i have a craving for a cig so bad right now - No Smoking Day

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i have a craving for a cig so bad right now

nsd_user663_2762 profile image
11 Replies

i need a cig.

i need a cig.

i need a cig.

i seem my fiance smoking and usually it doesn't bother me but it looked so nice and i have had a craving for 3 days now so that was just the icing on the cake.

nothing is helping. my reasons for not smoking arent helping.

i need a cig.

five full weeks and i need a cig. :mad:

what a jip x x x

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nsd_user663_2762 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Est, honey, just saw this - please tell me you're still there fighting!! :confused:

Maybe crying your eyes out or screaming in a pillow but please tell me you're still smoke-free... you've come such a long way, don't let the nic monster speak for you now Est, trust me this moment WILL GO AWAY! You are a strong young lady and you can win this battle!!!!

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

awww honey thank you.

don't worry im still not smoking. the only reason that is keeping me from smoking is that i have come so far and i know the disapointment would be far worse than any craving would be.

see, my head is talking sense so why wont my stupid adiction listen?

i have been in the bath. i am gonna make a hot chocolate and my fiance is going to give me a massage.

then im gonna go to bed and hope that tommorrow will be better.

so gutted that after 5 weeks the craving is still so strong. :mad:

when will it get better?

it.is.such.a.jip :eek:

x x

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

omg there you are :) *Phew*

nice plans honey, a bath and a massage can do miracles and going to sleep will set you free from this nasty craving - tomorrow not only it will be gone but you'll be SO amazingly proud of yourself!

Things are already starting to get better Est, don't let a few bad days ruin the mood of the quit for you, the addiction is hard but it can be won and you are well on your way up to that penthouse! When we start feeling better and really settling in our smokeless new life a craving will leave us breathless because we're not expecting it, but they become fewer and less intense - personally I don't remember when my last craving was...but I am going through some very hard situations at work these days and the idea of a cigarette was this morning a mere "thought" that I managed to dismiss within a minute ;)

Chin up girl!!! HUGS x x x

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

awww thanks hun. that really helps that you havent had a bad craving since your quit!

i can do it if i know it will eventually go away but i guess it just shocked me beacuse i havent had a bad craving for a couple of weeks now and i (stupidly) thought i was free!!!!!

i guess all these years of smoking aint gonna just go away that easily. :rolleyes:

i actually feel a little better now. the craving is still there but it isnt as intense.

well done on getting so far by the way!!!!! go, girl!!!! :D



nsd_user663_2162 profile image

aw thanks hun :o x x x

Trust me none of us would manage to win the addiction and stay smoke-free if the cravings didn't come to an end :eek: The trick is to sort of never be caught off guard, it doesn't mean you have to live like walking on eggshells though, just to learn the signs, know what triggers your craving and avoid it like the plague - stay focused a little while longer because the addiction can fake a death pretty well convincingly and then choke you when you least expect it :D ....You are doing so well, and this episode will only make you stronger, you'll see! :) x x x

nsd_user663_2707 profile image


Did you read my post from a couple of days ago.? I too am 5 and a half weeks in and ive craved this week like im back on week one!!!

Its so bad i know,i too feel disappointed like you,it seems to be never ending!!

I just wanted you to know youre not on your own:)

Keep on keepin on, im right there with ya:)

Take care,Lisa xx

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

awww hun you are a star.

thank you so much.

you have no idea how much your support means to my quit. i seriously would have been smoking by now if it wasnt for the forum!!!! :p

well im off to bed and when i wake up tommorrow it will be a new day with no craving in sight!!!! LOL :rolleyes:


x x x x x x x x x

nsd_user663_2762 profile image


Did you read my post from a couple of days ago.? I too am 5 and a half weeks in and ive craved this week like im back on week one!!!

Its so bad i know,i too feel disappointed like you,it seems to be never ending!!

I just wanted you to know youre not on your own:)

Keep on keepin on, im right there with ya:)

Take care,Lisa xx

hey hun. just seen your post. thank you. :D

its a bloody nightmare. was doing so well and them bamm!!!!! bites you right on the arse!!!!!!!

nice to know we're at the same stage hun.

you will have to keep in touch how you are doing!!!!!!

im gonna go to bed now but chat tomoz if you're around.

if we both keep strong then we aint letting each other down!!!! :D

nite hunnie.

x x x x x x x

nsd_user663_2707 profile image

Well elvis,

Tomorrow is another day-onwards and upwards!!!...again:rolleyes:

Keep strong and we'll keep each other posted ok?

Lisa xx

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

hey bou and lisa. i am very happy today!!!! :D

i left work early to come home to chocolates, roses and cocktails. My fiance is in the kitchen ,cooking up chef type food - stuffed peppers, serlion steak with fresh peppercorn sauce and pinapple and banna baked merangue pudding.

how bloody lucky am i?????

and very guilty cause i just got him a card!!!!!! but in my defense, daz cheated cause we said we werent going to do anything this year!!!!

how you doing today lisa?

my cravings have been better today. last night was awful. :rolleyes:

thank you for your support guys, you will never know how helpful it is to my quit.

x x x x x x x x x

nsd_user663_2707 profile image

Hi boudee and elvis,

Not had too bad a day today,been quite busy...ya know....getting me nails done,drinking coffee...that sort of thing:rolleyes:

Im hanging on in there cos i know this will pass and then we'll be ok elv...ok?

Hope youve had a lovely valentines day elvis,it sounds like heaven where you are...enjoy!!!

Boudee,thanks for checking in,youre a star:)

Another day under the non smoking belt!!!

Day 39 tomorrow,see u all then,Lisa xx

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