Hello - Day 1 newbie!: Hi there, Im a 36 year... - No Smoking Day

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Hello - Day 1 newbie!

nsd_user663_2902 profile image
10 Replies

Hi there, Im a 36 year old woman who has smoked for 21 years. I average out at 25 a day. My partner has also quit with me.

I am 19 hrs into day one as I had my last cigarette at 18.30 last night, I have been contemplating quitting for a long time, but I smoked the last one in my packet last night (I was outside at work) and thought, 'I didnt enjoy that!'.

So I didnt buy anymore on the way home!

Feel a bit tired today as chain smoking in the morning over coffee was my way of waking up. Have occasional (Im at work) 'I'll pop outside for a cig in a minute' thoughts but not massive cravings (yet)

How do I work out the money saved things etc that I see in some signatures?

Anyway, congrats to those already on the journey!

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nsd_user663_2902 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Hello Daffodil and congratulations to you both! :)

I am a relative newbie too, but I have managed it to Day 3 unscathed! :)

Good luck and we'll catch up when we both reach the end of week 1 :)

Have a great smoke free day - you will be so proud of yourself ! :)

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Welcome daffodil, love your name, all fresh and spring like. xxx :D

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Quit Keeper

Hi Daffodil - welcome to the forum. To work out my cigless count I go into Google, Pages for UK, and then click on Freedom From Tobacco - Quit Smoking Now. There are a number of different quit keepers to choose from I usually go for Quit Keeper. Just follow the prompts and you should be okay. Hope this helps!:)

All the best and I wish both you and your partner success.

nsd_user663_2902 profile image

Thanks everyone, eeek must not look round the forum too much at the moment! Started craving! LOL!

Will try and check in as much as possible. Must say I am feeling quite tired now with a mild headache. Just popped some nurofen and hope it passes.

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Thanks everyone, eeek must not look round the forum too much at the moment! Started craving! LOL!

Will try and check in as much as possible. Must say I am feeling quite tired now with a mild headache. Just popped some nurofen and hope it passes.

On the contrary ma lovely.. I say stay looking!! It keeps you focused on what you are here for!! :D

You will have cravings, you will feel tired, you will feel sad, you will feel happy, you will feel a mix of the most unexpected things, but know this... it's ALL NORMAL and you just need to ride with it - day by day!!

You have a lot of support here, and eveyone is rooting for each other.. drink loads of water.. I suffered headaches, and quite a few physical symptoms in the first 2 weeks but they seem to have subsided now.. thank goodness!

There is no way we can just stop something that we have been feeding our bodies for so long and not experience some effects from it, but in the long run (which is actually a very short run 'cause I reckon it's only gonna be couple of months max!); this will all be worth it and we will all feel sooooooooooooooo much better! NO pain NO gain as they say!!

Best of luck, stay strong and focused and call on anyone here if you are struggling at anytime!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!:D

P.S. Try "Harry's Quit Counter" here...


nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Hi Daf,

Yup..Use the forum. It really helps...and the very best of luck. Your body will react to the loss, for sure, but IT WILL PASS!

Go girl!

Bill X

nsd_user663_2866 profile image

good luck you can do it

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Well done on your quit, keep ya head up and keep going with it, even if you feel like sh1t liek I do today, its still worth doing.

Check these stats:

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 15 hours, 21 minutes and 55 seconds (16 days). I have saved £75.21 by not smoking 332 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 3 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 04/02/2008 00:00

Motivation + 1 for me! :)

Oh no Mojo-jojo - wassup!? How you feeling?

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Welcome daffodil. Try and keep busy. Some things which I've found that helps when you feel like one, go brush your teeth, eat an orange, drink lots of water. Decide on what you want to buy - just for you when you've saved your 1st £50, £75 or £100!!

Take it an hour at a time, if needs be and if you feel angry, frustrated all emotional, just lock yourself away and have a good scream!!

Just try and remember that most cravings however bad they actually are only last around 3 mins max!

After every day you will feel an ever growing sense of achievement and pride.

Just grit your teeth, hang on tight and take whatever help from who ever you can.

You can do it!!

nsd_user663_2325 profile image

Well Done Dafodil, It really is an amazing thing your doing. Like others say, keep your head up and dont dwell on the past. You can do this. Im very early on in my quit too, so cant offer much advise but I can offer my support. Stick with it. Lou xx

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