Not going to make it: Have been struggling... - No Smoking Day

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Not going to make it

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
60 Replies

Have been struggling since Sunday night and it's not getting better, worse if anything

Sorry guys I'm only just clinging on.

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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60 Replies
nsd_user663_61196 profile image

C'mon Gemma-lou, hang on in there. If it's by your fingernails, so be it.

It is flipping difficult, you know if it was easy none of us would be here. :mad:

I'm rooting for you, and sending big waves of strength and positive thoughts to another Kernow Kwitter. :):) You will get through this Gemma-lou. :) bb x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks guys, I really am trying but feel so awful. Everything is going wrong, I'm on the verge of tears, can't think about anything except smoking, can't concentrate, feel bloated and just terrible.

Even my ****** toes hurt.

Am doing my best but I dunno

nsd_user663_61364 profile image

Hey Gemma, don't let it beat you!! i'm struggling big time, let's struggle together. Dont let the demon in!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma, don't let it beat you!! i'm struggling big time, let's struggle together. Dont let the demon in!! x

Sorry you're having a bad day too!!

Will do my best :) x

__steve__ profile image

Aw, Gemma. You can do this.

Please don't let a couple of pooey days get you too down.

Look at the amazing progress you've made, and how excited you've been to get through all your milestones so far.

Have a read of what this lovely lady had to say:

She knows exactly how you feel, and why you've chosen to quit.

Hang in there, hun. The sun will soon burst out from behind the clouds.

Rooting for you.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Sorry to be harsh here Gem but FFS pull yourself together!

Focus and remember that this quit is more important to you than maintaining your addiction.

Remember your reasons and don't let doubt creep in to win you over. Its not easy and you have to dig deep to get the resilience but there are plenty of us around to prove that its very doable.

remember, the only person who will make this succeed is you and you have to be the strong woman that we all know you can be. Now you need to get that head of yours in the right place and be stubborn, don't let the addiction win. Don't go back to burning money to end up smelling like a tramp, just so that your addicted mind gets its fix. Stop being the junkie we all used to be!

You can win this battle and come out the other side, but you must take charge let the non smoker inside you to come to the fore.

Hang in there and be strong, I know that you can do this but you must believe it too.

All the best,


nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Right Gemma, pick yourself up and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

You can make all the excuses in the world to smoke. I feel so bloated, I just feel terrible, it's getting worse, all I think about is cigarettes.

Well, don't we all when we quit smoking because it's something that we're used to doing for so long.

You know smoking is absolutely not an option because you've already been doing that all you life and you don't enjoy it. You're a girly girl that doesn't want to stink, and you don't want to be diagnosed with cancer.

So, accept that you'll have bad days here and there, know that it's perfectly normal and that's what happens, and plough on through.

In 6 months time, when you haven't smoked, you'll feel a lot lot better about yourself. Your life will be exactly how you want it. You'll be 30 and you'll be a non smoker.

Sorry for some of the harsh realities, but you just need to get the job done unfortunately.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Come on girl you CAN do this!!! It's just the 3 week demon trying to get you - don't let him win. It will pass in a day or 2 - you know that!! We all know how hard this is but keep going as you know it will be worth it!!

Big hugs xxx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Com on Gem my quit can do it I know you can.

Iv been down and depressed too this week it must be the dreaded 3 wk syndrome:)and the weather.

Get that smile back on your face and that cheery nature and don't let this beat you....a blip nothing more :)x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hang in there sweetie pie! It's okay to struggle on, as long as you're not going back to him! Things WILL get easier, but you have to ride through the bad times first.

I know how much you hate the thought that this gets harder every time you decide to make a good go at quitting, so bear that in mind when the negative thoughts set in! If you give up then it'll be so much harder the next time. And you know there WILL BE a next time, because even as a full time smoker you hate it.

And think of all the stinky clothes!! They'll no longer smell beautiful, but will linger in that old smelly fag stench :mad:

C'mon, just keep giving it your all and you'll make it through! :) xxx

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Gemma,

Only got 10 mins so poped on too see whos saying what, and your on about smoking because it's getting hard. We all know its not a walk in the park, otherwise everybody could stop smoking.

Everybody can't because they don't think they can, but we know we can.

im not smoking today.

Please reply and tell me your going to join me:D

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Have been struggling since Sunday night and it's not getting better, worse if anything

Sorry guys I'm only just clinging on.

