Hello Day 5: Hiya :D Well Day 5 is here... - No Smoking Day

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Hello Day 5

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
26 Replies

Hiya :D

Well Day 5 is here, and I'm feeling slightly less poo (slightly) physically - it's actually scary how much muck I must have been sucking into myself by smoking :eek::eek: 'cos to make me feel this rubbish when I stop it must have been a load :eek::eek: - I'm hardly ever ill so it's a bit of a shock!!

So OK I feel like I've had flu - looking forward to getting back to a normal life ASAP 'cos I'm getting cabin fever here!! *But* the big thing is that the actual quitting isn't going badly at all!! Actually it's going rather well :D

Last night I craved a lot (well I used to smoke like a chimney, course I craved) but managed it by playing games - each one lasts 5-10 minutes so told myself I'd have a fag after the next game, obviously I didn't but the combination of games and tricking myself got me to go hours not only without a fag but without taking any extra NRT either - and that's fab!!

To anyone starting out, the first 2-3 days are flipping horrible, but it gets easier really quickly so don't be scared!! :D

Soon be a week now!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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26 Replies
Doofus_Overload profile image

Woot Woot!! :D

Chuffed to bits for you, the first week really is a doozy and it sounds like you have it under control so massive congratulations on a great milestone, you'll soon be counting off the weeks and months!

You really can do it you know, just believe in yourself (I know it's corny but it;s true dag nam it :D )

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Woot Woot!! :D

Chuffed to bits for you, the first week really is a doozy and it sounds like you have it under control so massive congratulations on a great milestone, you'll soon be counting off the weeks and months!

You really can do it you know, just believe in yourself (I know it's corny but it;s true dag nam it :D )

Aww thanks :D :D

It hasn't been fun, lol but hey it's going to do me sooo much good in the long run!!

Ooh and yes I've got to keep believing that I don't need fags for anything - it's true, I don't :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, Gemma, Gemma, you're not far behind me, good on you, I too use games to get through some bad times, well I was but i forgot about it yesterday, you've reminded me, we can do this, we will be reaching the pent house only a day and a couple of hours difference, we can do this :D


We can do this Cupster, we will do this and we'll never have to go through the pooey bits again!! :cool::cool::cool:

Ooh and those games are a lifesaver - they really are!!

We're going to have a huge party when we get to that Penthouse WOOHOO :D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Loving the new Gemma positive, jolly and confident. You took the leap and guess what nothing bad happened. So keep up the attitude and carry on xxx


Lol it's odd - the not smoking is a lot easier than I feared, but the physical side is a lot harder :eek:

But this is me, the proper, nice smelling, happy me :D :D xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Soooooooo pleased to see you cracking on sweetpea and getting back to the positive, loving her freedom, bouncy Gem I met when I joined this place a year ago. I was scared witless at the thought of my impending quit and there you were, nearly two months in and bouncing round the place like a demented Zebedee in sequins!:D:D:D I remember clearly just how comfortable you were in your quit and thinking to myself "I can be there too, I just have to get through this".

Just keep on sweetie, you know the deal, you also know you can do it and, if you try hard enough, you'll be able to remember how fantastic you felt about being free. It's all just round the corner hon, waiting for you :)

Aww thanks hun :)

Think this time I've got the mental part exactly right - and it's totally for me, because *I* don't enjoy smoking not for any other, dopier reasons :p

At the weekend I was thinking that if I could social smoke like I used to years ago then I would but now? Nopes wouldn't want to do that!!

Oooh and LOL at the "demented Zebedee in sequins" :p

Our positions have slightly reversed 'cos you're my example now but realyl glad i helped you :D

And yes this is the real proper me, not the smoker one :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thinking about it, the physical feeling like poo is one hell of a wake up call to me.

OK I was starting to wake up to the health effects, especially 'cos I couldn't kid myself i was a light or average smoker any longer, but to feel this ropey (never have in any other quit) has been a bit of a slap in the face for all the abuse I'd put my body through!!

