As Penelope Pipstock said - Heeeyellp! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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As Penelope Pipstock said - Heeeyellp!

nsd_user663_53970 profile image
23 Replies

Hi, I just joined seconds ago because I would like to check if anyone has had the symptoms I'm having.

First off, I apologise if my manners, english and/or grammar is, well, dodgy but the old brain isnt working properly today!! :o

OK, I got a cold at the end of October which lasted two days. The remnants have continued tho - I got eczema/allergic reaction on my face which got infected so got antibiotics followed by a sinus infection that caused my sinuses to clamp shut so another lot of antibiotics. Finished them all about a fortnight ago but still cant stop coughing. the cough is so strong I'm also being sick with it.

So, my bright idea was to stop smoking. Smoking + chest problems = worse chest problems. I had final cig on Friday night. Yesterday I was OK but, duting the night last night, I ended up with my sinuses closing again and a sore throat. Today I feel spaced out, detached and generally yuk.

I'm on patches but have to wear them on my stomach as they irritate my arms. (always have to be different!!!)

I suppose I'm interested in whether or not anyone has had experiences like mine. Sure, I know I'm not unique - far from it :p but I'd appreciate any reassurance that I'm not going loopy and aint developing some mad after cold infection.

And, apologies for sounding like a right whinge - I had a look at other posts and everyone else seems quite upbeat and cheerful. Then comes me .... :mad: :)

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nsd_user663_53970 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hello and welcome,

I can so relate to the spaced out part, I felt like I was having an out of body experience for the first days of my quit, I couldn't even get the physical co-ordination together to write!

Hang in there and don't feel the need to apologise, that's what this forum is for.

Btw, have you read Biggrin's thread today, talk about grumbling!

You could go onto his thread and share grumbles?

Best of luck and bloody well done for deciding to quit

Molly x

nsd_user663_53970 profile image

Thankyou Molly

Your support is very, very much appreciated!! :D

Have been eating like a pig too. But, shock horror! Having wild cravings for oranges n apples!! Still wanting pickled onions too...

Now, if I could get my sinuses open ...

May yet go on the grumble thread!! :cool:

Unah profile image

Sounds normal to me:) if you read lots of posts you'll find lots of symptoms you might or might not relate to.

Wave the patches about for a minute to disperse the alcohol and they won't itch.

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

:D welcome nykii

fair play on quitting, its a bloody hard but good choice to make, im 6wks in and loving the smoke free experience :D

As Molly says go on to the grumble thread, there is plenty of grumbling and loads of fish slapping ( dont ask lol )

good luck with your quit and dont worry i was completely spaced out at the start :eek:

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I would, apparently there's a queue forming complete with wet fish???!

At least you're craving healthy foods! When I first came on here I read loads of old post, there was one that was about food and included frozen grapes, which are apparently amazing. You should look it up on the Internet, I keep meaning to try them.

I ate like a sty full of pigs for the first month or so and have only just really got back to normal eating wise. I'm going to "boot camp" in new year to work it all off!! :D

You're doing brilliantly chuck. Keep at it:)

nsd_user663_53970 profile image

No wet fish on my watch!!

As a veggie heading for vegan, could we please refer to 'wet baffies' (as in moist slippers). :D

I do think my hubby would happily wallop me with wet baffies today. I'm so spaced I could pick a fight with the Dalai Lama himself.

As for the healthy food, yes, craving apples etc now ... But that's after 3 bags of crisps and half a packet of yummy cinnamon 99p shop Christmas biscuits. Sooo ashamed of myself. :( now onto paprika crisps ... this is not good.

Looked through the 'symptoms' posts and yes, I am normal. phew. I'm just so annoyed that the reasons for stopping are now amplified because I AM stopping.

Thankyou again for your lovely, supportive posts. Much appreciated - you (maybe) have no idea how much. Xxx

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

Hi Nykii

Welcome to the forum.

Quitting is sucks....but we keep trying to quit because we know cigs are crap. Hang in there...You'll get there in the end, and it is so worth it. Hope you feel better soon.

Good luck :)

May x

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Hi Nykii welcome to the forum! I'm sure what you're experiencing is pretty normal, it's all down to your body adjusting and healing. Reading all the old posts is great for inspiration and as may said we are here to be supportive as we all know cigs are rubbish!

Keep going you're doing great :/)

nsd_user663_53970 profile image


For having me :D

That's nearly day 2 over with. Here's hoping I can pass the wee shops on the way to my work tomorrow without the 'I'll just stick to one a day' thought.

I keep reminding myself of the Alan Carr line on how 'just' one leads to 'just' another one and so on.

I can do this. :cool:

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi nykii

Welcome along. :)

My word you sound as though you have seriously been through the mill!!

One day at a time is the way forward, I still think that to myself now and it does help.

I think the longer you stick at it the better and stronger you will start to feel, the benefits do come, I am starting to feel them already.

