Why do I want to smoke soooo bad yesterday and today?? HELP!!
SOS: Why do I want to smoke soooo bad... - No Smoking Day

hi nadavat
calm down.get your mind focused ❓
think of what you have done ❓
think of you better health.wealth. ?
what will smoking do 😈
it wont help with any problems or anything.it would just make you feel crapy.
you got through your hols.you are doing great.
its nor easy.many have fallen and started again.but I know its hard.
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Thanks Thinlizzy!!! You're sooo right.....I'm gonna go do groceries instead👍🏻
good 😁
buy something.something just for you.
sit and eat or drink or watch whatever you have got and enjoy smoke FREE.
Ive had a good few moments in the last couple of month where I thought I could smoke.didn't really want to,not sure what that is.
but it wont make me feel good or help me 😈
just gotta get on with it.
WE --- YOU can do this.😁
be strong 😁
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

nadavat ...
smoking won't help what ever your feeling. Please take some deep breaths and figure out 'why'... what is happening that is making you want to put that nasty in your body. Once you figure it out remove it, walk away and get busy doing something you like to do. You don't need to smoke!!!!
Keep in touch
💪 strength
Hi nadavat how are you? Are you getting through OK? The receptors are trying to lure you back in. They know you are winning the fight so do horrible things like this.
Tomorrow will be a good day for you

Because you are recovering from a drug addiction and sometimes it gets really, really hard!
Don't give in. Not now. You have come this far, too far to cave in.
You can get through this. Think about how much energy and effort you have expended on quitting, don't let it be all for nothing.
If you smoke now you will hate yourself for it (voice of experience here).
Plod on. We're right behind you. 🙂

Hey nadavat hope you are ok? You should be very proud of yourself as you have shown how much you want this quit but posting an SOS.
You are in the thick of the mental battle with Mr Nico and your brain is re-wiring from all the damage caused. But, GOOD NEWS, for every battle overcome, the next one will get easier, read up as much as you can on what is happening in the recovery period as understanding and knowing what is happening will help you overcome these cravings - there is pinned posts across the way - picked out one that may be helpful for you at the moment - it is all perfectly normal - keep strong

Sorry to hear you're struggling today nadavat
You get days like this and it's a big nasty surprise when they pop up after a month, just when you think everything is settling down. It's normal to feel like this (or should I say I felt like that too, which isn't the same thing as being normal 🙂)
It will pass...grit your teeth and get through it and you will feel better for it in a day or two. The good news is that days like this get less and less frequent the further you go.