What I've noticed about coughing... - No Smoking Day

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What I've noticed about coughing...

8 Replies

About six months ago, well before my quit, I had a pretty bad cold, which lasted for about six weeks before it was truly over.

During that time, I developed a cough that really never ended. It wasn't a horrible cough, but it was certainly a nuisance cough, and I couldn't shake it.

I could, however, rationalize and lie about it! :) This has nothing to do with smoking, of course. It's just a lingering symptom of my cold. Lying about it made it easier to keep smoking.

Anyway...fast forward to now, where I am half-way through Day Five, and I've noticed this morning that...hold on to your hats, folks...I'm rarely coughing at all.


You mean there WAS a link between my coughing and my smoking? Well, whaddaya know!

I sometimes call my enemy Sir Coughsalot, and I'm reminded today why I do.

Carry on, you great group of quitters! Proud to be among ya!

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8 Replies
nsd_user663_44903 profile image

You too DGee - I'm 2 hrs away from starting Day 6 #soproud! Hope you're doing well too!!!

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Well it was about 1015pm on tuesday that I last smoked, no coughing, no runny nose. I actually ran up the stairs to our canteen without being out of breath on friday, so gotta be some improvement.

Its been a funny 5 days, been very emotional too, but at least today I havent wanted to eat everything in sight which I have done since tuesday, wanted to eat more than normal but not as much as the passed few days.

I still feel the urge to smoke, but not exactly craving, just missing the act of smoking.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

The state of my lungs and my constant asthma, coughing and wheezing (even though I wasn't that heavy a smoker) gave me a huge impetus to quit. I remember one of my earliest posts on here was about how I could now take a huge deep breath and blow it out really hard - which before I simply couldn't do without coughing. I remember being amazed by it and walking down the street doing it over and over, I must have looked so weird. :rolleyes:

It's one of the lovely things about quitting, the signs of improvement that crop up. They really keep you going. The return of your sense of smell is another brilliant one.

Keep going, you totally have the right attitude to this and you're doing fab.


nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Funny you should mention coughing .I would always cough when in a place where its not ok to cough repeatedly like a proper nuisance. the cinema or theatre anywhere wher all eyes are on you and you know people are gloating because its someone else and not them coughing. well since i quit smoking iv started to go to places and feel confident that i wont ruin the film or the play and on saturday evening went to a proper posh music concert where everyones proper cultured. i was feeling quite smug when at the end of the first piece all the coughers coughed in between the claps and i thought i bet that ones a smoker and that one definately is. I was settling into my chair and sucking a fruit polo and the pianist was just beginning when i felt a tickle in my throat, i dont effing beleive this i thought as i squirmed and tried to keep it down. i broke out in a sweat and tried to do a quiet one but couldnt shut it up. it subsided for a second and then another one worked its way up, all i needed was an empty space where i could just let rip but i was surrounded by hundreds of people listening to my cough, iwas hoping the brass section would hurry up as i attempted to hold my breath but the piano was getting into a very gentle wispy section. i tapped my friend on the shoulder and pointed at my throat and then to the stairs . he was about to ask me what was wrong, there was nothing for it but to stand up shamed and bright red. i then had to face the audience and climb the stairs while they all looked at me. it was like climbing everest.

I wont be doing that again in a hurry. serves me right for being so smug.Its the first time id been out in ages.


nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Oh mash you make me laugh "proper posh music concert" LOL!

I know what you mean about coughing though....I just remembered I used to cough all the time...little annoying coughs every 20 minutes or so. I work in a lab where there's quite a few of us in one room...all quiet like, a n a lysing down the microscope. I think I used to annoy all my colleagues and friends. I don't cough like that anymore since giving up!!! How annoying would it have been to hear someone coughing every 20 minutes. If I were me and heard another person doing that I'd have said FFS give up the tabs LOL! What polite people I work for (my peers anyway :)).

Anyway, you're made me laugh out loud mash...I can just imagine you embarrassed and red faced fighting your way out of a posh crowd. I think you deserve to stay smug however as you've done amazingly well not smoking.

Lisa x

P.S. What used to be more embarrasing for me was the glob of green phlegm that used to come up into my mouth sometimes when I sneezed...I used to be constantly in fear that one of these green globs would escape and hit someone. So glad I don't have to worry about that anymore. Was that just me or did other people have this??? Gross I know!!!!!! Even more gross was the fact that, in company I had to swallow it.....let's hear it....ewwwwwwww!!!!

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I live on the second floor of a small two story apartment building, and just about EVERYONE else in the adjacent apartments smokes.

There are many days when, if my window is open, I have to listen to the steady coughing of one or another as they sit outside and smoke. I have one neighbor, in fact, who comes out onto her balcony in the wee hours of the morning (say, 2 a.m.) to have a coughing fit. Why she can't do that inside is beyond comprehension. Nope, she comes outside, and hacks and hacks and hacks. How do I know?

She's loud enough to wake me from a deep sleep = with windows CLOSED.

I may have to move when my lease expires this summer to some kind of non-smoking place.

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

DGee the place where you live sounds awful... I used to live in a flat where the floor was so thin I could here the man taking a wee in the flat upstairs and hear him snoring too. If I had coughs in stereo, I'm not sure I could get much sleep. If monies permit I would seriously start looking for another place to live. Getting insufficient sleep due to insomnia is bad enough if you're quitting, having to put up with other people waking you up from that slumber is even worse (I wanna hit my partner when he snores...let alone a neighbour) LOL!...I had to move flats in the end when said neighbour got a girlfriend who wore her high heels day and night on a wooden floor.

Hope you get some sleep.

Lisa xxx

DGee the place where you live sounds awful... I used to live in a flat where the floor was so thin I could here the man taking a wee in the flat upstairs and hear him snoring too. If I had coughs in stereo, I'm not sure I could get much sleep. If monies permit I would seriously start looking for another place to live. Getting insufficient sleep due to insomnia is bad enough if you're quitting, having to put up with other people waking you up from that slumber is even worse (I wanna hit my partner when he snores...let alone a neighbour) LOL!...I had to move flats in the end when said neighbour got a girlfriend who wore her high heels day and night on a wooden floor.

Hope you get some sleep.

Lisa xxx

Thanks. It is an awful place, which I tend to make excuses for, and you're right - I need to find another place. I think my lease is up in June or July, so I can start looking pretty soon and see what's out there.

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