I smoked cigarettes for 15 years then stopped and started dipping (Not good trading one evil for another). I tried to quit dipping and ended up smoking cigars (another failure). I haven't given up hope and I am trying again to go cold turkey. I am curious how to keep my dopamine levels high naturally to help with the quit.
Try, Try and Tru again: I smoked cigarettes... - No Smoking Day
Try, Try and Tru again

Welcoe Duke62 - I too quit cold turkey over a year and a half ago - due to posting guidelines we cannot name products on the community, if you google herbal supplements for dopamine you should find what you are looking for.
Have you started Day 1 (just so I know for your milestone badges)?
Well I had started when I posted this yesterday. As of 7am this morning I have not had any cigars or dip

Hello Duke62 , welcome to the forum.
Lots of us here have many failed quits under our belts so don't worry about that. Hope this one is THE one for you.
Sorry for my ignorance but what's dipping? Haven't heard of it!
Not 100% sure Nozmo but think it could be chewing tobacco, if memory serves me right, I remember my dad done it when I was a kid and thats what he called it!

Just thinking...maybe Hercu can help you with the dopamine question? I've tagged him so he may chip in next time he's on.

Thanks Nozmo.... Went to set up camp for my leave next week and of coarse caught a few Tuna of the Kayak ....!!!!
Duke ... Welcome and yes nicotine is evil in every form....!! (Never thought so when I smoked) and the problem is that as dopamine levels increase from the use of cigarettes or the intake of nicotine, natural chemical reactions in the body like dopamine and serotonin decrease their natural production and that is why we get that total "Blah" period.
As Roisin mentioned I can not name the products but it is very open on the Internet even under herbal smoking cessation supplements.....Very important is to supplement Dopamine and Serotonine and for transporters all the essential Amino acids .
Bananas is a Natural Serotonin supplement....!! the problem is that you might need to eat a dozen a day to get the serotonin needed....
But I see you are Jogging and that will also get the dopamine flowing...just need a kick start with some supplements...Strongs !!!

Hows things going for you Duke62 , by end of today nicotine should be out of your system and the mental battle begins, hope you got the supplements you were looking for, keep us posted on your progress