Feeling odd when I wake up: Hi :) I've been... - No Smoking Day

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Feeling odd when I wake up

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
20 Replies

Hi :)

I've been taking the patch off before I go to bed for a while now and it's letting me get a pretty good night's sleep at last, and no more weird dreams :D

But the side effect is that when I wake up I feel really odd - sort of empty and sad, the feeling you get after a horrible dream I suppose and it takes about an hour, a new patch and some NRT gum to shift!!

Am guessing it's because of no nicotine overnight, 'cos I used to have a fag before I went to bed and my morning one not long after I woke up (sad or what?) so my body's getting used to not having the kickstart. I'm loving not standing on the step in my dressing gown whatever the weather having a fag, yet another thing I'm glad to be free of!!

What I was wondering was though, is there anything I can do to to make it better - or is it just a question of riding it out until my brain accepts I don't smoke any more?


Gemma x

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Hi :)

I've been taking the patch off before I go to bed for a while now and it's letting me get a pretty good night's sleep at last, and no more weird dreams :D

But the side effect is that when I wake up I feel really odd - sort of empty and sad, the feeling you get after a horrible dream I suppose and it takes about an hour, a new patch and some NRT gum to shift!!

Am guessing it's because of no nicotine overnight, 'cos I used to have a fag before I went to bed and my morning one not long after I woke up (sad or what?) so my body's getting used to not having the kickstart. I'm loving not standing on the step in my dressing gown whatever the weather having a fag, yet another thing I'm glad to be free of!!

What I was wondering was though, is there anything I can do to to make it better - or is it just a question of riding it out until my brain accepts I don't smoke any more?


Gemma x

Hey Gemma,

Can relate to every word there (apart from the dressing gown, never have done dressing gowns lol).

I am doing the same as you, patch of to help with the sleeping, but get that empty knot feeling every morning. Yep you are right it's the body wishing for nicotine, or rather the kickstart to which you refer.

What I have found that has reduce this feeling is exercise, I don't mean a ten mile jog or anything, I do press-ups and sit-ups whenever I get that feeling, especially in the morning. Just do what you can do.

What this does is release the same chemicals in the brain and your system as what nicotine does. If that doesn't work at least you will be getting a little fitter.


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hello Gemma, I can't comment on patches but I got the empty feeling for a couple of weeks when I first quit. My worst time was first thing in the morning.

I found completely changing my morning routine, on the advice of someone on this forum, helped a lot. It does pass though.

I remember reading something by another forum member who used patches, that they had their patches next to the bed. They would wake up, put one on, and go back to sleep for an hour to give it time to kick in . It seemed to work for them.

Don's idea of exercise is a good one though and one I'd be tempted to do in your shoes. It's what I was doing really. I used to take my dog out as soon as I got up.

Hope some of it helps you, you're doing fantastically well.

Stay strong chuck

Molly x

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

With no patch on during the night the nicotine levels fall. Nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain, less nicotine means less dopamine. Dopamine is a "feel good" endorphin, so with less of it in the brain you don't feel so good, ie empty etc like you are describing.

Exercise stimulates the release of other feel good endorphins, so Don is right, it is something that will lift your mood (if you are happy to exercise first thing in the morning).

Another option would be to get a form of NRT which gets into the bloodstream more quickly ie Inhalator, spray or possibly lozenge/minis. If you give yourself a dose of nicotine with one of these it should quickly bring the nicotine up to comfortable levels for you, so you won't feel empty for as long as with patches (which take a while for the nicotine to get through the skin and into the bloodstream).


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma,

Can relate to every word there (apart from the dressing gown, never have done dressing gowns lol).

I am doing the same as you, patch of to help with the sleeping, but get that empty knot feeling every morning. Yep you are right it's the body wishing for nicotine, or rather the kickstart to which you refer.

What I have found that has reduce this feeling is exercise, I don't mean a ten mile jog or anything, I do press-ups and sit-ups whenever I get that feeling, especially in the morning. Just do what you can do.

What this does is release the same chemicals in the brain and your system as what nicotine does. If that doesn't work at least you will be getting a little fitter.


Hi Don, thanks for that!! It's good to know that it's not just *me* feeling like that, it really is an odd feeling - I get the knot in my tummy too.

Suppose it's brought it home to me how much of an addict I am, not a nice feeling - and how much I'd relied on smoking.

I did think at first that as I'd "only" been smoking this time for coming on 3 years after 18 months quit that it wouldn't be so bad - how wrong was I? :eek:

I will do some exercise first thing, that's a fab idea thanks! I've been waking up pretty early, always have but am worse now, so I can probably manage something outdoors! Like i said in Molly's thread, I live in a hilly place so have got plenty of free workouts right there :D

It's one of my New Year's resolutions anyway 'cos after Christmas *and* giving up smoking I'm starting to put on a bit of weight and i want to get that shifted ASAP. I'm determined not to buy a size bigger clothes, and if I can give up the fags I can keep to size 8!!

Hello Gemma, I can't comment on patches but I got the empty feeling for a couple of weeks when I first quit. My worst time was first thing in the morning.