Stick with it, you sound strong

Well done


nsd_user663_53617 profile image

For having me :D

That's nearly day 2 over with. Here's hoping I can pass the wee shops on the way to my work tomorrow without the 'I'll just stick to one a day' thought.

I keep reminding myself of the Alan Carr line on how 'just' one leads to 'just' another one and so on.

I can do this. :cool:

You can indeed do it!! The just one won't harm just keeps the nicotine addiction alive, walk straight past the shops and tell yourself you're happy you don't have to smoke anymore!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

p.s just because we slap with fish doesn't mean we have to harm them :)

They are put back perfectly well!

No fish have been harmed during the previous slappings!! :D

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

p.s just because we slap with fish doesn't mean we have to harm them :)

They are put back perfectly well!

No fish have been harmed during the previous slappings!! :D

I can 2nd this nikii the best trout are used and put back all fit and healthy :D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Goodness, I'll have to cancel my complaint with the RSPCF now!!!

I hope everyone is feeling a lot better now, I hate it when I have bad days, they always take me by surprise.

Keep your peckers up peeps :)



nsd_user663_53753 profile image

p.s just because we slap with fish doesn't mean we have to harm them :)

They are put back perfectly well!

No fish have been harmed during the previous slappings!! :D

I can 2nd this nikii the best trout are used and put back all fit and healthy :D

OMG... You are both complete nutters. LOVE IT :D x

nsd_user663_53970 profile image

Wet trout

That shall be my 'keeping my mind off the fact that my sinuses are shut tighter than an Aberdonian's wallet and i dont want to think of the unmentionable' activity - finding healthy trout to slap unsuspecting passers by with!

Keep an eye on the papers - if you see an article titled 'do you know this deranged person?', good chance it'll be me. :rolleyes:

Bah. I feel like I got the cold again. So hoping a good night's sleep'll sort it out.


Thankyou again - I'm rubbish at online forums and a little overwhelmed at the positive welcome I've received here. What a lovely bunch you are (even if you do go for abusing people with aquatic organisms:eek:)


AngryBear profile image

Hi Nykii welcome! Don't worry about extra eating; it's better than fags, you have to have SOME vices :D Use this forum all you can, it's the best tool you'll have. The support on here is incredible....:D

nsd_user663_53212 profile image

OMG... You are both complete nutters. LOVE IT :D x

Thank you May, take that and I'm sure Greg will too as a complete complement :D

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Hi Nyki

Welcome to the forum. I am quite sickeningly positive at 4 weeks in, but my first few days were just like yours. I stopped because I had an awful chest infection and just could not smoke, although I kept trying every half hour to check. It is difficult when you are ill to know what is the illness and what is the not smoking, but the thing to remember is that you will get better, but if you smoke you will keep getting ill and will probably cop for one of the dread diseases in time. I know everyone dies but lung cancer apparently is like slow drowning and I dont fancy that one. Look after yourself as if you are a precious infant. Also please dont worry about the fish. I promise you that no animals are harmed on this site!

nsd_user663_53970 profile image

Well, I've just been to the doctor (again - thinking about just pitching a tent outside). Doctor thinks its damage to my mucous membranes caused by quite a severe infection in my sinuses. So it's not been stopping smoking - though, I imagine that may have exacerbated it.

However, I hate being ill and the thought of smoking for the rest of my life and the ill health that is going to bring, I shall keep going breaking the chains of addiction (drama queen moment). So, MrsM, I agree with you. A little while feeling like guff is worth it. Emphysema is one of my worst fears.

Today was my first day at work not smoking and I only had the 'I'll go have a fag now' thought three times all day. I always miss my finished work one but I just walked briskly past the shops. I find being peched out (out of breath for any non scots) makes me not want to smoke.

Onwards and upwards - always with Alan Carrs reasoning that I'm not 'missing' anything at all! I'm one day closer to freedom from a life sentence. :cool:

AngryBear profile image

Good on you Nykii, another set of triggers passed after a day at work...keep posting, your positivity's great.

nsd_user663_52604 profile image

Hey there - well done on your quit, and the sickeningly upbeat positivity is infectious, youve been warned!!!!

This place has saved my sanity and youre right even "grump posts" have a good spin by the end, we're pretty much all in the same boat, just some are further along the journey so can advise whats coming up and others just starting have attainable targets to aim for and can be shown the light at the end of the tunnell is a welcome party not a train aiming for you.

but you can whisper help and someone will answer, yell and you get a deluge of support.

I personally dont return the fish to the water, i fry em up, though I may upgrade to wet baffies - they should have a fab wallop if theyre the carpet topped rubber soled ones!

oh and keep on youre doing fab

nsd_user663_53891 profile image

how about this bad boy!

this sucker was caught on my ship by one of the locals. Sold it to the captian for $200 which is probably close to a months wage for the guy.

Anyways howd you like to get slapped by this badboy!???

Not what you're looking for?

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