Day 1 or is it: So today is the day I start... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 1 or is it

Lloydyd profile image
33 Replies

So today is the day I start my Champix. Im planning on taking it at around 10:30 so I can drink lots and eat something before I take this thing. Im at work so worried about any effects, but I guess I will just have to deal with anything that comes my way.

Any advice would be welcome


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Lloydyd profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Lloyd, just wanted to welcome you to the forum :) I have no clue about champix but I'm pretty sure that day 1 will be the first day you don't have a fag not the first day you take the champix cos I think you smoke first off on them don't you? Anyway there are plenty of members who have taken it and quit successfully so they will be along in a bit I'm sure, just wanted to say hi really :) x

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Good luck Lloyd. I haven't used champix either so can't comment but many on here have. I'm sure there are lots of threads about it. :)

Lloydyd profile image


Thanks for the welcome folks. I am going to get some breakfast from the coffee house*pping myself a little about taking it tbh, not too worried about the side effects but actually worried (not sure if that's actually the right word) that this stuff might actually do what its meant to and will stop me from smoking.

I really want to stop, but im worried about not having it in my life. Is that normal? :confused:

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks for the welcome folks. I am going to get some breakfast from the coffee house*pping myself a little about taking it tbh, not too worried about the side effects but actually worried (not sure if that's actually the right word) that this stuff might actually do what its meant to and will stop me from smoking.

I really want to stop, but im worried about not having it in my life. Is that normal? :confused:

Completely normal Lloyd, it's the fear of the unknown and the fear of losing your "friend" my advice is don't think about the long term I.e about never having a cig again because it will just do your head in and if your anything like me make you anxious! Just think day by day, hour by hour if you need to, remember you don't really like smoking, we think we do but we are simply addicted to nicotine, that's all, don't worry get something nice and calorific for your brekkie and chill out :D x

Lloydyd profile image

Set date


Ive set the date for the 8th October (my mum's birthday). Im not going to tell anyone (aside from you lot hehe) as I would rather they just notice in time....

nsd_user663_62652 profile image

When i first started champix i was absolutely terrified... you hear all these stories of side effects & tbh the leaflet that lists the possible effects is huge.

well for me it turned out to be the best thing i ever did. i think champix is wonderful but obviously it may not suit everyone but nothing to be scared of. Just take it one day at a time & see how you feel. You wont feel anything for a few days.. my biggest tip take it with breakfast & take it late afternoon with food.

Dont take too late in the evening It can sometimes have a speed affect on your sleep! :D

Champix helps you but it dosnt do it for you,you have to want to quit!

Lloydyd profile image

1st pill down

Thanks for all the support....

1st pill has gone down, several more to go.

I will do this!!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Course you will Lloyd :D

A big welcome from me too. The lovely lot on the forum are beyond compare and with the collective wisdom and support of the forum behind you, you can't possibly fail.

Good luck mate and keep us all posted on how it is going. We're here 24/7....:)

Lloydyd profile image


Me and OH done well on Champix and we have tried many different method with the years.

The side effect were also different whether it is side effect from stopping or champix or /and for me pre menopause...but you wont have that problem.

Don't be scared, embraced it as something to help you.


Not personally no, but I am married lol.

2nd pill today. Im going to wait until around lunch time as im only on one today so will take it once im completely hydrated and have food:)

Lloydyd profile image

My ex mother in law is in her sixties and was a lifelong heavy smoker. She tried so many times to quit but always gave in after a couple of weeks. She took champix and has been smoke free for nearly 6 months.

When I spoke to her last night she said you might find you physically won't be able to smoke before 08 October.