I found completely changing my morning routine, on the advice of someone on this forum, helped a lot. It does pass though.

I remember reading something by another forum member who used patches, that they had their patches next to the bed. They would wake up, put one on, and go back to sleep for an hour to give it time to kick in . It seemed to work for them.

Don's idea of exercise is a good one though and one I'd be tempted to do in your shoes. It's what I was doing really. I used to take my dog out as soon as I got up.

Hope some of it helps you, you're doing fantastically well.

Stay strong chuck

Molly x

Hi Molly :)

Oh it always is worse in the mornings, don't think it helps when it's dark outside!

I will change my routine, thanks! I guess that doing the same as before but without the fag makes me miss it more.

The exercise sounds great, and apart from anything else how good to get up and have some exercise rather than inhaling stinky fag smoke!!

Thank you both, you've really helped :)

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

With no patch on during the night the nicotine levels fall. Nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain, less nicotine means less dopamine. Dopamine is a "feel good" endorphin, so with less of it in the brain you don't feel so good, ie empty etc like you are describing.

Exercise stimulates the release of other feel good endorphins, so Don is right, it is something that will lift your mood (if you are happy to exercise first thing in the morning).

Another option would be to get a form of NRT which gets into the bloodstream more quickly ie Inhalator, spray or possibly lozenge/minis. If you give yourself a dose of nicotine with one of these it should quickly bring the nicotine up to comfortable levels for you, so you won't feel empty for as long as with patches (which take a while for the nicotine to get through the skin and into the bloodstream).


Thanks Biggrin!

I've been using NRT gum, have got myself down to 2mg from 4, not really my choice at first but I ran out over Christmas - was thinking I wouldn't need it so long. The local shop only had the 4mg in lozenges, but they give me a raging sore throat so they're out :eek: *but* it is taking the edge off and getting me a bit less dependent on nicotine!! I'm getting by on 1 or 2 pieces most days now :D

Am thinking that exercise first thing is the best way - apart from anything else when I get back from work I feel too lazy to go out again so it's probably the best time. It's better than feeling sorry for myself anyway!!

Thanks again :)

Gemma x

Oh and the really positive thing is that although I still crave nicotine (badly some times) the idea of smoking another fag makes me feel yuck so that's got to be good!! :D

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Glad I can help,

Hey you had a good quit before, and good experience for looking back on and learning from it and making this quit the quit.

I like the idea of free exercise in your local area, I don't mind going to gyms but do mind paying for it, so I also tend to use what it available for free. There has been many a time where my dog has looked at me very strangely as I run up and down the stairs for interval training, or even press-ups on the stairs to make them harder or easier depending on how I feel that day.

Let me know how you get on and if it works for, because that's the key, finding something that works for you.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Glad I can help,

Hey you had a good quit before, and good experience for looking back on and learning from it and making this quit the quit.

I like the idea of free exercise in your local area, I don't mind going to gyms but do mind paying for it, so I also tend to use what it available for free. There has been many a time where my dog has looked at me very strangely as I run up and down the stairs for interval training, or even press-ups on the stairs to make them harder or easier depending on how I feel that day.

Let me know how you get on and if it works for, because that's the key, finding something that works for you.


Oh I know what you mean about paying for the gym - know I could easily pay for it with the money I'm saving on cigarettes, but I'd rather not!!

I did have a good quit before, then went and wrecked it - I'd had a row and it gave me a real craving for a fag and I gave in. I thought that one or two wouldn't hurt 'cos of not smoking so long and you can see how that turned out. :mad: Definitely something to learn from there - like I've seen on people's posts here NOPE!

I'll let you know how I get on :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well I haven't tried the exercise yet but this morning I woke up early, stuck a patch on and went back to sleep and when I woke up again didn't feel so empty. Still needed a piece of gum but it felt much better than before!!

Don't know if it was a coincidence or not but I had a really weird dream though :eek:

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Morning Gemma,

Glad you may have found a way to stop or at least reduce that empty feeling first thing.

The dream may well be a coincidence. We are supposed to dream, and sometimes our sub-conscience is a bit weird. Wouldn't worry about unless you find a pattern emerges.

Have a great day and will see you on here later no doubt.

Don x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Don :)

When i'm feeling a bit less lazy, and wake up earlier I'll give the exercise a go, but I've got an attack of the Mondays so my bed was much more tempting!!

Honestly, I don't mind 1 or 2 weird dreams if i don't feel so rotten first thing it was only a night of them plus waking up every hour that I couldn't stand! :eek:

You have a great day too and I'll definitely be on here later, when I would have been out having a smoke ;)

Gemma x

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

I understand that Monday feeling.

Except it a bit different for me. I left the Army 5 weeks ago only to be kicking my heels to start my new job, which is this Wednesday thank god. So when Monday comes round I have the blues for not actually going to work if that makes sense.

Don x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I'm chuffed to bits that going back to bed for a bit seems to have worked. I hope your wierd dream was good wierd and not bad wierd but as Don says it may well be a one off!

