I’m going to be 55 in a few months, My gift gift to me, is to be smoke free on June 25th. I have been smoking since I was 18 years old. Strange because I wouldn’t date I guy that smoked in high school because I hated the smell it always made me sick. I started smoking at 18 because I got a job at a bar and wanted to fit in, crazy hah but the truth. So I bought a pack but wouldn’t inhale them, until someone called me out on it, and that started my 35 year old habit. I have never tried to stop. This is going to be my 55th birthday gift to me, to be smoke free.
My gift for my 55 th birthday!: I’m going to... - No Smoking Day
My gift for my 55 th birthday!

Hi love
Same here, been smoking since I was 18, I’m now 49. I’ve tried loads of times to stop. This is my second attempt this year.
Want to be smoke free by my 50th birthday next year.
it’s a long road but I’m sure it will be worth it in the end.xx
How long has it been since your last one? I know I worry about withdrawals, headaches from what I have read that’s one. I’m not sure what else to expect, congratulations on giving them up. I’ll just take it one day at a time, drinking coffee will never be the same ( pouting ).
I started again yesterday.
My last cig was at 9.30am in the morning.
Been awake since 3am, had to go to the toilet (has you do) for some reason even though I tried couldn’t go back to sleep. I couldn’t.
I suffer with tinnitus cause of hearing loss,
Plus on the menopause.
My first attempt at giving up on the 22nd of January this year, weren’t so bad, as this time around.
Hopefully it will get better.xx
Stay strong, just get on here and talk. I plain on using this group a lot. I told myself if I’m tempted to smoke I will go on a walk, get out of my house away from where my comfort zone for smoking is. ... stay strong, I know you can do it if you truly want it. It’s hard for me, to many reminders ..
Thank you.
I will be using this group.
Never thought of it before, always thought I could manage on my own.
Didn’t need support, but I think we all do from time to time.
At least we are all on the same boat.
So good to know we’re not alone.xx
Not sure why I let something have control over me, that’s what I dislike the most,. I will check in everyday to see how you and the others are doing, and to share my thoughts.
Are you doing anything that helps, I could use some advice, on what may help.
I have got a vape to use only if desperate.
It helped me out the last time.
Didn’t need it after week three as I didn’t need it.
Don’t want to get hooked on the vape.
I know others have used the vape and they are still on it after 2years or more.
Only want to use it has a helping tool to quit, its not going to be a replacement for cigarettes.xx
I thought about one of those, but it would kind of defeat my purpose. I know it will help but I want to stay away from nicotine. I used one of those in my car and they’re a great replacement. I’m afraid that will be a trigger for me, to want the real thing. Did you use one?
How did you day go? I’m hanging in there hope tomorrow is better, I just don’t like the feeling of being my ole me.
Not so good.
Today and yesterday. Due to off balance lack of sleep caused by tinnitus.
So I have failed.
Going to the doctors tomorrow to see them. If I can get an appointment may ask to go back on champix. Has that helped me out 4years Ago. Went for nine months. The only reason I caved then, due to it being New Year’s Eve, me stupidly thinking one or two on the night would not hurt.
But it kicks it back in.
Gonna have another bash on the weekend.
How are you copping.xx

Missimple... Welcome to your family and huge congratulations on the best decision you have taken the past 35 years...(It took me 38 and a lot of lung damage)
There is a lot of people believing in Allan Car's book and maybe good to read on your preparation journey ....
I took the Champix road and worked very well...Because to say goodbye to a 38 year old "companion" is not the easiest thing I have done in my life..But I am living proof ..it can be done...!!
Please keep us up to date..!!

Hi Missimple!
It's day one for me too! Hopefully we can help each other down the road.

Huge welcome to our community Missimple and congratulations on making the best decision of your life to stop and giving yourself the best birthday present ever!!
I stopped over 2 and a half years ago cold turkey randomly in the middle of the night as woke up coughing and couldn't breathe, said enough is enough, smoked a few drags of a cigarette and that is the last one to touch my lips since that night
Have a read of the pinned posts - picked one out below worth a read if not already done so:
We look forward to reading your progress!

How did your first day go Missimple?

Good luck and happy birthday!
I stayed busy all day, today I really want one but have just been staying very busy keeping my mind off it.

Read in another post you replied in Missimple that you slipped, are you back on the horse, if you are, how are getting on?