That is going to be you soon Lloyd - how exciting :D

Oh I hope so. It will be so nice to not have to rule my life around this habbit. Plus I go to Florida in December and the thought of not worrying about my next cig on a long flight will be amazing

nsd_user663_62355 profile image

hiya,i quit using champix ,been clean now for 91 days or 3 months today.i did suffer with nausea in the mornings with it,but had anti sickness tabs of doctor which helped .nite tab was fine ,all i can say is dont worry if you dont feel anything different about smoking over the next few days,all of a sudden champix will start to take effect .it worked for me ..smoker for 40 years .good luck on your quit ,any help you need just come on here the guys are great xx

Lloydyd profile image

Day 4

The First day of my morning and evening pill.

Not had anything major so far, just a little stomach ache (and lots of wind sorry if TMI)

Not feeling like im smoking or going out for one less or change really.

Took my morning one about 8:30 with my breakfast and water. No nausea yet.....

Lloydyd profile image

Hi, I was just going to post funnily enough.

It seems to be going fine, still no major side effects. Over the weekend I found that I cut down massively, even not taking my cigs out with me on Saturday when we went out for the afternoon/evening which is mad for me.

However, this morning, I still found myself smoking normally (4 before I even got into work and one just now as usual). I am worried its not working, should I be trying to not smoke or will this "just happen" on its own?

Im now on day 8 so im just confused as to what I should be trying to do.....:confused:

Lloydyd profile image

Oh my......Just took my day 8 morning pill (it was blue not white) and Im feeling really quite sick. Does the dose increase from Day 8 onwards or something as this is the first time I've felt unwell?

Lloydyd profile image

hmm I did wonder....and there was me thinking I was special as id had no effects.

I am surprised just how quickly that made me feel sick, I had only taken it about 7 mins before I started feeling it.....

Lloydyd profile image

Had to come on, I just had the most intense feeling of tiredness I've ever had. Im sitting at my desk and I am so close to falling asleep.....

This isn't good when im at work. I have a lucozade which im drinking but its making no to drive home too when I finally finish and traipse across London on the Tube.....

Lloydyd profile image

Yea I have done. Actually went out for a fag lol

It doesn't help that out of nowhere I have contracted man flu (normal cold to you ladies)

I really don't care about the side effects, I will deal with them as long as I can stop the weed

Lloydyd profile image

Day 10 today,

I have cut down a fair amount. I actually didn't have a cig in the car this morning but I did have to exercise a fair amount of will power not to. The ones I am cutting down im not noticing so much to be honest.

Feel ok other than the man flu, I thought I would have cut down more by now but I guess everyone is different....they seem to be working (albeit slowly) so that's good

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Hi Lloyd

Don't worry too much about how long it takes you, at least you are working towards it. Have you thought about not smoking in the car? That helped me cut down massively before I even tried to quit. Good luck :)

Lloydyd profile image

This morning was the first time I had done it. I think that mainly due to it being such a habit, get in the car, have a fag. They go more hand in hand for me than drinking and smoking, so to not have one this morning as a part of my normal morning ritual is a real positive for me.....:D

Lloydyd profile image

Hi all,

Day 14 today. I have cut down by quite a lot (only had 5 all day yesterday). My !quit date" is on the 8th so not long to go now.

I do feel once I hit that date (as ive had it set in my mind since I started) that the ones I am having now are just the habit ones and although im sure I will crave, I do feel im ready to pack in the weed.

Oh my gawd only 2 days left aghhhh:eek:

Lloydyd profile image

Hi all,

Im actually really happy. I have moved the quit date to Sunday (I have my reasons) but I had to share.

This is the first day I haven't smoked one when I got up. My normal routine is get up and have a smoke, then get in the car drive to the tube (about 30 min drive) and have a smoke on the way, get to the tube and have another one, then get to work (about an hour tube ride) guessed it, have another one outside of work. Then at 9am have another one before the day starts....That's 5 cigs from 5:30am to 9:30am.

Well, this morning I have had.......(drum roll) 1. Yes 1 smoke when I got to the office. I am sooooo happy. I have basically proved to myself that it can be done and the world wont explode if I don't have a cig.

