Here we go day 1: Only awake and the craving... - No Smoking Day

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Here we go day 1

nsd_user663_57023 profile image
74 Replies

Only awake and the craving is huge. Telling myself i can do this. I have been smoking for nine years and although its not long it feels like a lifetime for me. Day 1 here we go.

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nsd_user663_57023 profile image
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74 Replies
nsd_user663_29392 profile image

Good luck x

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

:DMorning Steph,

(I wrote a long rambling waffle on your other thread)

hope your day goes well, have you done a school run?

If so and you have conquered that you are on your way.

There is one thing I will promise you, unless you go out every day for long hours, you will end up with the cleanest house ever and no washing pile:D

everyone seems to use the distraction as well as whatever method they are using.

especially when your smell changes, anything you smoked in just has to be washed!!

Hey it's a good thing:D:D

enjoy your day xx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Today i have had a duvet day so far. Adams 6 months today and still sleeping. Clean house sounds great, my plan was to go walking but its blowing a storm outside so i am housebound. I know it will get worse as i havnt ate yet and thats my biggest fear. Always had an after food cig. Fingers crossed.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

This is where the cleaning starts;)

You eat then go into the kitchen and clean something, a cupboard, the toaster, anything that will break your normal routine. You will be retraining your brain the smoking is not associated with food. I stood and drank my coffee in the kitchen as I never smoked in the kitchen. You will find something that works for you, maybe breakfast in bed;)

Fantastic that you are doing this , just think, Adam will not have to smell a faggy mummy when he has his cuddles (I hear your brain ticking...'that is an ex-smokers comment!' -you wait, I will give you a week and you will be saying it!and be proud to say it) keep strong and post as much as you need to xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Only awake and the craving is huge. Telling myself i can do this. I have been smoking for nine years and although its not long it feels like a lifetime for me. Day 1 here we go.

Good morning!

Try not to push the thought of smoking from your mind hun, as you will create more of a fear of failure. Allow the thoughts to pop up but just talk them away (sounds a little crazy, I know). When you think about smoking, remind yourself of why you are quitting and of the benefits you will gain. When I've had a really terrible day, I've reminded myself that I have money going into savings for clothes shopping! I know it seems like a silly thought, but it's kept me going! :)

I believe that drinking plenty of water is good, as well as reading and getting odd jobs done that you've been meaning to tackle, but I would advise not allowing yourself too much time under the duvet. While it's okay to let the cravings pop into your head, it might be better to do the cleaning or a pile of ironing so you feel more motivated. My worst craves have been when sat around, maybe watching a film or something.

You'll find plenty that suits you in no time, and IT WILL GET EASIER!

You're doing great! :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

as you can tell, Kat became violent towards Nicodemon!! :D there is also the worry that she talked out loud to him- be careful you dont do the same ;);)

yes, 2 of us think you should have your breakfast under the duvet ( not literally of course) . Another job after will be hoovering the crumbs hehe

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Only awake and the craving is huge. Telling myself i can do this. I have been smoking for nine years and although its not long it feels like a lifetime for me. Day 1 here we go.

Hi Steph :)

Day 1 cravings are the worst 'cos it's all so new to you *but* you can get through it!!

Plenty of water helps loads. For me it shut up the cravings a bit and of course it gets all the toxins out of your body that bit faster.

Ooh, and chew plenty of gum too, when you just stop smoking it feels odd not having something in your mouth so that helps - I was going through one of those boxes of Extra a day early on but it did help :)

And exercise *definitely* helps. It gave me a bit of a high, and when your breathing gets better that's a fab feeling too :D

Most of all post on here, don't worry about crying, moaning, ranting or anything else!! It really helped me


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Live cold turkey? ooooer may have to hide behind the sofa!

Steph, key imho is that you know you want to do this. Keep that in your mind and you will do it.

Keep yourself busy first few days, go to bed for a snooze, have a long bath, clear the attic, go for a long walk (dont take purse so you dont have any cash to pop to the newsagents) you will find that the craves come in waves and the waves will get smaller.

so do whatever you gotta to get past these first few waves and you will be all the stronger for having done that first few hours.

Shout at us, or just me, we dont care we only want to do what little we can to take your mind off things or help where we can.

A good rant and a shout really helps now and then :) So please feel free!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

speak for yourself Max, I am no expert, unless my advice to try and get 2 creme eggs in your mouth without dribbing counts as high level antismoking advice?

