Been to doc not good: I went to the doctor... - No Smoking Day

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Been to doc not good

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
34 Replies

I went to the doctor this morning it was just an appointment she had asked me to make when I saw her 4 weeks ago regarding me stopping smoking.

I don't know if anyone else has had this but I get very breathless very easy. I told the doc about this and she got me to blow this thing which registered 430 first time and 450 second time. She said I should be registering 470 and thinks I may have cronic bronchitis from smoking. I have to go back in a few weeks and be tested by the nurse, this means having wires all over me. So we will wait and see what happens.

Has this happened to any of you guys?


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nsd_user663_7235 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Sorry to hear this Jack. I am afraid I have never seen a doc about stopping smoking (except OH of course). I am sure others will be along with lots of wonderful advice, just wanted to show support, you must be feeling a bit worried, however the fact that they are willing to leave this for a few weeks means that it can't be that serious, or surely they would be doing something immediatly.

Stay strong and sending a big hug.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Bev, after 52 years of smoking if this is the only thing I have to worry about I think I am getting off light compared to others. I think the main reason they are not doing anything for a few weeks is the nurse wont be back until after Feb. But as you say if they were worried they would do something sooner.

Thanks for the support, is the OH a doctor?

Jack xx

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hi Jack, I didnt, but part of my stop smoking issue was a chronic cough and breathlessness. I expected it to clear up after I quit but instead it got worse. I ended up with a huge chest infection a few weeks in, then antibiotics, then it went eventually. I suppose i'm saying this could be an after effect, you are under the doctor and as bev said, they've not called you in straight away so fingers crossed you will be all right xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Fiona I'm Glad things cleared up for you. It looks like you are now getting very close to 1 year, very well done.

As I said I'm not too worried about this because it's only suspected and has not been proved yet. As you said it could be a side effect of smoking so long and maybe the lungs will clear eventually.

Thanks for you help.:)

Jack x

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Bev, after 52 years of smoking if this is the only thing I have to worry about I think I am getting off light compared to others. I think the main reason they are not doing anything for a few weeks is the nurse wont be back until after Feb. But as you say if they were worried they would do something sooner.

Thanks for the support, is the OH a doctor?

Jack xx

Yes he is, but an orthopaedic surgeon, so dealing with broken bones rather than anything useful for stopping smoking. Quite handy to have on the skiing holiday tho.:D

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

I went to the doctor this morning it was just an appointment she had asked me to make when I saw her 4 weeks ago regarding me stopping smoking.

I don't know if anyone else has had this but I get very breathless very easy. I told the doc about this and she got me to blow this thing which registered 430 first time and 450 second time. She said I should be registering 470 and thinks I may have cronic bronchitis from smoking. I have to go back in a few weeks and be tested by the nurse, this means having wires all over me. So we will wait and see what happens.

Has this happened to any of you guys?


Hiya Jack, was the thing you blew into called a peak flow? If so, you got a better score than me because mine is usually about 250 on a good day. It may be a different thing - did a little needle thing move on the outside of the tube and then she zero'd it and told you to have another try?

I agree with the others if it was anything serious that they could do anything about they wouldn't hesitate to have you in there and do it. They dont take any chances these days with all this litigation thingie.

Did you see the other thread where some of us have decided to smoke again when we are 70? Although when I confessed that was only 7 years away for me they increased my "have a fag" date to 90 - so thats what I'm looking forward to now, is being 90!!

I get out of breath too but look at it this way Jack, what damage (if any)we've done, we've done, too late to worry about it now. We enjoyed all those years of smoking and now whatever will be, will be. Remember that song? Onwards and upwards Jack, we will be fine, try not to worry sweetie. xxxx Love and hugs xxxx :)

nsd_user663_4256 profile image

Hi Jack

Can't comment much on your doctor's visit because I have no idea... but I agree that if they were worried, they'd have you back sooner... just wanted to show you support and hope that you don't worry too much.