It might not sound like much of a task, but for me not to smoke a fag (or several as it turns out) before work is amazing. I have put off the 9am one until I go out at 11 (and if im feeling strong enough I will put that one off too until lunch).

Come on boy you CAN do this!!! :p

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Lloyd, you blow your trumpet loud and clear, mate. You deserve it. :)

Lloydyd profile image

Thanks guys, the support is really appreciated.

I have only had a total of 3 so far today which is amazing when you think I would normally be on a total of around 14......

Lloydyd profile image

had a "bad" day yesterday and had about 10. Only had one this morning so far but im really struggling again. I keep thinking about it and wanted to know if this is normal.

My stop day is Sunday and im really trying to cut right down (taper off as such) so I don't just stop! Is this the right thing to do or should I just go down and smoke when I feel like it as I have actually stopped yet? I know I need will power even with the Champix and the cigs really don't do what they used to, but why do I still keep thinking about it......:mad:

Lloydyd profile image

Made it to lunch time without a smoke....I am going out to get something to eat now. I really want to smoke, but really don't want to as im doing so well today

Lloydyd profile image

Ok so I just went out and got me lunch.....

I didn't smoke YAY but I did notice a lot of people smoking, more than normal or maybe I just never noticed how many there were before. One thing that did strike me, is how miserable most of them looked.

I did think, you poor people are all trapped, but im going to break free. Even though my quit date isn't until Sunday, I thought, why undo all of the good work you've done today by smoking. I know its only been since 6:30am but as the nicotine halves every 2 hours, a load must have left my body already and I would hate to have to start again with it....although im taking it hour by hour.....

sorry if these posts are quiet mundane, im doing them more for me than for anyone else to have an interest.....:D

Lloydyd profile image

Its Quite mad watching my boss go down 8 floors to smoke a fag. Since I have been in at 8am he came in around 9am and he has been down 5 times.....:p

Lloydyd profile image

DAMN IT!!! Why did I bother.

Ok so I caved, but the most annoying thing is, I now feel like crap and the smoke was nasty.....why did I do that...oh well, That's the longest I have been without a cig for many many years and I was ok

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Lloyd, there is NOTHING mundane about your posts! Keep 'em coming because they're thoroughly enjoyable. :)

I'm with you, mate- why put any more nic back in your system? If you can make this the first completely nic-free day rather than Sunday then I say go for it. You'll be four whole days closer to the Penthouse and come Sunday, you'll be over half way through your first week. :D

Love the story about your boss trailing down all those flights of stairs. The things we do (did)...

Incidentally, when I first quit I was convinced that suddenly just about everyone smoked. Wherever I looked there seemed to be someone having a crafty one or two. I did the same as you- told myself that I was the lucky one because I had broken free (and that they were all secretly envying me) and it did help.

May the rest of your day be an easy one. :)

Edited to say- my post crossed with your latest one. Never fear, Lloyd, as you say it tasted foul so the Champix is clearly kicking in now and the main thing is you went that long without a fag for the first time ever. The first full nic-free day will be dawning very, very soon now.

Lloydyd profile image

Hey Lloyd.

So that fag tasted vile did it. Remember how unpleasant that taste is.

So jump back on the quitting horse and remember the unwritten forum rule. Next time you fancy a smoke you have to post on the forum and wait until you have had three replies before you do anything rash.

Hehe I like that rule....

Lloydyd profile image

Day 1 in the books

Hi all,

Well Day one was yesterday and im not going to lie, it wasn't easy but its done! Now at work at had the hardest commute. So many triggers (Car, before tube, outside of work) but im now at my desk so made it past all of them

Being here was always going to be harder than at home as when im at home ive always had the mrs driving me nuts about smoking so didn't really smoke much, I always smoked more at work.

Even with the Champix I am surprised how hard it still is. You really do still need will power but im determined to do it this time around.

Lloydyd profile image

Hi all to save posting twice im now on the day 2 forum...tomorrow day 3 and so on....I really appreciate all the replies

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