Gawd bless giving up around easter :D

Actually, I think this is excellent advice.

Next time I'm having a bad day, I will stock up on cream eggs!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Actually, I think this is excellent advice.

Next time I'm having a bad day, I will stock up on cream eggs!! x

Works for me, lol!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

sounds easy, but do not try when you have a cold are are all bunged up, you will suffocate :o takes ages to eat them

Tomorrow I shall revisit my old nemesis, whole twix sideways

Haha! I must see photographic evidence if this! :D

nsd_user663_56837 profile image

Ha ha I've been eating creme eggs like crazy i love them and they taste soooo much better than fags and im not worried about the weight increase cos im so b****y busy doing house work and keeping my mind occupied!

Busy busy busy that's the key, helps you sleep too when going thru nicotine withdrawal lol!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Ha ha I've been eating creme eggs like crazy i love them and they taste soooo much better than fags and im not worried about the weight increase cos im so b****y busy doing house work and keeping my mind occupied!

Busy busy busy that's the key, helps you sleep too when going thru nicotine withdrawal lol!

Creme eggs help you sleep! Thats a new excuse for eating chocolate Tic!!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

So far so good. Just finished having a cup of tea and got past a huge craving. Thanks for all the words. Am starting to have more faith in myself.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So far so good. Just finished having a cup of tea and got past a huge craving. Thanks for all the words. Am starting to have more faith in myself.

Well done :)

The more craves you fight off the easier it will get!!

Don't worry about it, just take it an hour at a time and before you know it you're notching up the milestones :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Yay, 'told you so!' we knew you would make it through the morning Steph!!

just a couple of hours of the afternoon and you will be 2/3 of the way through the day!;)

Off in search of chocolate now!!:D:D

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Im impressed the main thing am doing is cleaning to keep busy and eill take myself for a nice bath as my next challenge.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

or if the weather has settles a nice walk with Adam, depends where you are living, its quite nice where I am today, cloudy but still and warm. Enjoy your afternoon xx

nsd_user663_54696 profile image


Steph just keep posting on here and if you like please read all of my threads from my first day of my quit.......................heres one i wrote a few days ago it may help you..........................

Damn it, ive just typed out a lovely long thread for all of you new and old quiters, only i pressed the back space button to many times and lost the lot

So here we go again, i am sorry i have been a bit elusive but my work here in Cyprus is starting to pick up (due to the temp going above 25 degrees).

I do pop my head in from time to time and to be honest i have missed you all, i would love to give you new quiters advice and encouragement because this forum in my eyes is the reason why my quit was so so easy. So many people helped me and they are still out there helping others, i feel really awful regarding not being there for the newbies and i suppose the oldies.

The reason why i can write this today is because im ill with the flu or should i say man flu , but i do wonder how much worse this flu would be on my chest, if i was still smoking 20 a day . Please please please new quiters if you are struggling just keep with it, it gets so much easier as the days go bye FACT. Yes you will because i do get the odd craving every now and again but they get so much weaker and you in yourself get so much stronger. The best thing you will find after a while in your quit is that when you have a cup of coffee or tea or after a meal or socializing with a pint/wine or first thing in the morning ect that thing that's stuck in your mind and scares you to death because you think they go together and how can i do these things without a cig/ in time just goes away and believe me i wake up in the morning now and (i was the worst in the world for this because all i was thinking about was a fag/cig that would be my first thought and my first action) all i think about now is my lovely Steffi and how much i love my life (smoke free) and that first cup of coffee with a couple of slices of toast with 2 free range pouched eggs on top. I never never now even think about cigs/fags even when i've finished my food (and that was the first thing i used to think about).

All im trying to say is that please please don't give up on your quit (yes your going to have a choppy rough ride for a while but once youve sailed through it you will have paradise waiting for you and there are so many members on this forum waiting for you)

Just imagine how great i feel now....................not thinking of cigs/fags in the morning, not thinking a fag/cig and coffee go together and not wanting AT ALL a cig/fag after food, but the best for me is that my pint of KEO (Cyprus lager) tastes so so much better without those stinky horrible cig/fags.................You will crack it just keep with it and you may not think so at this moment in time but i will put my life on the line and tell you without a shadow of a doubt it gets so so much easier as time goes bye.


nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I don't know what just overcame me. I was hoovering the kitchen and got the worst craving so far. I must admit if i didn't come on here i would have been walking to the shop to buy a packet. I was not prepared for it at all or expecting it. Will power your message definitely helped me when i read that. I think i might write out a list of things i would love to do and how being smoke free will help me achieve these goals. Everyone is being such a great help and all the words of support is making me last longer. I can already tell just how great this forum will be to help me be the smoke free person i want to be.

