A little bit chuffed with myself right now :) - No Smoking Day

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A little bit chuffed with myself right now :)

nsd_user663_61198 profile image
11 Replies

I had my first real drink tonight since quitting smoking and I found this site whilst fighting a major craving....... I very almost nearly convinced myself that as Im on champix 1 fag wouldn't hurt because the tablets would stop me wanting to smoke again tomorrow....... As it is Im fighting the Continuing urge to nip and just have one...... Was here last year and one fag turned into 10 months of smoking before I plucked up the courage to quit again...... Yes right now I'd chop my arm off to go and have one but I'm 2 weeks free tomorrow and I'm going to try my damned hardest not to fail again, struggling right now but also dead chuffed I didn't crack...... You have no idea how close I was xxx Any high 5s greatly appreciated :) Hope you are all still being strong xxx

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nsd_user663_61198 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_61153 profile image

I had my first real drink tonight since quitting smoking and I found this site whilst fighting a major craving....... I very almost nearly convinced myself that as Im on champix 1 fag wouldn't hurt because the tablets would stop me wanting to smoke again tomorrow....... As it is Im fighting the Continuing urge to nip and just have one...... Was here last year and one fag turned into 10 months of smoking before I plucked up the courage to quit again...... Yes right now I'd chop my arm off to go and have one but I'm 2 weeks free tomorrow and I'm going to try my damned hardest not to fail again, struggling right now but also dead chuffed I didn't crack...... You have no idea how close I was xxx Any high 5s greatly appreciated :) Hope you are all still being strong xxx

High 5 on its way to you :D:D

Well done on getting this far. Remember there is no such thing as one puff!

You can do this, stay strong :)

nsd_user663_61198 profile image

Yaaaaaay :) Thankyou xxx Yep, you are 100% right! I know if I make an excuse to have one I'll be back to smoking full time again! not only is not smoking easier (no worrying where or when I'll get my next fag) cheaper, healthier and less smelly, my little girl (2) copied me with a crayon....... She's my biggest reason to quit, I remember doing the same with my mum and look at me now xxx I'm staying strong this time for her and for me xxx ooooh also, I bought a new kettle and toaster with fag money, I wanted them for over a year and basically got them for free heheeeeee :) xxx

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Nice one Win, a drink without a fag is a massive step, go you :)

__steve__ profile image

Yes right now I'd chop my arm off to go and have one

A fiver says you wouldn't. I'll need proof before I pay out, though :)

You're doing really well. I went to the pub earlier myself to meet some colleagues.

Like you, I didn't smoke. Hurray to us!

Cheers, Steve

nsd_user663_61198 profile image

Hahaaaaa, yeah maybe not :) yaaaay us indeed - 14 days free today woohoooo xx

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

2 weeks! :D That is absolutely brilliant, well done!

If you are tempted to smoke......just think about all of the hard work, effort and struggle that you have expended over the past two weeks.......you wouldn't wan to throw it all away, would you? You would have to start all over again. :(

You might think that you could chop your arm off for a fag, but you wouldn't actually feel any better if you had a fag........you would feel physically ill, your head would feel like it was going to expode and you would smell horrible.:o You would also feel so disappointed with yourself for having been so weak.

Yep, I'm mean..........but honestly....don't have a fag....it would be a total let down for you, physically and mentally.



nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Blimey, I would have taken someone else's arm off, not my own! But there again I've always been a selfish moo LOL.

I don't know how much was explained to you about Champix, but allegedly there is no point having a cig whilst on the tablets as the receptors have been cut off, so not only will you have blown two weeks of hard work, you wouldn't get "anything" out of it either - I can honestly say, that is the only reason I didn't "try" and smoke for the first couple of weeks into my quit, then I got my lightbulb moment and never want to smoke again anyway :cool: Basically, what I'm saying is this is the perfect nose/face scenario - DON'T DO IT:p

nsd_user663_61198 profile image

Thanks all xxx I really hope I can crack it this time, I managed 48 days last year and then another 14 days but then I gave in, not this time :) xxxx well done all of you...... Can I ask a question..... Do you still crave? I'd quit for 48 days and the cravings at times were still so strong xxx

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I quit using Champix and I don't think I could have done it without them.

The fact is the 'craves' become weaker and weaker until they really don't bother you at all. You have to dig in when the going gets tough and stick with it. You will get your rewards believe me. You can do this, I did, and if I can do it, anyone can:)

nsd_user663_61198 profile image

I'm also using champix, I would never have lasted even 24hrs without it, patches etc just didn't work, these tablets are pure gold in my eyes, but every now and again I feel edgy and stressed, but I remember feeling the same last year, ended up giving in and buying 10, had 1 and the feeling was still there so I won't be making the same mistake this time xxxx I can't wait to be where you are, then I'll truly know I've cracked it :) xxx

nsd_user663_61198 profile image

I'll mention it to my smoking advisor on Friday, it could very well be them rather than "cravings" making me edgy, now I've cracked the initial quit I think going to half might help me, I just stopped taking the tablets last year, I'd prefer not to come off them completely just yet his time xxx

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