Don - just think, this is the last Monday where you'll not have to be getting up and going to work! Yay for you!

I hope you both have a fantastic day, its down to work for me now :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I understand that Monday feeling.

Except it a bit different for me. I left the Army 5 weeks ago only to be kicking my heels to start my new job, which is this Wednesday thank god. So when Monday comes round I have the blues for not actually going to work if that makes sense.

Don x

Oh that's brilliant you've got a new job!!

Good luck for Wednesday :cool:

Hi Gemma,

I'm chuffed to bits that going back to bed for a bit seems to have worked. I hope your wierd dream was good wierd and not bad wierd but as Don says it may well be a one off!

Don - just think, this is the last Monday where you'll not have to be getting up and going to work! Yay for you!

I hope you both have a fantastic day, its down to work for me now :)

Molly x

Hi Molly,

It really did work - am still having a really tough day with cravings but I'm not giving in!!

Hope you have a great day :D

gemma x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Oh and the really positive thing is that although I still crave nicotine (badly some times) the idea of smoking another fag makes me feel yuck so that's got to be good!! :D

Hi Gemma

Thats not just good that is the start of the change!!

To me it was the first "Road Sign"....

Once you realise you never want to suck smoke into your lungs again you can see the difference between the nicotine addiction and the physical action of smoking.

You're getting there.....ohh yes, your getting there :)

Well done and keep going

Take care


x :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Greg!!

I do realise now that it's a drug addiction, and that going back would just make things worse *so* that's not going to happen. My poor lungs have suffered enough. :eek:

Feel a bit bad 'cos it looks like I'm moaning all the time and don't want to put off any new quitters so think I should say that I've always had no willpower whatsoever, and I'm stupidly emotional as well so don't be put off!!

If I can do it anyone can!!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Same here Gemma

Emotional, no willpower, I'm never going to do this, it won't last forever...I can have a smoke again soon .... NOT....

All of this has and is going through my head too.

I never thought I would ever be where I am now.....so you are right

If we can do it....anybody can :)

Well done



nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Thanks Greg!!

Feel a bit bad 'cos it looks like I'm moaning all the time and don't want to put off any new quitters so think I should say that I've always had no willpower whatsoever, and I'm stupidly emotional as well so don't be put off!!

If I can do it anyone can!!

Hi Gemma

Hope things are getting easier as the working day draws closer to an end.

Don't feel bad about a moan here and there. I personally think it's a good thing that any new quitters read that this isn't easy, that it is a long road, with the occasional pot hole here and there. I don't think we should sugar coat the experience one bit. It's far better to be prepared and kind of know what's coming than not.

thanks for the congrats on the new job, the next big thing now is finding another house to live, as I have found out today we have been given a notice to vacate by the 20th Jan. Bloody Army want their house back. So no pressure then heh? :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma

Hope things are getting easier as the working day draws closer to an end.

Don't feel bad about a moan here and there. I personally think it's a good thing that any new quitters read that this isn't easy, that it is a long road, with the occasional pot hole here and there. I don't think we should sugar coat the experience one bit. It's far better to be prepared and kind of know what's coming than not.

thanks for the congrats on the new job, the next big thing now is finding another house to live, as I have found out today we have been given a notice to vacate by the 20th Jan. Bloody Army want their house back. So no pressure then heh? :eek:

Hi Don

Lol, have gone from feeling yucky to craving which is good in a way (probably sounds insane) 'cos I can fight that much better!!

Am chewing plenty of gum (not NRT unless I can avoid it) and my Tangle is getting a proper workout :eek: but I'm getting through.

My spelling has gone right down too and I'm clumsy again - maybe because I've hit the NRT gum a bit hard?

Wow, they really didn't give you long did they? Hope you can find somewhere fast!!

And thanks for saying about the moaning, don't want to sugarcoat either but he last thing i want to do is out anyone off quitting!!

Same here Gemma

Emotional, no willpower, I'm never going to do this, it won't last forever...I can have a smoke again soon .... NOT....

All of this has and is going through my head too.

I never thought I would ever be where I am now.....so you are right

If we can do it....anybody can :)

Well done


Lol that all sounds very familiar Greg!!

I've been tempted all day, especially 'cos like i said before most of the girls here smoke but my willpower's holding up so far :D

It *will* all be worth it in the end!!


nsd_user663_42471 profile image

No they don't give you long, I did ring them and I think they are willing to extend, but I have forms to fill in and the like.

I think you need to give yourself a huge pat on the back, with most of the people at your work smoke, your will power is stronger than you give it credit. You have managed to stay steadfast throughout what surely is the most testing of times during a quit and you are still going strong. Well done Gemma here's a pat on the back from me.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww thanks Don!!

Didn't realise I'd left this logged in :eek:

Am totally not with it today!!

I'm feeling much better now - have been out the back of my work (there's a largeish field there) and when I would have been smoking there, I was running round it instead. There's just no way I could have done that when I was still smoking, and it's really perked me up :D

You deserve a big pat on the back too 'cos you're doing so well too!!


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