Hi everyone. Still there 22 days no smoking. Feel brilliant and no cravings so to everyone.good luck and I promise. It get easier
No smoking: Hi everyone. Still there 22 days... - No Smoking Day
No smoking

Big well done for 22 days, that brill and you feeling so good, Go Moll, happy days!!!!! x
Hey webbs8 , hows things with you? Nearly at your 3 month milestone!
Hi Roisin, I still doing brill with the quit, feeling great and enjoying the running and swimming I taken up BUT unfortunately been diagnosed with lung cancer this week but it is only small and hopefully looking like going to be fairly straightforward with couple more tests and then op so fingers crossed! Hope you ok x
Oh webbs8 I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, please god, all will go well for you and you make a full and speedy recovery. I think you are the first person here in our community that we know of or that has shared this dreadful news - thank you and well done to you - the bravery and attitude you have is remarkable - please keep in touch and post or even message me if you need to chat - I may not be much help or have any advice for you but as my granny always said to me 'its good to talk......'
Thanks Roisin, that's really kind, it did take me a few days to have courage to say on here about it. I did wonder if you get many people on here that suddenly get anything like that after quitting but perhaps would rather not say maybe! Its been great to be able to phone Lesley for support and hearing how she was and is now. Trying to take day at a time with this too now, but mainly being thankful that seems to be quite minor in comparison to a lot of not so lucky people. The doc said that for most people by the time they get symptoms it is so advanced so outlook not so promising and that's why statisitcs are like they are! Anyway I had great run this morning and roll on next one ha ha, def good for emotional as well as physical. Thanks for being there and speak soon x