Am young, basically fit and healthy and yet all of that poo must have been building up inside me.

Also I realise that smoking the amount i was, it wasn't if I got ill, it was when and no way do I want to put myself through that.

(And thanks to Kat for killing the "I'm too young for that" thing)

nsd_user663_61164 profile image

You are doing so well Gemma!! I think the first week is the longest and toughest but it is like that for anything, I suppose like starting a new job you think 'I'm never going to get the hang of this' and it is daunting, but then one day you just get it! I don't think I am there yet but I KNOW it will happen for us!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing so well Gemma!! I think the first week is the longest and toughest but it is like that for anything, I suppose like starting a new job you think 'I'm never going to get the hang of this' and it is daunting, but then one day you just get it! I don't think I am there yet but I KNOW it will happen for us!

YAY thanks :D :D

Oooh that's exactly it, and you get more scared of actually kicking off than you do when you're there!!

We're both newbie non smokers but flipping heck we're going to be in the penthouse before we know it :D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I'm loving this Gemma, you're so positive and that is fantastic. You're getting better and better. Not smoking is obviously agreeing with you :D

You're going to fly through the days with the attitude you have.

Huge well done hugs all round :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm loving this Gemma, you're so positive and that is fantastic. You're getting better and better. Not smoking is obviously agreeing with you :D

You're going to fly through the days with the attitude you have.

Huge well done hugs all round :D

Aww thanks Molly :D :D

I feel like a totally different girl to the one on Sunday night who was hoping for any reason to keep smoking, even though I hated it.

And you know what, I flipping love it :cool::cool:


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well now there's no doubt about it :eek:

The cough has arrived properly :eek::eek:

Bring it on, let's get that tar OUT!!

Talking of which, the scary piccy


Quitting at silly o clock probably skewed that a bit, but you get the idea :eek:

In other news, Marlboro and the Co Op have posted an emergency profit warning :p

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Day 5.......

Gemma you def sound like you are over the worst...much happier!

This first week is trying but also we should take strength from it because is we can overcome it then no cravings will match them.....hopefully :)

Afm still feeling ok,patches are doing their thing and feel stronger mentally...

Want to get this week out the way though .

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma you def sound like you are over the worst...much happier!

This first week is trying but also we should take strength from it because is we can overcome it then no cravings will match them.....hopefully :)


Am feeling loads better crave wise, getting better in myself too - still feel properly fluey and have the cough kicking in but in a weird way I'm enjoying it - am making myself better :D

This is the worst part, when we're both over this it's plain sailing all the way to the penthouse yay!!

Afm still feeling ok,patches are doing their thing and feel stronger mentally...

Want to get this week out the way though .

Aww that's fab hun, I'm so plased you're on the up too - soon be week 2 :D :D

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

It's weird we all got rotton colds.....is it the weather or the. Quitting :confused:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's weird we all got rotton colds.....is it the weather or the. Quitting :confused:

I think it's Quitter's flu :eek:

I guess we put a huge strain on our bodies, and it sort of sends them into shock in a way now they're not dealing with all the poo?

It's a good shock, and I'll take a week of feeling like poo over years of making myself stinky!!

Or maybe it's our bodies getting revenge? :p

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Gemma

Well done im on day 11 and feeling proud and good.

That's the way you will be feeling very soon im sure;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

:) very well done G :)

Keep ticking off the days :)

J x :)

YAY thanks Jenny!!

Can't believe it's nearly a week already!!

Part of me feels like it's months, part of me feels like I just put a fag out - mega confusing!! But all of me is proud :D


Hi Gemma

Well done im on day 11 and feeling proud and good.

That's the way you will be feeling very soon im sure;)

Hiya :D

Oooh YAY, well done you and yea I'll defintely be feeling good soon!!

Sounds bizarre but my eyesight seems to be better, still need my glasses but it's definitely improving :D

nsd_user663_61153 profile image

Hiya :D

Well Day 5 is here, and I'm feeling slightly less poo (slightly) physically - it's actually scary how much muck I must have been sucking into myself by smoking :eek::eek: 'cos to make me feel this rubbish when I stop it must have been a load :eek::eek: - I'm hardly ever ill so it's a bit of a shock!!

