I have had some challenges recently like having to sit outside on a night out near all the smokers while my friends smoke. I gave them clear instructions not to give me any even if I begged. When the craving came and I asked they said let's go inside and get. I am lucky to have such great support.
1 month and 1 day!!! #verysmugface - No Smoking Day
1 month and 1 day!!! #verysmugface

If ever someone deserved to be smug. Excellent news. Great that you have such good support as well. Have the cold/flu symptoms gone now?
Nope lol doc says it will in time.
Thank you for asking. How is your quit going?
Thanks Nicole - my quit is at a really good stage at the moment. On day 66 and the last fortnight or so have flown by. Like you I had cold/flu symptoms for quite a while at the beginning - seemed to ache all over and felt utterly exhausted all of the time. It was hard to concentrate at work and all I really wanted to do was go to sleep. Now though it couldn't be more different. I was out for a beer with some friends last night and didn't even think about having a cigarette. Energy levels are good and most of the time my mood is up. I know that it isn't beaten yet and that I have to be on my watch but generally I am feeling in a good place - happy days

Whohoo NicoleWard25 , huge congratulations, that time has come around so quick, you have done so well and embraced your quit, good for you!
PS Didn't forget about your huge milestone badge, had you down as 1 month tomorrow as there is 31 days in May, badge on its now, well done again!

well done NicoleWard25 - you have every reason to feel smug!

Nice one nicole i work with with alot of smokers and i have got use to being around them while they smoke it was hard at first though.well done on getting past your first month😆😆

That's excellent news Nicole...and it sounds like you have some excellent friends too. Congratulations on your first month!
It seems to have come around so quick...but probably doesn't for you 😀
Other people's quits always seem to progress faster than your own.
Congratulations on 1 month quit.
You are VERY lucky to have such supportive friends. You actually asked them for a smoke? Your quit is still so new and fragile - please don't risk it for a night out. You have plenty of time for nights out when you are stronger and more comfortable in your quit.

Wow wow a whole month, is so fantastic, your very hard work is now paying dividends,
Great news indeed, a true inspiration, isn't it so much more enjoyable, getting ready for a night out, makeup, clothes, perfume, lovely company, knowing we just don't have that nasty lingering smell, that all smokers have. For me that is a massive plus.
Amazing, keep up the great work.

Nicole...You have got the best friends in the world...Thank them again...!!!

Hey NicoleWard25 , how are you getting on this week?

Fantastic thanks for asking work my way to a smoke free body ready for motherhood next year. It's all so exciting. How are you?
Ah huge congratulations Nicole, that is great news When are you due? Will be great to be smoke free for when your bundle of joy arrives!
I am good thanks, would prefer to not be stuck in work with the glorious weather we are having, but could be worse, could have no job
I am not due yet we are planning on conceiving next year. I wanted to be smoke free for it. Great motivation I meant probably could have worded it better. Yep me too I have a busy work week this week.

Great news your on the road to feeling great

Hey NicoleWard25 , 50 Days Smoke Free today! Whohoo! Hope your continuing to do well...