Trying to quit again.: Hi everyone, I joined... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Trying to quit again.

clothduck profile image
clothduck1 Day Smoke Free
15 Replies

Hi everyone, I joined this site for No Smoking Day but I didn't introduce myself. I only lasted 5 days that time before giving in. I'll be more on guard this time knowing my brain will play tricks to make me give in. I'm 38 and when I saw Andrewquits had a heart attack at 41 it just reinforced how important it is to quit.

This is my second smoke free day using patches. So far so good. I had some cravings yesterday but I was expecting that and today when I finished my lunch I automatically went to reach for them. No real cravings today other than the habit of one after lunch.

That's about it :)

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clothduck profile image
1 Day Smoke Free
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15 Replies
Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Hello clothduck (great name)

You have done the right thing by getting on with it again. It's all a learning process and the more you practice, the easier it should get.

Congratulations on getting to day 2, hope the following days go well for you but if you have any problems, concerns or questions please post on here and somebody will try to help you.

Please excuse me waffling on.

Trem profile image
Trem2 Years Smoke Free

clothduck i think it's great that you have decided to give it another, it's never too late to try. I'm 6 weeks smoke free and you have hit the nail on the head. It's the mental challenge that I have found to be the hardest. Where as I always assumed it would be the nicotine withdrawal that would be. Best thing is you are aware now that the mind plays tricks on you and you will be more on guard this time. Welcome to this support forum. I'm looking forward to reading your success posts as you conquer those demons bit by bit


Hi clothduck congratulations on your decision to quit again and welcome to our community. Your mind will try to play tricks on you for a while yet so always stay vigilant and guard your quit. If you expect the mind games, its far easier to beat them down.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hugh welcome clothduck and congratulations on Day 2. That is great! Keep up the great positive attitude :).

It takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system so the physical cravings will be over tomorrow then the mental battle begins as your brain starts to re-wire and adjust to no longer getting the thousands of toxic chemicals from a cigarette. You need to be strong and focused and keep that guard up at times. Just take one day at a time.

Post as often as you need to, educate yourself and read up as much as possible on quitting.

I look forward to reading your progress, Day 1 badge on its way to you :)

clothduck profile image
clothduck1 Day Smoke Free

Thanks everyone for the welcome and advice. I will be keeping you posted with progress. I think it's good to know everyone on this forum has been through their own battles and understands that it isn't an easy thing to go through. All the successes are really encouraging.

FordyP profile image
FordyP3 Years Smoke Free

Clothduck, great to have you aboard. Pretty much everyone on here has tried and failed various times in the past so certainly no judgement from this quarter. Great that you are back on the horse so to speak. There is no doubting that the first few days are tough but you are well on your way and sounding strong. As RoisinO1 says the nicotine will be out of your system in a day or so. There can still be other physical symptoms but from then on it is much more about the mind games. Be strong and post often - you can do this!

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Excellent decision Clothduck...and yes My Dad smoked and died of a heart attack on the age of 40 years back in 1970 when all this technology was non existing....But we never listen and I smoked for 38 years before coming to my senses...Stay strong and push through...!!

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

How's it going today clothduck ? Still not too bad?

clothduck profile image
clothduck1 Day Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Hi Nozmo I still haven't smoked but it was a struggle today at some points. My mouth keeps drying up and my lungs feel strange kind of tickling. I've been wheezing but I'm trying to be positive about it all that my body is adjusting to the change. I'll be taking my dog out shortly for a good long walk and then have an early night.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to clothduck

There are lots of weird and unexpected symptoms when you quit. I've heard a few people complain of a dry mouth although I didn't get that. I did get the "itchy" lungs though, but not until I was well into the quit, which worried me. All clear now. It will be the airways healing and the lungs starting to purge themselves. Prepare for some awful tastes in your mouth.

An early night is a good idea, it's all a bit stressful and exhausting. Watch out for the smoking dreams!

I must say that dogs must be really happy when their owners quit as they seem to get walked a lot more 😀

You have made it through day two! Well done...hope tomorrow is good to you. Keep posting.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to clothduck

Yes you are right clothduck , it is your body adjusting, lungs clearing out, brain re-wiring, all perfectly normal - the body is a great healer but it is a gradual process and we need to be patient.

You are doing great, tomorrow will be day 3 and by the end of it, the nicotine will be gone from your system, stay strong ;)

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free


I would have crumbled weeks ago if it wasnt for this site, its tough quitting and your mind plays tricks, today has been awful for me, day 105 and I gave up using patches on Saturday however I have had to put one on this evening for that extra support.

Keep using the patches, be aware of the triggers, I am the same as you, after food I want a cig, so now I chew gum, drink water, go walking anything to ignore the cravings

Keep posting on here, it really helps to have online support

clothduck profile image
clothduck1 Day Smoke Free in reply to runmeg

runmeg It's definitely after eating with me too. I did it today again both at lunch and dinner time. You've made it so far to get in to the triple digits.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to clothduck

Hey clothduck , how are you getting on, have your 1 week badge ready and waiting for you :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How are you getting on clothduck

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