The positive thing is that if you were smoking - this would be so much worse...

Keep smiling :)

Rachael x

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Jack.

Sorry to hear about your appointment today. It's probably just a routine check to make sure everythings well for you.:)

I had to have the puffer test when I had a chest infection, I think it is called Lung function or something like that. I don't know what my figures were.

After that I had to have a puffer test done twice a day. Once fist thing in the morning when you get up and once in the evening before you go to bed for 2 weeks.

The test I had to do was to find out if I had asthma or whether it was just an infection.

I don't know if this is a help for you or not.

Ju xx:confused:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

The road to freedom is full of ciggy buts and burnt matches

Hi Jack dont worry my friend is lucky to get to 150 and she still smokes hers will get worse and yours will get better to soon for improvement yet

I am going tomorrow so will let you know what I get probably a slap from nurse hey ho at least we have stopped and still stopping

New poem posting in a mo comments very much appreciated LOL

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Jack,

Can be so many things little things. I managed to knacker my lungs smoking following my PEs, they're only starting to improve now.

There's a lot of crud we've put in ourselves over the years. Also there's a higher rate of chesty things (from what I gather) due to the extended cold periods we've had this year. That's unlikely to be a good mix on smoke free lungs, causes a shock to the system.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hey Jack,

I used to have asthma and was made to do flow readings regularly when I was younger. 450 isn't as bad as the doc is making you think, its low definately but you smoked for a long time, so your lungs are never gonna be in top condition i guess.

I used to get in between 400 and 500 as an asthmatic and I was in my 20s and functioning fine.

anyway heres the normal values - Peak Flow adult averagesl

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Sorry to hear about that Jack... Hope all goes well and keep us posted...

You are an inspiration


nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hi Jack,

Sorry to hear about your doctors appointment today, i'm sure there is nothing to worry about. Keep positive and strong.

Lots of hugs


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hi Jack,

The score you got on the peak flow meter isn't all that bad, so I am sure they are erring on the side of caution. That said, any breathlessness should be investigated so you've done the right thing in letting your doctor know.

Whatever happens, I am sure it will all be resolved :)

Sending lots of positive force your way Jack.

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Jack sweetheart I hope you feel better real soon.

Quitting can give us some horrible side effects our bodies are going through quite a shock.

Keep positive love

Hugs (dont tell Viv)


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Jack sweetheart I hope you feel better real soon.

Quitting can give us some horrible side effects our bodies are going through quite a shock.

Keep positive love

Hugs (dont tell Viv)


I'm just having a look round the corner to see if Viv is there. with our bodies going through all these side effects the last thing we need is a side effect from Vivienne. It's okay Lorna coast is clear. :D:D

Jack xx and hug shh!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Thank you all very much just like you all said I don't think it's anything to worry about. I think I'm in more danger if Viv finds out about Lorna.

Seriously I more really wanted to know if any of you have had the same problem.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Did you see the other thread where some of us have decided to smoke again when we are 70? Although when I confessed that was only 7 years away for me they increased my "have a fag" date to 90 - so thats what I'm looking forward to now, is being 90!!

Hi my sweet twin how are you my love? oops sorry forgot I'm suppost to be discrete on here. Okay right nobody saw that let's start again.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:cool::cool:

Can we not make the age for smoking again 80 then it's half way between 70 and 90. plus the fags will not be so much money. I'm going to do what Viv suggested (no you bad minded lot it's not get a room) it's buy loads of fags now and keep them until then so they wont cost so much. Wait I have a better idea I won't start smoking again I'll keep the fags till then and sell them to all you 80 rear olds for a high price. Who said I'm not an entrepreneur see you all when you're 80.

Must tell you this and it is true. One of my pupils told me her friends Granny died recently at the grand age of 106. She smoked right up till the day she died, her family said it was the smoking that killed her. True story guys.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Hey Jack, Dont worry to much sure all will be fine, Was sure to be some downs from smoking, but all will be uphill now am positive...... ;) Kaz x

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Must tell you this and it is true. One of my pupils told me her friends Granny died recently at the grand age of 106. She smoked right up till the day she died, her family said it was the smoking that killed her. True story guys.

