Disappointment from Doc!: Hey guys... Just... - No Smoking Day

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Disappointment from Doc!

nsd_user663_10024 profile image
12 Replies

Hey guys...

Just thought I would share my view on my appointment last night with the doc. Some of you will agree with him and those of you who have read Allen carr's The Easy Way will not.

I went see the doctor simply because last time I was doing really well on my quit and gave in to the anger - meaning it made me so depressed that I kept snapping that I thought it better to smoke that to be a witch for the rest of my life and so I caved. Well since then I read Allen Carr and am now on day 6 of this quit. The only thing that worries me is the irritation and snappy part of me that I know is on its way and wanted the doctor to give me advice regarding that. He didnt really know much about it (he said so himself) although he was keen on telling me how many people fail to stop (!?), basically was trying to get me to start taking Zyban (which as you know requires you to smoke whilst on it and that is something I dont want to do) and then suggested gum and inhalers, i mean the last thing I (personally) want is anything that has nicotine in it!! I even suggested to him some of the things I had heard from this forum i.e. B6 vitamins or herbal remedies and he kind of agreed and that was it....Is that the best help us quitters can expect these days?

Well my conclusion was to just keep at it, I dont want NRT because for me it just prolongs the process...at the end of the day you still need to come off the NRT at some point and the the psychological games will still start so I would rather get it over with....it seems determination, willpower, this forum and probably B6 will get me through this!!


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nsd_user663_10024 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_10279 profile image


I didn't think I could go CT for quitting so am using patches and gum. My mood has been brilliant throughout, but maybe that's cos I am still getting my hit of nicotine.

Am 2 months into my quit, and for the last couple of days have not been putting a patch on until at least after lunch - so am winding myself down to coming off of them...

To be honest I feel ok about it...don't actiually feel any different by not having a patch on. In fact this morning was the first time I hadn't thought about having a fag when I got up....(realised I hadn't missed it somewhile afterwards).

Everyone is different, but I have been more than positive with the patches and gum....and am now confident about lowering my doseage and coming off of them.

Keep up the good work


nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Yes you are right Nicki everyone is so different, we all use completely different methods don’t we!? I used patches last time and felt great but one week after coming off them it all went down hill for me that’s why this time I going without. I just need to deal with the brainwashing part of things now!

Well done on getting to two months that’s brilliant! I envy you! I can’t wait to get there, I am only on my first week! Fingers crossed!

PS – Are you using patches and gum or one or the other?

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hey guys...

Just thought I would share my view on my appointment last night with the doc. Some of you will agree with him and those of you who have read Allen carr's The Easy Way will not.

I went see the doctor simply because last time I was doing really well on my quit and gave in to the anger - meaning it made me so depressed that I kept snapping that I thought it better to smoke that to be a witch for the rest of my life and so I caved. Well since then I read Allen Carr and am now on day 6 of this quit. The only thing that worries me is the irritation and snappy part of me that I know is on its way and wanted the doctor to give me advice regarding that. He didnt really know much about it (he said so himself) although he was keen on telling me how many people fail to stop (!?), basically was trying to get me to start taking Zyban (which as you know requires you to smoke whilst on it and that is something I dont want to do) and then suggested gum and inhalers, i mean the last thing I (personally) want is anything that has nicotine in it!! I even suggested to him some of the things I had heard from this forum i.e. B6 vitamins or herbal remedies and he kind of agreed and that was it....Is that the best help us quitters can expect these days?

Well my conclusion was to just keep at it, I dont want NRT because for me it just prolongs the process...at the end of the day you still need to come off the NRT at some point and the the psychological games will still start so I would rather get it over with....it seems determination, willpower, this forum and probably B6 will get me through this!!



You are right and you should choose the method you feel comfy with ... remember lots of people have multiple quits and multiple Failures ..most importantly you are trying again. The moods and various other symptoms will always be there no matter which you choose, but i am sure you will deal with them with them better this time. good luck not that you will need it this time as you are gonna quit this addiction and you know it :)

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Hey Bradders!

I do hope you are right! I was gutted when I bought that pack of cigarettes and started my filthy habit for another week! I didn’t want to smoke (and that’s the truth-I was even sad as I actually smoked it as I didn’t want to) I just wanted the “depression” to go away. Not this time though, I am following the “never take another puff” because that’s the only way to be successful at this. Allen Carr has helped me and I also find that whyquit.com (Joel’s library) is brilliant.

