Hi All,
I've been hawking this and other sites for a while and have enjoyed reading the posts and been inspired by many of the stories. I'm particularly inspired by the people who commit time and effort to support others who they don't know and will likely never meet. This not only inspires me with my own quit but gives me faith in humanity and technology in an age when all we hear about is cyber bullying, trolling, grooming etc. You people are a force for good - thank you. Anyway, I digress (which I've been doing a lot for the last 11 days! - a diversionary tactic and a reflection of my state of mind).
I've been a secret smoker for 20 years at 20 a day. When I say secret I mean in no way secret other than in my head. Unless my colleagues, friends, neighbours and family are all complete imbeciles and think that when I put my jacket on and leave the house/office/pub each hour and return 10 minutes later smelling like a combination of an ashtray and a mint imperial, I really am going to make a phone call/get some cash out of the ATM/check the tyre pressures on the car. If only I had applied the same creativity to wholesome pursuits as I have to crafting reasons to get out for a fag over the last 20 years my life could have been so very different. Sorry I digress again.
For anyone that has bothered to read to this point - thank you (it's you I'm referring to in paragraph 1). I'll get to my point. As a secret smoker I have no external support and whilst I have coped well enough so far I'm absolutely determined that this time I'm going to give myself the gift of being smoke free. Therefore support as and when I may need it would be hugely appreciated, I may throw in the odd rant now and again (you seem to enjoy those) as well. I'm not naïve enough to think I'm not going to come up against a crisis or an SOS before this thing is done.
Thanks all - day 11 nearly done, attitude is still good and even if no one reads this, well no worries its 20 minutes more smoke free - go me.