Jack xx

Very very good......:D

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Jack, as you, and others, have said, I doubt it's anything to worry about. With all this weather hot then cold, I know of no end of people coming down with all sorts of ailments to the chest and throats.

Good to see you are in high spirits, and you are of course doing the very best thing for shortness of breath by not smoking, well done you, beat them to it before the diagnosis. And of course having the satisfaction of saying No, when they ask you if you smoke.

Keep smiling,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

And of course having the satisfaction of saying No, when they ask you if you smoke.


I absolutely love that bit "I might wheeze but I don't smoke"

Jack xx

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

My son, for some reason, gets a chest infection every year almost to the day. When they test his lung capacity at its worst it's usually about 250. Normally it's 600 so I think your's seems pretty good!!! I've been having a blow on it now and then since quitting and I've gone from 300 to 450. Not sure how that reads because I know your height and sex come into it, but at least it's an improvement!!!

I actually had a proper belly laugh the other day and it sounded normal...not just one long wheeze which ended in coughing and spluttering half me lungs up!!! :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

I went to the doctor this morning it was just an appointment she had asked me to make when I saw her 4 weeks ago regarding me stopping smoking.

I don't know if anyone else has had this but I get very breathless very easy. I told the doc about this and she got me to blow this thing which registered 430 first time and 450 second time. She said I should be registering 470 and thinks I may have cronic bronchitis from smoking. I have to go back in a few weeks and be tested by the nurse, this means having wires all over me. So we will wait and see what happens.

Has this happened to any of you guys?


Hi Jack :D

Please try not to worry to much we're much of an age you and I and I have my breathing xhecked every so ofter and chest xrays my xrays are now clear

My breathing test is now normal at about 473 I think last time I went I had been a smoker for over 50 years

Yours will no doubt improve a lot more when you have been quit longer mine took a while as well now I seldom get breathless and recently did a 12 mile round trip walk at least half of which was uphill without getting breathless

Chin up Jack it just keep getting better


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Isn't it funny how things work, I put this thread on here about going to the doctor and today I am finding when I cough without going into details I am bringing stuff up. Maybe the old chest is clearing otherwise feeling good. Okay off to help the newbies who's coming with me.

Jack :)

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

If I recall your lungs clear between 1 and 9 months along with sinuses etc. Sounds like you're going through an early spring clean!

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Oh I really do hope so I've been needing a good pull through for years.

Can you tell me where that expression comes from?


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Oh I really do hope so I've been needing a good pull through for years.

Can you tell me where that expression comes from?


What expression's that?

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

A good pull through.


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Jack my sweet.....bring up stuff (euck) is GOOD.....excellent news

I worried as I dodnt get this but then got a cold at New year and the muck I produced was awful (he he)

Keep on keeping on my friend xx

nsd_user663_7750 profile image

When I was in the army 'a pull through' was cleaning the barrel of your weapon with lint on cord, but it was also used in a joking manner meaning 'I need a dump'. :p

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

When I was in the army 'a pull through' was cleaning the barrel of your weapon with lint on cord, but it was also used in a joking manner meaning 'I need a dump'. :p

Kermit you are exactly correct with the first meaning the other meaning was your system needs a good clean out. :D:D

I would give you the 1st prize but it's 1,000 cigarettes and you won't want that.


nsd_user663_7750 profile image

Here is a prize for you instead:D

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Kermit you are exactly correct with the first meaning the other meaning was your system needs a good clean out. :D:D

I would give you the 1st prize but it's 1,000 cigarettes and you won't want that.


Please may I claim the 1st prize then Jack? And I'm only part-joking but ya gotta work out which part ha ha. but send my prize anyway, k? xxx love n hugs. xx

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