Day 5 and still alive: Must be day 5 by now... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5 and still alive

nsd_user663_11805 profile image
16 Replies

Must be day 5 by now, i'm doing as well as can be expected. Woke up feeling ok, but sleep not enough. Now starting some cravings but nothing i can't handle.

Feel like i have a bit of a chill as well. Maybe a cold coming on.

My internet is still working which is good, i thought it might be off for the weekend but looks like i was wrong. Getting ready for another 12 hour shift at work but feeling pretty tired before i've even started. I have some time to grab an hour or so sleep, so will try to get my head down.

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nsd_user663_11805 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_10813 profile image

sleep disturbance seems a common side effect from what I have read. and it does pass though that is little comfort when you have a 12 hour shift ahead of you. others more wise than me will give advice.:):)

but I do believe you will get through your shift . too many days of hell gone through to give up - hope you havent got lots of smokers around you.

it does get better -or a lot of folk on here are fibbers and I dont think that :eek:

keep strong and quit .and post and let us know how you are .

what a roller coaster this is -but this forum has saved my sanity and saved a sneaky visit to the shops :(

not you will have that option offshore !!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Tao, ok you are feeling a bit sleep deprived which is one one of the commenest symptoms of quitting but thats a temp thing and will ease off quite soon, you sound quite upbeat for someone going CT so dont be to down on yourself will catch you later when I get back, hi sky hope you are doing ok will send PM later have a good night both

nsd_user663_11805 profile image

skylark, you are absolutely right. There's no way i'm giving up now after going through these last 5 days - i've no intention of doing this all over again.

It's funny you mention the sneaky trip to the shops as we do have a shop onboard where i can buy cigarettes. They are about $2 a pack, cheap which generally makes people smoke more. I won't be a customer though - i've had enough of choking myself to death.

We have quite a lot of smokers onboard and to be honest, a fair few ex smokers as well. Just asking around, the ones who quit generally went CT aside from one guy i spoke to who quit at his 20th attempt with zyban.

I got a mixed reaction from the smokers onboard when i told them i'd quit. I could see that most of them would like to quit too, as i would if i was in their position. One guy mentioned Champix, another wanted to listen to my Allen Carr audiobook. Looks like my quit is for them too - if i can do it then they'll want to follow. At least some of them anyway :)

nsd_user663_11805 profile image

Hi Tao, ok you are feeling a bit sleep deprived which is one one of the commenest symptoms of quitting but thats a temp thing and will ease off quite soon, you sound quite upbeat for someone going CT so dont be to down on yourself will catch you later when I get back, hi sky hope you are doing ok will send PM later have a good night both

Yes i am tired. And yes, i'd rather not feel quite as sick as i do but i don't want to smoke. I'm optimistic about feeling better each day, but if i have to feel like this for a month then fine - if that's what it takes to be free of the addiction then i'll do it.

nsd_user663_10649 profile image

Hi James - your doing so well... I have also done the Allen Carr thing in the past and am currently carrying around the flash here is a quote to keep us going:

"All smoker 'enjoy' is trying to end the empty, insecure feeling of the body withdrawing from nicotine which non-smokers do not suffer from anyway. It's like wearing tight shoes just for the pleasure of taking them off".

Good luck for tomorrow.

nsd_user663_10649 profile image

I mean today - forgot you are in the future!!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi James,

Well done on your quit, you are doing brilliantly. Just take each day at a time or even hour if that is what you need to do. Be kind to yourself, small steps as we often say on here 'cos small steps are easy to achieve & each small step makes you stronger :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

loved that quote zmc78.

going to look for my allen carr book-somewhere in bookcase .

the thing I feel inspiring and equally scarey -is the fact that we are becoming different people through this. correction -the people we were before smoking:)

So i guess it is learning lots of new behaviours and mindsets . and that is tiring and daunting.

so we are healing folks day by day. and good luck to us all:D

think I have written this to convince myself out of the doldrums .

new healthy and happy people soon ? YOU BET XX

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

well done james

day 5 ...very good mate..almost a week .u sound so happy,pleased for you :)

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Yep it's always a relief to still be alive at day 5 lol. Day 5 and your getting somewhere with it now, just remember that so many toxins are floating around in your blood stream right now and feeling 'poorly' is just your body cleansing itself. Drinking water, exercise and massage will spee this processn up.

nsd_user663_12010 profile image

Hi people, day 5 for me now. Just registered on the site but have been reading for the last few days and it has helped to read all your posts. On a personal note, day 1 was not bad 2 was worse , day 3 was my worst so far but day 4 and 5 i have felt fantastic and even been able to sit in a small room with other smokers for an hour and it never even bothered me. I am using patches at the moment, the 24 hour ones and they seem to be working for me at the moment. I am sure there will be tougher days to come but to feel the way i feel now , i would go through days 1 to 5 100 times over. Havent felt this good in years. To all of you who are trying, keep strong and concentrate on all of the psitives to come out of what you are doing,,,,there are no negatives..... good luck to you all.

nsd_user663_11805 profile image

Good luck with your quit Andy and well done for day 5. It's not an easy thing to do but not impossible as you've found out. You sound positive, so keep quitting and keep posting. Others will benefit from reading your experiences, good or bad.

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi people, day 5 for me now. Just registered on the site but have been reading for the last few days and it has helped to read all your posts. On a personal note, day 1 was not bad 2 was worse , day 3 was my worst so far but day 4 and 5 i have felt fantastic and even been able to sit in a small room with other smokers for an hour and it never even bothered me. I am using patches at the moment, the 24 hour ones and they seem to be working for me at the moment. I am sure there will be tougher days to come but to feel the way i feel now , i would go through days 1 to 5 100 times over. Havent felt this good in years. To all of you who are trying, keep strong and concentrate on all of the psitives to come out of what you are doing,,,,there are no negatives..... good luck to you all.

Hi Andy

Big well done on day 5 - almost a week :) You sound in a good place at the mo and that can only strengthen your quit. Keep posting to let us know how you're doing.

Keep posting to let us know how you're doing.

nsd_user663_12010 profile image

well day 6 and still feel fine. I went out with a few friends last night to my local pub for a few drinks, i went with the mindset that if i felt to tempted i would come home but i managed the whole night and if im honest the smell of other people smoking was awful, ....did i used to smell that bad ?????:(:(. anyway back to today, im still positive and just taking things one day at a time. Keep strong everybody.

nsd_user663_10649 profile image

Congratulations Andy.

I too am on my day 6. Really excited I made it past the morning cigarette breaks, even went out with my friend for one – just the gossip of course!

I am out for drinks tonight and have told myself the same thing – go home when I get tempted.

nsd_user663_12010 profile image

honestly the smell on somebodys breath when talking to me last night was awfull. It was nice to actually not have to go outside every minute to smoke aswell. I have also treated myself this week as a reward by buying some new clothes with the money i have saved and am going away on saturday for a week in the snowdonia hills with my family. None of them smoke either so it will just be nice fresh air, long walks and quality time with the family. As for you tonight, i hope you enjoy yourself and can come back on here tomorrow and tell us all how easy it was for you :):)

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