So OK I feel like I've had flu - looking forward to getting back to a normal life ASAP 'cos I'm getting cabin fever here!! *But* the big thing is that the actual quitting isn't going badly at all!! Actually it's going rather well :D

Last night I craved a lot (well I used to smoke like a chimney, course I craved) but managed it by playing games - each one lasts 5-10 minutes so told myself I'd have a fag after the next game, obviously I didn't but the combination of games and tricking myself got me to go hours not only without a fag but without taking any extra NRT either - and that's fab!!

To anyone starting out, the first 2-3 days are flipping horrible, but it gets easier really quickly so don't be scared!! :D

Soon be a week now!!

Well done Gemma, yes the first few days are terrible but it does get better.

Stay strong, you can do it :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma, yes the first few days are terrible but it does get better.

Stay strong, you can do it :)


Thanks hun :)

I can feel it getting better WOO!!

Lol no way I'm going back to smoking again, this made me feel so rough I couldn't cope with all that crap again :eek:

nsd_user663_61153 profile image

Thanks hun :)

I can feel it getting better WOO!!

Lol no way I'm going back to smoking again, this made me feel so rough I couldn't cope with all that crap again :eek:

That is exactly what I said to myself a few weeks ago when my defences were down.

I was having a bad day and smoking was at the fore of my mind. However, reality struck, I told myself I can't have one because there is no such thing as just one when you are an addict. I then looked back on what I had gone through in the last 6 months and then at what I had achieved.

There is no way I want to put myself back through that again either

The only way to avoid it is by staying strong :) :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That is exactly what I said to myself a few weeks ago when my defences were down.

I was having a bad day and smoking was at the fore of my mind. However, reality struck, I told myself I can't have one because there is no such thing as just one when you are an addict. I then looked back on what I had gone through in the last 6 months and then at what I had achieved.

There is no way I want to put myself back through that again either

The only way to avoid it is by staying strong :) :)


Aww I'm glad you got through it :)

It's not nice when Nic battles his stinky way to the top of your thoughts.

But yep, we're addicts and fags are like wolves - they come in packs :eek:

I quit back in 2008, stayed off them for 18 months then got on a downer, had a row with my dad and thought as he hated me smoking I'd buy a pack, go smoke a couple just to stick my fingers up and hell I'd been off them so long I wasn't an addict any more. Well I did, kept the rest of the fags 'cos they were pricey, thought i could have one or two for a treat like I used to. Before very long I was smoking more than i had before, and crying at what I'd done :(

NOPE is the way to go!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yes Gemma YES Gemma YES yes YES!!!!:D:D:D xx

Get caught up in the flow of this amazing bunch of quitters,I have a feeling at this rate that the new Wing of the Penthouse will need constructing sooner than Jan 2015!!!:D


I'm definitely in the flow, and there's some fab people quit the same day as me too which is great :D

We're all going to do this 'cos we're awesome :cool:

nsd_user663_52101 profile image


I'm definitely in the flow, and there's some fab people quit the same day as me too which is great :D

We're all going to do this 'cos we're awesome :cool:

:D :D :D we are on a roll ....:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm loving the extra stuff I can taste now - had soe tiger bread for my tea and a gorgeous blueberry muffin - haven't tasted anything so good in a long time!!

It's like smoking makes stuff fade to grey if that makes sense?

:D :D :D we are on a roll ....:D

We so are!!

__steve__ profile image

By my reckoning, you have NOT smoked the equivalent of a 35 foot ciggie!!

That's bigger than my house, LOL :D ...pure awesome achievement there, G.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

By my reckoning, you have NOT smoked the equivalent of a 35 foot ciggie!!

That's bigger than my house, LOL :D ...pure awesome achievement there, G.

Oh wow!!

Really? :eek::eek:

*tries to visualise a fag that long and fails*

Am soooo glad to have quit :D

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