Sometimes when I actually realise the scale of the struggle I have ahead of me I stop, take a deep breath and think “wow” lol …sounds a little drastic right? Not after reading that book, little did I realise how bad the drug addiction really was. Such a shame so many of us fall into the trap of becoming hooked! xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Yes you are right Nicki everyone is so different, we all use completely different methods don’t we!? I used patches last time and felt great but one week after coming off them it all went down hill for me that’s why this time I going without. I just need to deal with the brainwashing part of things now!

Well done on getting to two months that’s brilliant! I envy you! I can’t wait to get there, I am only on my first week! Fingers crossed!

PS – Are you using patches and gum or one or the other?

I don't think it matters how you do it, as long as you do!

Keep going, it is HARD work, and will never be easy...but take one day at a time...

I'm down to using the 5mg patches and gum...but even am not having so much of the gum lately

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi I’m not sure what to say about the Docs advice or lack of it, what we do need to remember is that Docs knew very little about the dangers of smoking and well into the 60s some even encouraged it for nerves etc, now they know what it does but very little about the quitting side of things, so as time goes by and more people quit they will become more educated but until then we must put up with their lack of knowledge.

By the time they have the knowledge it will be too late as most of the population will have quit hopefully.

So feeling the way you do and especially the anger which he doesn’t know how to deal with, the only thing he has to offer you is the regimented drugs that again the drug companies are pushing on him, every time we go docs now we are offered a drug which is not always guaranteed to cure us and sometimes will create more problems which in turn fill the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies as then we need more drugs to counteract the first ones and so on it goes.

You I am afraid have come in at the start of a quit knowing that the last time you quit you were angry and therefore await the anger in this quit as well, but it is not a symptom of quitting it is only a reaction from you of quitting, so maybe you show anger at other points in your life but have a cig and it seemed to calm you down, but as you cannot smoke and quit the remedy is to control the anger, exercise or yoga is a good dissolver of serotonin which when increased in the brain after quitting smoking can send some people overboard with anger.

So if you cannot or don’t want to do this exercise route then go back to docs and ask for anger management classes they are free and could help you to combat these feelings, or just back off from every one explaining that you are quitting and hope they understanding and give you the support you need.

Just remember these feeling will i promise lift as all the chemicals and nerve endings in your body get back to normal levels, make sure you stay hydrated and eat healthily as we need a balanced nutritional diet to cleanse our systems, feel free to pm if you want to chat.

Take care and keep strong, better to be an angry healthy none smoker than a calm sick smoker.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


You do exactly what you need to do to get you through this quit.....what ever works for you is right for you. If there was a magic wand and one straight answer then we would have all done it years ago.

Whatever you choose there will be dark days....but grit your teeth and get through them...as each one passes you are stronger, and it really does get easier I promise.

Best of luck my lovely

L xx

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Thans guys for your good luck wishes, i do love this forum. :) Although I have support from my partner, nothing beats speaking to people who are going through and have been through the same! So thanks everyone! :D


nsd_user663_9067 profile image

I wish you all the best with your quit. I didnt ask my Dr for advice as he's a smoker and to be honest you would probably get much better advice off here than from the medical profession (no offence I truly respect the NHS and its workers) except when it comes to smoking. The only people qualified to advise you are the one's who have done it! I know of many doctors and nurses who themselves are chainy's so hardly qualified to help you in your quest to be free!

I used patches for a week and when I told the cessation lady I had been to see that I didnt want them anymore she said "Oh I'm very dubious about this, you are bound to wake up and want a smoke one day and you wont have your therapy to help you". I just told her I wanted rid of nicotene as it was nicotene that had made me a cigarette junky in the 1st place! She wasn't happy, probably had targets to meet, but I promised her I'd come and blow into her carbon monoxide machine after 12 weeks. My OH bumped into an old friend from school a month or so ago, he got talking about smoking and how we'd both quit, she said she had tried and failed, she didnt like the inhalors and couldn't resist at weekends when she drank. "where are you working these days?" my OH asked.......'I'm a smoking cessation advisor' she replied.

