Is this the right section?: Hi everyone... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Is this the right section?

nsd_user663_8187 profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place but I am in need of some help. I've been smoking for seventeen years now, approximately twenty a day give or take a few and I have tried all sorts to rid myself of this horrible habit. I can tell you things that I have tried; inhaler - this gave me a really sore throat and I had to stop using it, nicotine gum - tasted disgusting and it didn't work for me. Patches - these seemed to have no effect at all. Electronic cigarette - worked for about 3 months but I forgot to order parts for it (the battery's on these only last for about a six weeks before total replacement and the heating element only lasts for about four weeks) and before I knew it I was back up to twenty a day. Now my GP has recommend Champix and from what I've read it seems to be quite good in the battle (apart from a few side effects - strange dreams and the like). I picked up my first batch earlier on this evening and will be starting on them in the morning. Does anyone have any tips or advice that I can put to good use? Thanks for reading. :)

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nsd_user663_8187 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Pork Chop and welcome to the forum, sorry I was not here before. Firstly well done on choosing to quit, it is the best decision. You have obviously tried many ways most of us have tried many times also. I have not tried the Champix, but loads of people around here have and I am sure they will be along to give advice soon.

My advice would be to read the links in some peoples signitures it will really help, post often, that will really help too. It helps to have support at home, but if you don't you will find the people here really helpful and supportive.

So well done on your decision, and keep posting to let us know how you are getting on.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Pork Chop

Baby steps, day by day. I know it's a dead stupid thing to say but try to work though the physical withdrawal and separate the wants from cravings; hopefully this'll help to stop you thinking about the smokes all day.

For me that was part of the key, training myself not to be thinking about cigarettes (or lack of) 24*7.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Porkchop :)

Well done deciding to quit a huge decision for most of us the

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7933 profile image

Hey Pork Chop,

I started Champix on 4th Jan 2010.

Had my last cigarette on 9th Jan 2010.

On 24nd Jan, I stopped taking the 2nd pill in the evening, just taking 1 in the morning. (so followed the suggested doses for the first 21 days)

On 3rd February, I started cutting the pill in half and just take that in the morning. (so, 10 days of following half doses)

I plan on continuing on this qrtr dose for at least a couple of weeks.

As for side effects, only on a couple of occassions have I felt a bit nauseous (for about 10 minutes). However, I've been very tired all through this period ..... Now that's probably not just the pills, but having a 10mth old daughter with ear-infections/colds and teething as well :) :)

Good luck, I hope you find it as successful using Champix as I have... (so far anyway).

PS. One thing I found actually helpful, was going to the pub and having a few drinks as I normailly would once a week and proving that I could be in a very "testing" environment and not cave in... Taking these pills has reduced the cravings so much, it almost feels like cheating, I needed a proper test just to show that I was taking part in this "giving up" as well :) :)


nsd_user663_7571 profile image

Hi Pork Chop, I am going to say nothing but good things about Champix, I have tried every method of giving up, have even considered locking myself in a dark room for 6 months and throwing away the key, I get so bad tempered.

I have just passed the 4 week stage - I have been taking Champix for 5 weeks.

Yes ! I have been smoke and nicotine free for 4 whole weeks, no complaints, all the other times I have tried to stop it has literally ruined my life! almost ending up in a padded cell.

Quitting is a scary thing - but with Champix, remember you have chemical help read as much as you can, I tell everyone to read Never take another puff by Joel Spitzer It took me about a week to read in stages and it helped me understand what nasty Nic was doing to me.

Look forward to reading how you get on.

nsd_user663_8187 profile image

Thank you all very much for the warm welcome and all the advice, it has certainly helped me. I took my first pill this morning and to be honest I've felt a little bit unwell for most of the day but then again I am getting over a chest infection so I might be confusing the two. There has been no impact on the amount I've smoked today but as you've said Stav, day by day. I didn't expect them to start working yet anyways. I'm guessing Champix is like antibiotics, that they take time to build up in your system as you carry on taking them. Billy_Bob_Joe_Ray that's a very good idea about going to the pub, I have read somewhere to stay away from "triggers" (I think that is what they're called) but as Champix works in a different way to NRT it should be ok. Thank you all again for your help. Can I keep posting on this section to keep you all informed of my (hopefully) good progress?

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Thank you all very much for the warm welcome and all the advice, it has certainly helped me. I took my first pill this morning and to be honest I've felt a little bit unwell for most of the day but then again I am getting over a chest infection so I might be confusing the two. There has been no impact on the amount I've smoked today but as you've said Stav, day by day. I didn't expect them to start working yet anyways. I'm guessing Champix is like antibiotics, that they take time to build up in your system as you carry on taking them. Billy_Bob_Joe_Ray that's a very good idea about going to the pub, I have read somewhere to stay away from "triggers" (I think that is what they're called) but as Champix works in a different way to NRT it should be ok. Thank you all again for your help. Can I keep posting on this section to keep you all informed of my (hopefully) good progress?

You can post where you like, but it might be more helpful if you put your posts on the main part of the forum where more people might read them.

nsd_user663_8187 profile image

Ok I will do next time Bevyorks. Sorry but I am none too familiar with internet forums.

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