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I said be alot there haha

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

It is the first day that is tricky as you are doing all these things for the first time without thinking, 'i'll go have a ciggie when ive done...'Next time you hoover the kitchen it will be ' Didnt have one last time I hoovered so dont need one know!' keep at it Steph and post as much as you like x

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Ok i am going to try my biggest fear and eat something. Im spuring myself on big time here and when i do this ill be doing cartwheels around the kitchen.

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

If you find yourself having a massive craving afterwards (usually my problem area too), drink some water slowly. You can also go into the war zone with some gum, protect your teeth and chew angrily. Chew and chew and chew...

Welcome to the forum hun, you can get through them! :)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

right, when you have eaten and cleared away all you hvae used then you can come on and tell us what you ahd for lunch ( You were told that we were a bossy lot!)

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Im still here :D had a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup along with bread and now sucking a glacier fruit sweet. So far so good though resisting the urge alot right now.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Im still here :D had a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup along with bread and now sucking a glacier fruit sweet. So far so good though resisting the urge alot right now.

You are doing very well Steph :)

Get through the first few days and it's heaps and heaps easier!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Im still here :D had a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup along with bread and now sucking a glacier fruit sweet. So far so good though resisting the urge alot right now.

there you go, 40 minutes later and having eaten, you have resisted the evil call of nicodemon!! hope the rest of your afternoon is as good xx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I really hope it is. Its at night ill be under pressure though. Night time was always my main smoking time. Ive done it this far so know (or hope) i can get to day 2.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

are you the only smoker in the house?

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Yeah my partner hates smoking, alot of smoking related deaths in his family so he was always saying to me. I am at my mums house at the minute and she smokes alot. Even though she goes outside when adam is here i still smell it when she comes back in.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I really hope it is. Its at night ill be under pressure though. Night time was always my main smoking time. Ive done it this far so know (or hope) i can get to day 2.

One of my friends quit last year on NSD and when I stopped she told me it gets a lot easier really quickly and that after a few months not smoking she didn't think about it at all hardly. I didn't believe her, thought she was just being nice but it really does!!

For your main smoking time (mine was Saturday afternoons) make sure you keep yourself busy 'cos if you're bored that's when the craves kick in.

Watch a film you like, get involved with Facebook games, take up knitting - anything to keep your mind busy and the craves don't seem so bad :)

Keep drinking water, don't be afraid to crack out the sweet treats and post on here - it helps no end.

Ooh and another thing - tell yourself you can have a fag "in half an hour" you'll probably have forgotten you wanted one by then - don't actually do it obviously, lol.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yeah my partner hates smoking, alot of smoking related deaths in his family so he was always saying to me. I am at my mums house at the minute and she smokes alot. Even though she goes outside when adam is here i still smell it when she comes back in.

Keep onto that thought and think how much Adam will love it that his mummy doesn't smell all smoky!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

so this evening, when home, you will not be tempted by an OH smoking, and he will be so proud of you too. Give yourself a good pat on the back for not nipping out with Mum too:D:D

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Struggling alot here. Time for a bath now. I can do this.

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Yes you can do it Steph, my OH smokes and I have had a couple of minor slip ups but I am now on day 9 and it does get easier................Keep at it girl :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

**** can't you just sense the desire for success and sense of optimism in this place ****** :D

There is no escaping it is there:D

Steph may have wanted to crave today, little did she realise I was off work and could give her grief ( opps meant support...let's kick the scummy Nic up the backside on Steph's behalf while she enjoys her bath!) hehehe :D:D

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Must admit i am now totally relaxed. I have alot of cravings but tell me this the gap between them will get longer wont they?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Must admit i am now totally relaxed. I have alot of cravings but tell me this the gap between them will get longer wont they?

Yay for being relaxed :)

Yes they do get longer - and the more craves you battle through the weaker they get.

Not bragging, but I last craved a fag a week ago and that is really rare!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

yes, on day one, you do tend to think of having a cigarette probably about every 3-4 mins if I am honest which is more than if you were smoking. nor the only time I really thnk about smoking it doesnt come with a crave. Yes I think about them but i dont want one or feel i need one.:cool:

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Wish i was at that stage now haha. Its tough but here i am half way through the first day. Did you all go cold turkey?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wish i was at that stage now haha. Its tough but here i am half way through the first day. Did you all go cold turkey?

