He was indeed a heavy smoker, three at least prior to boarding a plane, always routines with his smoking, always one just before that oh so much needed sleep, and every thing in between, but he ever ever smoked in front t of his family ( I'm sure some can relate to that.)
He was admitted to hospital as a emergency, I so hope all men don't indeed take this as the rule, but it was a emergency in he's eyes at least, so plenty of loving thoughtful words. Had his operation,.......
Whilst recovering in his hospital bed, oh that pain was so very terrible, he said with a little twinkle in his eye. And indeed us ladies wouldn't of survived, with a smile. He named the man in the next bed Frank, frank, coughed and wheezed every day for three days and nights, then sadly his bed with him on it was wheeled away, to another wold. Without notifing me came home never smoked again, as he could not get Frank out of his mind, no withdrawals, with that said, not that he mentioned it to me, no weight gain, he just quit quietly on his own.
His world reverted back to normality. Never ever smoked again, as I look back on that time, little me just carried on smoking, being a nice man, he never ever nagged me to stop or not to smoke around him.
It is indeed a strange little world at times.