It is a beautiful spring feeling day. Any other year i would be out back turning dirt readying my beds; flower, herb, vegetable, and scaling land fore irrigation and to right the weird slope i live on into terraces ( a few year project). All this while chain smoking. I soo loved those times.
Today I haven’t smoked and feel so deprived of enjoyment in my yard. Am craving so strong and don’t feel able to go out back without cigs! This is too depressing for words and I don’t know what to do.
I really want to smoke and start my projects. Seems my brain won’t work without cigs!
This seems a fine pickle I’ve got myself into. Quit smoking now I can’t do anything else???
I have a recovery class tonight (am the only quit smoker- some are overeaters(which now i am too). Some prescriptions drugs addicts... i was told to journal all feelings right now.... i feel like rolling up the feelings and Smoking them! I know i smoked for comfort so am trying to work this out. Feeling pretty batty here. These are just cigs and i feel like a full blown drug addict needing a fix! It seems the crave has been all day! WHAT IS GOING ON? I haven’t wanted ome so bad since first weeks of quit on october! Help SOS forgot what
to write. 911 in America lol