Day 21-whats happened to my skin.. - No Smoking Day

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Day 21-whats happened to my skin..

nsd_user663_52537 profile image
12 Replies

...I'm loving it...My skin has totally changed and taut , my hands don't even look like mine and when I nip the skin on the back on my hands it shoots back to place as soon as I let go lol it used to take a second to go back in place .. and my face..OMG Ive got a healthy glow and the little fine lines have gone

At last....Im aging backwards ...woohoooooooooooooo as my inner goddess does back flips around the room lmao :D

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nsd_user663_52537 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_53087 profile image


Wow that's another good reason for me to stop! My quit date is 29th October and I'm counting down.:D

nsd_user663_52537 profile image

Awwww go for it Mich :D you wont regret it...this forum has been a tower of strength - no matter what side effect you face others havve faced it too so you never feel alone ..its great

Im loving this youthful appearance ...although my son still says I'm old :rolleyes: .....Thats one pressie off his xmas list lol ...but I guess 42 is old to a 12 yr old haha

nsd_user663_53087 profile image

Thanks - you made me laugh about what your son said :) my 3 year old daughter really comes out with some lovely comments to make my day like my legs are big and I've got 3 chins! (I haven't honestly!)

Seriously though when I've stopped in the past it things like changes in skin tone hair, white teeth that also make me glad I had stopped but then after a certain period of time I forget all the bad things about smoking and I make that decision to go back to it then it's only a day or so later that it all comes flooding back (no more healthy glow etc etc). God knows why I start again but this is the end of the road for me - thanks for your response! Bet you look great by the way - I always felt and looked better as a non-smoker :)

nsd_user663_22747 profile image

It's blinking amazing isn't it.

Have you also noticed that smokers generally have quite a pinched look about there faces, thats what were losing that squinty eyed pinched look that we have been sporting.

I've been suffering with dry skin for ages and where it has been cracking is starting to heel up.

Can you believe we're almost 3 weeks in.

And good luck Mich.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image



Its great isn't it?

I've noticed a couple of friends that look a bit 'grey' too, lack of oxygen and evil toxins i think.... never noticed before!

Congrats on your quit... you little winner you! :D

nsd_user663_52537 profile image

Awww Mich...wait till your little girl REALLY drops a clanger...when my lad was about 5 he sat looking through the Avon book...The normal questions... whats that.. whats this.. then came the "Little pots" Anti wrinkle cream I told him....After school the following day stopped at Tesco.. he examined an elderly ladies shopping as it sat on the belt..asked me very quietly if that "Little pot" was anti wrinkle cream, yes..he stared her right in the face..looked at this little pot then proceeded to bellow in typical 5 yr old volume not to bother with that anti wrinkle cream cos it doesnt work...:eek:...she clearly never has children as she was not impressed and probably never been dropped in the crap by a child in her life ...

Fore untill you said I now see that pinched look on faces... OMG we looked like that :( Im glad you are starting to feet used to suffer being on them all day even they are softer... still ugly tho lol.. I hate feet loll

Zozie its fab!!! Like Fore said with that "pinched " look smokers to have grey tinge god we must of all looked like teh walking dead ...

Well done everybody keep going

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well done to all of you and how great that you are all starting to see some positive results! That will spur you on to keep going:D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Haze I'm following you!!


Yes I agree about skin, what a difference I feel too, and I also feel an improvement in the condition of my hair also, and it's great being able to smell shampoo and conditioner hours and hours later!

Anyway, I'm sure your affa bonnie!

Fi x

nsd_user663_53087 profile image


OMG I think that's one of the funniest stories I've heard up to now :D - I think I would have laughed if I was that old dear though - some people are so miserable!

I'm glad you're feeling great - you don't want to go back to how I'm feeling right now - like poo and feel like I look rough when I'm a smoker - it totally strips away all your confidence you have in yourself and in your looks too.

As I said earlier can't wait to join you lot!

Take care x

nsd_user663_52630 profile image

I thought I was looking healthier until Saturday when I was struck down with man flu.. I now look like cr@p.. Partly my own doing because I have decided to grow stubble instead of being clean shaven and even though this looked ok with my healthy glow I now look like the kind of guy that people cross the road to avoid!

Oh well, my wife assures me I'll pull through and although I am not convinced I'm sure a few more cups of tea brought my way will ease the pain ;)

nsd_user663_52537 profile image

when I was struck down with man flu.. I now look like cr@p.. Partly my own doing because I have decided to grow stubble instead of being clean shaven

Man flu is caused by growing stubble ??? :eek: :rolleyes: Go read my man flu post in "general" right at the bottom of boards lmaooooooooo

Mich... you will be with us all soon adn we will all have hold of you guiding you through the days, weeks etc :D

nsd_user663_52630 profile image

All facts

Thank you Short... I now feel worse as I feel I may have msn!!

can all female forum members please read short stuffs post on man flu. Please don't be foolish enough to think that it may be tongue in cheek or even a bit of a p*ss take.. It is based on actual scientific facts proved by actual scientists!! Ok scientists may have been men but man flu is so much worse than girly sniffles FACT!!

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