling is normal 😒
think of the benefits.your asthma,(hopefully is better) and the Treats you can now have 😁
its so hard to stop.but your health will be better for stopping
I'm sorry to see you struggle.but you can do this 😁
keep strong.you are stronger than you think 😁
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

tyvm yes asthma getting better still havnt started coughing yet but hate this aggitated and nigerly part im glad this is normal feel sorry for kids at min
kids are clever.they will understand mummys not very well.
when you wanna snap at them or angry with them Try think of the horrible feeling you have.try just stepping away and remember its not your fault or the childrens but a nasty habit trying to get you back 😈
use that horrible feeling,
have you got family near.can they take kids out for a while,so you can just have some me time 😒
take care 😒
keep kicking 😎
Virtual hugs 😁

tyvm sorry br bother ive stopped now and calmed down just made cuppa and changed flavour of vape im 51 been smoking since 16 long old time i was on taylors for lot of yrs smoking 20 a day then my dad 13 yrs ago told me change backy cut down to 10 a day but now this vape came out took me long while to take courage from smoking to vaping
not mummy (Mum) then so they will definitely know why your feeling horrible
I vape.did loose it for a while but dug it back out,6% and 0% oils.dont use it much but 😁
I'm 56.smoked since I was 15.😒
just think of all that blooming money 😒
you take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Well done treacle1965 for doing an SOS - are you working at the moment, if you are, try and take 10 minutes or so to yourself (can use the time that you would have used for smoke breaks) if not and at home, do the same - ask yourself why you are short tempered and agitated, it more than likely is not because you are not smoking but that something else is bothering you but you usually smoked and thought it resolved and made the situation you were in better - smoking never solved one problem, it only creates problems - try some breathing techniques of taking long breathes, holding and releasing around 10 times, I promise you it works and rather than having a vape when in the situation have ice cold pint glass of water on stand by throughout and take a good sip when a strong craving appears.
You are over a month quit and doing so well, you can do this, treat yourself to some chocolate for Valentines
Post anytime and stay close to us, I will be around for the afternoon

Don't worry yourself, this is all pretty normal and vaping does take time to get used to. In the early days you should use it as much as you need to. 6mg is actually quite low indeed so you are doing better than you think.
Hang in there. Explain to the children that you are a bit prickly at the moment, they will understand. Keep using your Vale and do not lose heart. You really are doing a great job of it. Vale as much and as often as you need to.
tyvm im going stay vaping even when reach 0 just having a bout of aggitation but been told its normal im glad ive joined this group it does help members with lots support