Hey Gem

Please hold on flower, you have worked so hard to get where you are now. I know it is tough, I know it feels like the end is out of sight, but please hold on. I have been just 1 day ahead of you Gemma and I feel like we have been doing this together. Please don't leave me to go on alone.

I really hope you pull through, much love, Jim x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Gemma!

Sorry sweatpea, you have to get through this episode. And if another comes, you have to get through that one too, but just one at a time, and absolutely you can do this. It does need to be the most important thing and you may need to argue and convince yourself - I've been there and heaven knows we have furniture in our house that still bears the marks of my fingernails. Lots of people know this moment that you're going through.

It's horrible, but one thing is certain, time will not stop. The one-year mark will come, and you can get there - you just have to convince youself not to smoke today.

Nic's post was spot on for me and I wish you all the strength in the world right now, I've got every confidence in you! :)

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Dont get cross very often but dont feel the mens reply are very helpful. Glad Im not

married to any of you.

Gem just going to send my love. x

Women are generally more nurturing than men. Different things require different approaches. Sometimes a bit of sympathy and a bit of love is required, and sometimes a more praticle approach and some truths are necessary.

I honestly don't think you can quit smoking by saying "poor poor me" and hope everyone understands when you eventually fail.

Failing is not an option. It's tough to quit smoking, but it is by no means impossible. So, fully expect the bad days, because they will come. Ride them out, and absolutely do not give up.

All the best Gemma!

lefoy123 profile image

not going to make it

Hello Gemma to echo what Bluebell says "hang on in there"

Breaking any addiction isn't easy otherwise it wouldn't be an addiction. To perhaps give you some encouragement I myself am also a recovering alcoholic of some 23+ years and believe it or not I found it easier to quit drinking than stopping smoking which in some ways illustrates the power of the addiction that we're dealing with.

Myself I'm just over 2 years nicotine free having smoked for some 42+ years in all honestyit does get easier. So hang on in there

United we stand divided we fall

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123 in Glasgow

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

You are just going through a rough patch, here, Gemma. There are rough patches on this journey to a smoke-free know that. There are rough bits and joyful bits and the joyful bits are just SO GOOD that they outweigh the rough bits.

If you succumb now, not only will you feel physically vile, you will also hate yourself for having failed.

Please don't make it so that you hate yourself, are so kind and helpful and supportive to be as nice to yourself as you are to others, because that is what you deserve!

You will feel like bursting with pride and happiness when you successfully get through this temporary rough patch!



Ola44 profile image

Aaaw Gemma, sending you positive vibes!

You are going to make it, just keep clinging on. You have been so supportive and encouraging to me, please keep going, you can do this x

nsd_user663_60382 profile image

Dont get cross very often but dont feel the mens reply are very helpful. Glad Im not

married to any of you.

Gem just going to send my love. x

You may be right, but I'm sure the replies were well intentioned.

A few years back I needed one class to get my teaching license. The thing is, I'd have to attend the 3 hour class once a week on Thursday evenings after work, and the classroom was a 1 1/2 hour drive through twisty mountainous roads in the dark, in the winter. I wouldn't get home until nearly midnight. I complained to my supervisor, a woman, and she looked me in the eye and told me to suck it up, stop whining, and get it done! Ouch.

Ten weeks later I applied for and received my teacher's certificate. She pushed the right button with me.

Gem, I hope you find the type of motivation that you need from these posts. Seems to me that everyone who took the time to reply cares and wants to see you succeed. I know I do.

Spanishverbs profile image

Gemma you can do this.

If you smoke again it won't be long before you want to stop again. I really feel for you and it's not easy, but nor is the alternative.

I have spent years always going to stop the next week and how much time have I wasted worrying about what smoking was doing to me.

Don't go that way you are young make the most of it.

I know it's hard but it will be next time too, hang on in there, you can do this and it will get better.


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Gemma, where are you????

Don't go disappearing on us.

You CAN do this. You ARE doing it. All you have to do is to CONTINUE doing it. You know that if today is tough, tomorrow will be easier. You CAN and WILL get through this because you're a strong, tough and determined lady who doesn't smoke.

So there. :)

nsd_user663_29008 profile image

Gem - One post says it all - if you smoke your only going to have to stop again.