You will be :)

I didn't go cold turkey - wish i had now!!

It's tough now but when the good things start kicking in it's well worth it.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

I use .....*thinking about it, checks body, opps forgot to put patch on today and only just realised*....patches! Started on step one for 2 1/2 weeks not I use half a patch, *hmmm wonders whether to bother putting one on*

My opinion in that it is more of the habit and association that I need to beat. As they say horses for courses though.

What about you? Are you cold turkey?

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I have the inhalator but am starting to think surely the longer i use that the longer the cravings will last?

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

some would say dont touch it and some would say as you want , others when you really need it. It is your body and you will know what works for you. If it doesnt, try something else. You may find that you just need it the first week and then weean off it, or that you suddenly realise you havent used it for a couple of days.

Have you noticed how popular your thread is? Over 300 views and so many replies! Loads of support here for you Steph. Alot of the views could be from people thinking of quitting so your 'diary of today' will encourage others that no matter how hard it is, you CAN get through that first day.

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I hadn't even noticed. I'm so glad i found here and would definitely recommend it to anyone. The plan is then to use this short term and then to replace it with water or sweets or something. I would chose walking but at the minute the weather is too bad and i am sick :(. Hopefully people coming on will read all the posts from people who have quit for so long, if i had found this earlier i would have quit way before now.

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

The smell of smoke is actually turning my stomach. Looking forward to getting home. Think i will have to wash my clothes am not sure if its the smell of smoke still on them even though they've been washed, or my mum walking around the house or just withdrawal but i feel slightly sicker than what i did before. hmmmm

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The smell of smoke is actually turning my stomach. Looking forward to getting home. Think i will have to wash my clothes am not sure if its the smell of smoke still on them even though they've been washed, or my mum walking around the house or just withdrawal but i feel slightly sicker than what i did before. hmmmm

That is a brilliant sign Steph :)

If you actually hate the smell then it's a sign that you're ready to quit!!

Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Ooh and if you use your inhalator or not is up to you. It *does8 take the edge off your craves, and can be good to use if you feel you're going to cave in, but the downside is that you do take longer to get nicotine free.

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Its getting past thw first while then ill lower the doseage slowly hopefully. Its near time for food again.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Its getting past thw first while then ill lower the doseage slowly hopefully. Its near time for food again.

You will find you need it less and less, don't stress about using NRT - whatever works for you to keep you off the ciggies has to be good!!

Just make sure you use it when you *need* to not just want to.

Are you having something nice?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hey Steph,

Just spent the last ten minutes updating myself on the posts relating to your thread (there's a few to get through!). A huge well done for being so close to tackling day one! It takes a lot of guts to choose the day and really go for it (in my case, I was ill, so my first week was a bit of a cheat!) and you should be so happy with yourself.

My other half smokes socially and I didn't realise, until quitting, how badly it really smells. I didn't smoke in my house or car and thought that I was relatively unsmelly, but boy does it stink! I'm sure your fella will be very happy that you've stopped.

I guess I want to be another that you can add to your list of YES, IT GETS EASIER responses. We all have our own battles to overcome and get through certain situations at a different pace, but I think we can all agree that things become less of a struggle as each day passes. You need to stay positive and focused on your goal. I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine hun! :D

Especiall with us bossing you about ;) xxx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Its been half an hour since i finished my dinner but i am really struggling. I knew it would be hard but i am so close to caving in right now. HELP!!!!!

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Resist it Steph

I was finding it hard after a meal, I never used to have an afters (or desert to you posh people) since I quit I find if i have something sweet it replaces that crave.

Have a sweet, some water just dont give in, it wil pass

Amanda x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Its been half an hour since i finished my dinner but i am really struggling. I knew it would be hard but i am so close to caving in right now. HELP!!!!!

Oooooh no, you don't need to smoke!!

You've done so well battling the orders you've been getting from a dumb plant all day and you can beat this!!

I used to pretend smoke post it notes and when I was struggling in the pub one of my friends stuck a straw in my mouth. You know what, it helps - give it a go!!

Drink water, listen to music or anything but don't smoke.