I think NRT is great for some people, a few relatives have had long term success on the patches. cold turkey requires a steel will and you just gotta dig deep coz it's only you who can fight it, I have had anger issues, it's weird because not smoking has helped my PMT no end but I get occasional flushing in my cheeks and an overwhelming angry feeling, it is getting better, body is adjusting now, but I did nearly fail as i thought I'm better off smoking and being a nice person than a jekyll and hyde, there isnt a cure, just have a glass of water, deep breath in and it will pass. It must have been bad as OH said I only had to look at him in a certain way and he would stand in front of the cutlery drawer he he!

The internet is the best therapy I have had, this site and Whyquit, theres enough info on there to keep us busy and personally I dont know now how I ever got the chance to smoke I now spend most evenings topping up my smoking education!

It really is the good fight and the rewards are plentiful, if you really want to do it ANYONE can do it. There is even a woman on here who's mum has quit and she is in her 70's, I totally admire this and only wish I could encourage all my family members to do the same although thats another story!

Good luck to you!xx

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hi I’m not sure what to say about the Docs advice or lack of it, what we do need to remember is that Docs knew very little about the dangers of smoking and well into the 60s some even encouraged it for nerves etc, now they know what it does but very little about the quitting side of things, so as time goes by and more people quit they will become more educated but until then we must put up with their lack of knowledge.

By the time they have the knowledge it will be too late as most of the population will have quit hopefully.

So feeling the way you do and especially the anger which he doesn’t know how to deal with, the only thing he has to offer you is the regimented drugs that again the drug companies are pushing on him, every time we go docs now we are offered a drug which is not always guaranteed to cure us and sometimes will create more problems which in turn fill the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies as then we need more drugs to counteract the first ones and so on it goes.

You I am afraid have come in at the start of a quit knowing that the last time you quit you were angry and therefore await the anger in this quit as well, but it is not a symptom of quitting it is only a reaction from you of quitting, so maybe you show anger at other points in your life but have a cig and it seemed to calm you down, but as you cannot smoke and quit the remedy is to control the anger, exercise or yoga is a good dissolver of serotonin which when increased in the brain after quitting smoking can send some people overboard with anger.

So if you cannot or don’t want to do this exercise route then go back to docs and ask for anger management classes they are free and could help you to combat these feelings, or just back off from every one explaining that you are quitting and hope they understanding and give you the support you need.

Just remember these feeling will i promise lift as all the chemicals and nerve endings in your body get back to normal levels, make sure you stay hydrated and eat healthily as we need a balanced nutritional diet to cleanse our systems, feel free to pm if you want to chat.

Take care and keep strong, better to be an angry healthy none smoker than a calm sick smoker.

Thanks for this jam

Good to re-read , had some stress times recently and exercise really is the answer, with that in mind going to the gym this evening

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Hey Shelly brill post!Thanks!

Yeah my OH says the same about the look must just be a female thing ;) I think he knows now...when I start to breathe fire....I need space! :D

As for the smoking cessation peeps, what a shame, IMO smokers shouldn't be allowed to do that job, dont want to offend anyone and i'm not discriminating but its so hypocritical that.....not only that the main thing is its not helping smokers who want to quit or newly ex-smokers fighting the battle...doesnt send out the right image and message. You are right though, this forum is more than enough, and constant research online!

I have mentioned in here before, its my birthday on Sunday, between Friday and Monday two of my outings will include alcohol with the girls :) and although I know its going to be difficult and the cravings harder I also know they will pass. Strangely enough too, if I stay on vodka (my fave) the cravings arent as bad and bonus I never get a hangover but if I have wine its like I start to lose will power and really crave the nicotine (also wake up in the morning very unhuman like lol). So obviously I will be on vodka! :D

nsd_user663_9067 profile image

Yes you did mention your birthday, I just had mine last Sunday and no I didn't feel ready for a big social occasion as I know what I am like with too much alcohol, it is a mind altering drug as well, even more so than cigs and the temptation would have been too strong.

I am too committed to my quit to risk at the moment, although vodka and coke my favourite drink EVER he he!

Just lay off the wine, and before you go out just remind yourself it is just 1 night out, quitting smoking is forever and not worth even a single drag!

Eeek listen to me nagging, I was the biggest party animal in my day, but prefer a much more sombre lifestyle now!

I used to think thaty quitting smoking would make me boring but I actually like the new me, I'm sharper, wittier, take no nonsense and so much more focused.

You can do it, you know it's worth it xx

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