Everyone is willing you to keep going - get over this one and the next will be a piece of cake x

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Once you let those thoughts into your head,they take over.I know it's hard very hard But Gem knows from past mistakes give those thought a bit of encouragement and your doomed....

Iv been there and so has everyone else.The way to a successful quit is to have learned from all the failed ones.:)

Sorry you have had a rough ride Gem only you can decide if this quit is worth hanging on too,but that fag is only glorified in your head,the reality will be a massive disappointment and you,ll wish you never.

Take care Hun x

Ps I do agree with the men's posts also...bit of tough love and no nonsense sometimes gets results....ultimately it Gems choice and nothing anyone says will change her mind if it's made up:)

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Absolutely right Ets.

Debbie sorry if you don't like plain talking but sometimes it helps.By Gemma's posts and reading into them what I can,I already see that she has decided to fail :mad: that is NOT good enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Debbie,I have spent some time talking to Gemma outside these forums-nowhere near as long as Kat has,but I have tried.

As Nicdemon towers over you and makes you quiver with fear so your quit gets more and more fragile,:confused::eek: you must rise in height and determination to match him-until you eventually tower over HIM. ;)

Hi Max,

Spot on fella, if I ever post im struggling please post some wise words.

I think that would be enough for me:D

nsd_user663_61317 profile image

oh Gemma, please don't give in, you know it wont taste near as good as you thought it would, or make you feel any better, then you will beat yourself up for giving in and have to start all over again. pleeaaase don't.

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Come on Gemma you are one of the great supporters on this forum :D

Collective hug everyone - you can do this XXX

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Gemma, there is an outpouring of love and support for you and you so deserve it. I hope you don't give in after all you have been through. Best wishes Gemma.xxxx

nsd_user663_61217 profile image

Wow! All these people are here supporting you Gemma and wanting this for you! You can do it! You're tougher than that one cigarette that will make you feel dreadful afterwards! Chin up and good luck! x

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Hiya Gem

The way I see it is.....

This is your quit.

You want it real bad - I see you've been a member since 2012, that's cus you want this QUIT real bad.

Might not seem like it right now, but you have a hell of a lot of energy and effort tied up in this forum - supporting others, looking for help - now is your crunch time hun

It's your quit - so how much do you want it??

- enough to do me one small favour??? If I ask nicely :p

Before you break your quit, take the time to read EVERY post you made on here, take the time to remember the YOU that wrote those posts

That's the girl wants to quit, wants to help others to quit - go on Gem - she's still there inside you.....

READ them - it's your QUIT Gemma, for all the love and support you will find here, it's your quit, don't think that in the cold light of day you fail anyone but yourself - trust me, whatever my reasons for my blips, however kind you all were - the truth is, I only blacken my own lungs when I decide the answer lies in inhaling poison.....

You can do it girl - now promise me a reading of your rather entertaining contributions before you do anything - you do that, I'll leave it with you!

Your quit Gemma - your time - be stronger than you ever thought possible - it's in you - read how you have flown, and get of that perch and fly again :D


nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Gem my love

Just look at the support you've received, deservedly so.

'Our greatest achievement in life lies not in failing, but rising every time we fail"

Thinking of you Gem, keep on rising!

Fi x

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Why the sudden no posting Gemma!

Come on back. Even if it seems people might be a bit harsh at times, it's only because we all want you to succeed. And we know how easy it is to throw a quit away, when in reality, you're almost to the point when it's only good times.

Nobody means to upset you Gemma, I can guarantee you that!


nsd_user663_61233 profile image

Gemma, it's SugarPuff here. I know I haven't been posting much but I do pop in just to see what's going on. One thing I always notice is that you're here giving support to EVERYONE in such a positive way. Let me tell you that this quit has had me screaming and crying on multiple occasions, to the brink of saying 'sod it' it's just not in me to quit. The one and only thing that has kept me going is the ecig. Without it I would be puffing the stinkies like a goodan by now.