Ooh or have a go on you inhaler, it should take the edge off for you :)

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Trying to calm. Inhalator not really helping. Trying to drink water and its helping a bit. Think i might be able to do this. Had a complete panick attack aghhhh

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Trying to calm. Inhalator not really helping. Trying to drink water and its helping a bit. Think i might be able to do this. Had a complete panick attack aghhhh

You'll get through :)

In a short time you'll look back on these posts and wonder if it was really you :)

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

And breathe ive got past it. Thanks people it helped. Can it get any harder!!

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Am in shock how hard that was. Stupid plant took hold of my life!!! I say next challenge will be going to bed. Anybody any tips?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And breathe ive got past it. Thanks people it helped. Can it get any harder!!

Nope it will just get easier :)

Huge well done Steph, it's really tough going through the first few days (unless you end up spaced out like i did, lol) but the longer you go the better it gets :D

Unless you smoked in bed, that should be a lot easier, grab a good book and/or your ipod and get yourself nice and cosy and there you go :)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

gosh, you had a tough evening, sorry I wasnt about.


you will survive, you will pass each test, you will make it to the penthouse.

You have the best reason in little Adam, not so much for him, but for you, so you can see him grow up and enjoy all of his achievements!!

I look forward to reading your journey tomorrow Steph. Sleep well xxx

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

I am so mentaly exhausted. Lets hope i can relax soon. Feel very emotional.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

go to bed and sleep, lie down and totally relax, count, muscle clench , listen to music, whatever works for you.

most importantly....SCREAM from the roof tops that you have completed a whole day of not smoking :D:D and you are looking forward to the same tomorrow.

Have a great sleep Steph and speak tomorrow xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am so mentaly exhausted. Lets hope i can relax soon. Feel very emotional.

You will do hun, but again that's only an early days thing.

I was teary (which I'm not normally) and felt odd *but* that didn't last that long.

*Now* I feel fantastic for not being tied to having a fag every hour - you will too, just get through the nasty bit and you'll be free :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

If it's any consolation I have actually forgotten what it's like to smoke

Me too and I've only been quit 4 months :)

Great isn't it?

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Aww guys its back again with a vengence. Not coping well at all. Tears flooding down and dont know if its smoking or pnd related. If i make it through the night ill be flying :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww guys its back again with a vengence. Not coping well at all. Tears flooding down and dont know if its smoking or pnd related. If i make it through the night ill be flying :(

I really hope you're feeling better today hun :)

Went through that early on too - am not normally a teary person but did feel near tears at times.

Like everything else though it doesn't last and you soon feel loads better :)

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Good Morning Steph

Good luck with day 2, we are all behind you on this xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good morning Steph :)

I'm eagerly awaiting your next post, reassuring us that you're still with us. What a battle you had on your hands last night! :eek: If you've managed to get through the night then you've probably won the hardest fight you'll have hun.

Everything crossed!! xxx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Good morning Steph :)

I'm eagerly awaiting your next post, reassuring us that you're still with us. What a battle you had on your hands last night! :eek: If you've managed to get through the night then you've probably won the hardest fight you'll have hun.

Everything crossed!! xxx

As Sarah said, there are a lot of us rooting for you. Maybe answer here and then start a day 2 thread. would be great for quitters to be to read that you survived, and have come through stronger to fight the nicdemon! We really wan to help you and follow your journey with you so looking forward to reading your post

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Come on Steph make an appearance

Never has there been such a gaggle of well meaning helpers as are awaiting you this morning!!!;)

I am sure she will be soon-

a) even if only to tell us she caved in last night, if she did though she managed a day and will be more prepared to try again

b) she is enjoying her breakfast too much to come and talk to us:D:D

I'll shout at her soon if she doesnt appear ( learnt how to do that yesterday ;))

nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Hi guys well im still with you. Been up all morning trying to get tickets for radio 1s big weekend and theyve gone aghhh. Last night was tough. Still craving now but i was awful last night.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi guys well im still with you. Been up all morning trying to get tickets for radio 1s big weekend and theyve gone aghhh. Last night was tough. Still craving now but i was awful last night.


good, I don't have to do the shouting thing.

So very glad you made it through! Bet you feel dead chuffed with yourself.

Are you going to start a new thread in the day 2 section?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done hun :) An amazing achievement, getting through a night like that. I hope you're feeling much stronger and more confident in yourself today lady!

You can do this! :D

Boooo, Radio 1's big weekend is awesome. Have you tried ebay?


nsd_user663_57023 profile image

Yeah ive made a new thread. Tickets are being sold for over £200 its a joke.

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