I do get the feeling that ecigs are probably not encouraged on here, and I repspect that totally giving up the habit is best, but it's 100 times better than smoking. I believe you used ecig last time and had some issues - did you feel you were using it too much? Not sure exactly what issues were, but I would say grab that ecig rather than smoke. I'm looking on it as a life saver and will look at reducing as time goes by and I feel stronger. Gemma, do whatever it takes (even if you've already smoked) because you will never be completely happy until you get rid of the fags. You're young and bright with your future in front of you. Don't wait until you're 61. I wish I hadn't. Sending loads of love. You're one tough cookie - don't let fags win xxxx

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

OOOOOH!! Think I just became a SENIOR! Thanks Gem :)

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

Thanks Kat - I've got my big girl panties on in more ways than one!!!:D

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

GL - of the many people on the forum I'm sure you're amongst the most well informed and well read of all of us, of all the many experiences on the forum - and yet you're still in this desperate place:eek:

It's hard to know what to say other than hang in there - just look at most quitters on the site trying to break free after 30+ years of slavery (and that includes me) - do you really want to be one of us?

You're obviously young enough and bright enough to realise that there is a brighter future - don't let the demon win!

nsd_user663_61094 profile image


There isn't really anything I can say that I'm sure you don't already know or one of the other members hasn't posted. I haven't known you long but I can see how much the other members care about you and your quit. Keep hanging in there, I just KNOW this time next year we will be having a month long party in the penthouse ((( hugs))) x

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

I've been thinking of you all night Gemma.

Looking at this thread was the first thing I did this morning when I got to work...

I hope so very much that you've managed to hang on to your quit. If not, will hope you can get back on the horse as soon as possible instead.

Either way, don't go away will you?

__steve__ profile image

Go Gemma :)

Well done!!!!

nsd_user663_61196 profile image

Yeah - Way to go Gemma. :):)

A deep blip, but you managed to come back up for air. !!! Very well done. :)xx

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


omg only just saw this and read all the replys and even though some seem abit stern especially Max he can be very scary sometimes :eek::cool:;)

but behind each and everyone one of them they all care about you and want you to succeed

soo happy Kats latest post says you got through and came out the other side


the fact you posted first about how you was tempted to start smoking again is a really good indication that deep inside you want to stay quit

keep in mind hun to please be kind and gentle with yourself and focus on one day at a time breaking it down

sending gentle hugs your way xxx

Spanishverbs profile image

Pleased to here you are still hanging on.

Best news today xxxx.

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Way to go Gem.......and Kat what a good friend you are:D

The only way is up Hun x

Doofus_Overload profile image

Wowzers! I lie low for a few days and this happens!

Gemma, just wanted to echo what everyone on here is saying. Hope you ride it out, my fingers are crossed.

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Well lovely peeps, email is in and Gemma is STILL WITH US!!!:D:D:D

Skin of her teeth, tips of her fingers stuff but hanging on regardless so that's fantastic. She asked me to say how grateful she is to you all for responding, hopefully she will feel able to log in and tell you herself soon.

How come she can't log into the forum?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you for the supportive posts, I am finding it extremely tough still - this is by far the hardest quit I've had - I am still on the wagon.

Kat had been relaying what people have said to me, and it did help to have kind words and support, so a big thank you :)

hellerscatch profile image

Thank you for the supportive posts, I am finding it extremely tough still - this is by far the hardest quit I've had - I am still on the wagon.

Kat had been relaying what people have said to me, and it did help to have kind words and support, so a big thank you :)

Haven't read all of these posts yet, but yaaay you are still on the wagon, well done Gemma, you can beat this, really you can, we are all behind you 100% :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Haven't read all of these posts yet, but yaaay you are still on the wagon, well done Gemma, you can beat this, really you can, we are all behind you 100% :D


Thanks hun :) Hope I can beat it - am feeling pretty drained TBH


nsd_user663_52101 profile image

You can do it Gem,if you got through yesterday you will get to the finish line:D

This quit malarky ain't all it's cracked up to be eh? But every time you say No is one day closer..

I know you know all this,and I know when that nic gets into your head it won't ****** leave,but remember how you felt a week down the line when you gave in last yr...and imagine how you will feel a wk down the line if you can stay on course....

GREAT......and invincible to nicotine :D:D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You can do it Gem,if you got through yesterday you will get to the finish line:D

This quit malarky ain't all it's cracked up to be eh? But every time you say No is one day closer..

I know you know all this,and I know when that nic gets into your head it won't ****** leave,but remember how you felt a week down the line when you gave in last yr...and imagine how you will feel a wk down the line if you can stay on course....

GREAT......and invincible to nicotine :D:D:D

I hope so hun, I really do :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem I'm so sorry I missed all this. Please email me or pm if you need a chat. Always here for you xx

Thanks hun, that really means a lot - thank you!!

I'm so glad you're doing brilliantly, you totally deserve it!! xx

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

You haven't got to "hope" you can beat anything.

You decided not to smoke. So you absolutely won't be smoking, and in a few days you'll feel better.

You never have to "hope" you can beat it. The cigarettes aren't going to walk to your house from the shop, light themselves and pop into your mouth. It's totally down to you.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know it is :)

Rex1000 profile image

Come with me

Have been struggling since Sunday night and it's not getting better, worse if anything

Sorry guys I'm only just clinging on.

Hi Gemma sorry to see you are struggling! The Nicodemon doesn't give up easily because he wants to make you ill and eventually kill you so! Our only way to beat him is try harder than him. So this is my plan I intend to go on a Caribbean Cruise next September-October why don't you save the money you used to spend on smoking and join me for a wonderful smoke free holiday all paid for by the Nicodemon. Think about it, all that fresh sea air instead of cough splutter and spit.TRY YOUR BEST

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Welcome back Gemma :D

SO glad you've posted and that your quit is still intact. I shall sleep better tonight! :)

You know from the posts how much everyone cares about you. I really hope that all that collective energy helps you through this.

Well done Gemma :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hugs my lovely. Everyone is behind you x

Thanks hun, I know and it's brilliant!! (((hugs)))


Hi Gemma sorry to see you are struggling! The Nicodemon doesn't give up easily because he wants to make you ill and eventually kill you so! Our only way to beat him is try harder than him. So this is my plan I intend to go on a Caribbean Cruise next September-October why don't you save the money you used to spend on smoking and join me for a wonderful smoke free holiday all paid for by the Nicodemon. Think about it, all that fresh sea air instead of cough splutter and spit.TRY YOUR BEST

You're so right, we've got to beat this!!

oooh and that's a lovely idea :D Have saved a load already so that's plenty to spend!!

Welcome back Gemma :D

SO glad you've posted and that your quit is still intact. I shall sleep better tonight! :)

You know from the posts how much everyone cares about you. I really hope that all that collective energy helps you through this.

Well done Gemma :)

Aww thanks!!

am amazed how many people posted, it's really helped :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now this is over :D

Well I had my Mexican Standoff with Nic and won, YAY!!

Was definitely the hardest craves I've had - ever and I've quit several times in the past - possibly because before joining here I'd have said stuff it and smoked? Or because I'm older and smoked heavier?

Have been thinking though and before when I've craved it's been because there was a lingering part of me that still enjoyed smoking, even when there were tons of good reasons to stop that bit stayed with me.

This time was totally different - at the time I *really* thought this was it, and I'd be back smoking again (told Kat I wouldn't last to the weekend) but it wasn't because I wanted to, or thought i would be great anything like that, just that it seemed so desperate :(

But, what I can take out of this - and hopefully other quitters who are struggling can too - is that I have got through without a cigarette, and that although it was probably one of the hardest battles I've fought, it is possible to beat the "inevitable"

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You have done amazingly hun to battle through. I'm proud of you :) xx

Aww thanks hun, what is it they say? When you're going through hell, keep on going, lol xx

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

I'm so happy for you, Gem. That's all :) xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm so happy for you, Gem. That's all :) xxxxxxxx

Aww thanks hun, that's really lovely!! xxx

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Hey Gemma I see you are already feeling alot better but I remember feeling the same way as you. Everything was wrong and it seemed like all your getting is negative side effects and nothing good and you feel like crying and telling the whole thing to do one! BUT you have just seen that was Nic giving you a craving, not how it really is!

Keep going hon, you know the further you get the more that horrible stuff will just stop and you can get on with life! It does get so much better, Keep going xxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma I see you are already feeling alot better but I remember feeling the same way as you. Everything was wrong and it seemed like all your getting is negative side effects and nothing good and you feel like crying and telling the whole thing to do one! BUT you have just seen that was Nic giving you a craving, not how it really is!

Keep going hon, you know the further you get the more that horrible stuff will just stop and you can get on with life! It does get so much better, Keep going xxxx

Aww thanks hun :)

It's really good to know that you got through all the nasty bits, and you're doing so well now!! It does feel b.loody desperate, but getting through and out the other side is brilliant :D

Am definitely going to keep going!! xxx

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